Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 53363 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #135: December 30, 2019, 11:13:07 AM »
She did not disappoint.

Roleplay from Alyssa Kingsley

First Founding

Alyssa watched the ceremony from her position behind the king. Mounted atop Starlight and at the forefront of the other mounted knights and captains of the Golden Lions who had gathered from their preparations to ride home to watch the King and his knights forming their historic pact. She wore her usual white cloak and stoic expression, but she felt an overwhelming surge of pride as she watched the young knights swear their oaths to the King.

Kay himself looked stronger today. His visage still marked by the viciousness of death, but he seemed more confident. She worried over him, the white stone in his eye an ever pressing reminder of her failure, but today she could not worry. Today the grim expressions and distant gazes were gone, in their place was the man who lead her through knighthood, who taught her the true meaning of honour and wisdom. Who tempered her at her worst and encouraged her to do her best. Many had expressed their doubts to her after his return but she could see that despite everything he was still the same King he had always been, wise and true, and proud and brave.

She watched the knights one by one take their knee and say their oaths. She smiled slightly to herself, remembering her own knighting. It seemed so long ago, in another world. A different person, a simple fair-haired girl who had no idea what she had just sworn, or what she would have to do to keep that promise. She wondered if they knew what she didn't.

After the others the one named Marshal took his own knee. /How odd for him/ She thought. /Swearing fealty to that which for so long he sought to destroy./ She considered him for a moment. She hoped for him as well. The poor man had seemed so confused. About Perdan, about her, and about himself. Alyssa knew he could be a true knight, but he had been stumbling blindly in the dark. She had failed him so far, but perhaps he had found the way now, as he knelt before the truest King she knew.

He looked up and around slightly, looking for her. She gave a single nod as their eyes met and Alyssa felt what she hoped was understanding. /The doorway is open Sir./ She thought to herself. The Path of Truth lie on the other side. She hoped he was ready.