Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54531 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #165: January 22, 2021, 02:51:03 PM »
Roleplay from the player of Pandora de Pooh

Bescanon River

The galloping of Nemean’s steed was barely heard amongst the rush of life. As they drew near, Tig nervously puts down his brush and stood up out of respect for Nemean. He turned around and fully bowed. Careful to not break Pandora’s deep concentration, a quiet panic overtakes Tig, whether or not to alert his Lady of Nemean’s presence. Pandora thinks nothing of this, anticipating Tig to bring her a wet brush from the bucket set aside next to the easels piled on top of a old picnic blanket on flat ground.

Tig looks over to her anxiously in a whisper, “Lady Pandora.”

Pandora’s eyebrows lowered expecting criticism of her brush strokes, the pitch of her voice raises in a whine, “I know, it looks strange but it’s one color! Look, maybe if I add something else to it.” She digs her brush into the reddish diluted paint, and a slip of the brush brashly flings the soft color all over her canvas unprecedented.

Tig was mortified, he called out to her again his preadolescent voice cracked, “Lady Pandora.”

Pandora was overjoyed, the color of her cheeks deepened from the inflection of Tig’s voice and the blunder she has made. Looking over to Tig she realized the terrified look on his face, with his entire body facing rigidly at the tall man with cautious emerald eyes.

“Lady Pandora?” A gingerly taken step found his boot upon the lush grass. “For a moment, you had me confuse the oak for an apple tree. You shine with health having such rosy cheeks.”

Turning her ear to a strange and unfamiliar voice, Pandora was curious to meet this person. She stood up in a hurry half-hazardously leaving the palette onto the stool and walks toward him carefully up the hill, as to not trip over the large boulders and pebbles, to get a better view of him. Her eyes widened with a warm greeting despite the lines seen stretching from her chapped lips, “You must be the priest.. Nemean?”

As the colors of the palette start to ooze off the board Tig catches this before it happens.

Being much shorter, Pandora looks up at Nemean in awe, she had not expected a priest to be this gallant. His lengthy dark blonde hair and build made him to look more like a warrior than a priest, one whom no longer a participant in wars. She motions for him to come patiently, “Tig this is my friend Nemean.”

Pandora turns to Nemean with a smile thinking of adjectives to describe her young squire,  “This is Tig, my squire. I asked him to join us today if you don’t mind.”

Tig can be seen in the background struggling to prevent the colors on the palette from getting mixed as he walks uphill. As a young boy he rashly decides to bring her palette to ensure its stability and takes another respectful bow. The two empty canvases on each side of her painting allowed for Nemean to choose which side to sit on.

As Tig waits for his turn to speak, his voice lowers to not upset the noble, “Lady Pandora, I have my hands tied up at the moment please use the extra empty canvas as you wish.”


Bescanon River - N2

Being much shorter, Pandora looks up at Nemean in awe, she had not expected a priest to be this gallant. His lengthy dark blonde hair and build made him to look more like a warrior than a priest, one whom no longer a participant in wars. She motions for him to come patiently, “Tig this is my friend Nemean.” Pandora turns to Nemean with a smile thinking of adjectives to describe her young squire,  “This is Tig, my squire. I asked him to join us today if you don’t mind.” ~Pandora de Pooh

A smudge of kind crinkles formed at the corners of his eyes as he smiled at her remarks. Before he could respond however, the boy squire excused himself already. The near comic display of balancing the palette had eroded some of his initial dislike. With a calm gesture of his open, downward turned hand Nemean addressed Tig "You're alright boy..'' He made a display of glancing uphill to where he had left his horse. ''Perhaps you could look after my steed?'' The words were followed with a lingering gaze that only rested on the boy for a moment longer than necessary.

In his mind, thoughts, had already began to form. The squire had provided a welcome guise during which he could sort through them. Ease and grace. Careless almost as she had discarded her activity. His eyes betrayed the subject of his thoughts as they stole a look of Pandora. Dauntless. Her approach. Pretending to turn his attention back to Tig he actually smelled the air with an intake of air. The act unconscious in the doing but welcome nonetheless.  His risen chest perhaps adding reason for the boy to comply. Filled with the scents of the glade but also of her.

Deliberately his eyes moved away from Tig. Crawling slowly like a vine seeking the sun they settled on Pandora. His nose wiggled as a ripple flowed from chin to brows. Seeing them raised. It was as if they were linked with the corners of his mouth as they simultaneously rose as well. "Friend? Already?'' Mock surprise with a light undercurrent of indignation. His head moved imperceptibly to the right for a mere second. "A gift given ever before I have been worthy of it." The smile gave way to a warm expression and he made a half bow.

Indicating the canvasses he continued. ''You always try to fortify with red?'' His brow furrowed as he leaned in for a better look but without actually moving forwards. ''It's a.. '' He glanced at Pandora. "..Background?'' He preemptively smiled. ''What are you going for? Would you show me?''.