Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54507 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #120: December 05, 2019, 10:38:07 AM »

Roleplay from Alyssa Kingsley


"The lute had me confuse you for a bard, not a jester" the young knight barbed at him.  Oh he is quite fun Maron thought to himself as he watched the knight lie to him about his own tender heart.

"Oh she is in Sir, I had the pleasure of waking her this morning. Seeing her tender face with the dawn is one of the greatest pleasures of my life.  She is most spirited when she arises." He said with a wink. He paused for a beat before continuing.  "And her voice so full of life as she calls my name!  'Maron!' she cried out to me this morning.  It was more music than anything I could play, Sir."  The knight just stared at him as another smile began to form.  "Her aim though is lousy." he offered, having had his fun.  "The slipper she threw in my direction at the doorway did not even come close to me.  A wound, to be honest, that she would even consider to strike this humble singer who only seeks to bring her joy, but the spirit in her voice as she chastised me for playing for her before the sunrise was worth any wound, Sir."

The knight said nothing, but looked annoyed as Maron continued on.  Perhaps that is enough for today.  "In any case, Sir, I am indeed in her service.  Maron is my name and entertainment and pleasure is my trade.  I am sure you have heard my songs, I have grown quite popular here in the city.  Have you heard "The Lady in White?"  It is of course about our fair lady, and written by yours truly, and is often loved by the smallfolk.  Not so much among the noble crowds though, but no matter.  A dozen coins are the same whether given by twelve peasants or one noble."

The group of logistics officers that Maron had spotted on their way to the tower earlier this morning were making their way down from Alyssa's solar.  Nemean seemed to shift somewhat uncomfortably as the guards informed him that it would be just a few minutes more as the Imperatrix prepared for her next meeting. Poor fool Maron thought.

"Well Sir Nemean JeVondair" Maron began once more.  "It was a pleasure to meet you Sir.  I look forward to our legendary duel for our beloved lady's heart.  I wish you the best of luck, though I am determined to be the victor.  As a gentleman I will grant you a boon to more even the field, perhaps it will make it interesting."

He dropped his jolly demeanor and spoke to Nemean with a plainer, more serious tone.  "Lady Alyssa has a heart of ice.  She left it behind to lighten the load she bears for the realm.  And  it was left buried and hidden in the snow for so long it will take the brightest of flames to warm it.  She needs joy, Sir, desperately.  What the nobles of this brave realm did to her is an inexcusable crime.  To burden one so young and bright with such grave responsibility."

And then he gave an extravagant bow.  "I am playing tonight at the Lion's Den in the city as well Sir.  All are welcome!" He announced jauntily to the knight, soldiers, servants and officers who scurried about.