Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 55622 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #45: June 17, 2019, 06:56:57 PM »


Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair

The Phoenix Court: Part IV - Lightning & Thunder

June 1019

Rain pelted down, ringing off of rooftop, canvas, and armor. Horses whined, uncomfortable. Whispers rippled through a growing throng, adding its own din to the natural melody. Alley dogs yipped out of sight, whining in terror as thunder growled across the sky, a bass percussion punctuated by the crackle-snarl of lighting.

Selenia focused on the Duke of Blades, making no effort to hide her emotions as she stopped a couple horselength’s away. Hers was a world of order, and that order had broken down. Her authority had been undermined, her hospitality trespassed upon, and the image of unity among the Xavax cracked. To repair what had been tarnished, Honor demanded that she assert her authority once more. A small part of her wondered if this was the best action to take, but words lacked worth when there was blood on the ground. Though Godric had been wrong in the first place to challenge Andross as he had, all Selenia could see was the image of her friend and vassal bleeding out onto the stones of the pulpit. All she could feel was her heart in her throat as she realized she’d been too slow to react.before a valued member of her court had fallen before her eyes. Blood needed to be answered for.

In truth, had it been Godric that won instead of Andross, Selenia would have been just as prepared to fight him as well. Warriors neither earned nor awarded respect on the merit of experience only or the expectation of tradition alone. Warrior’s respected, first and foremost, one’s ability to fight. She would take this opportunity to remind her court as to why she was never to be disrespected.

“You came here spoiling for a fight, Androsss. Now you have one.” Her alto voice carried with the din of the storm, made notable not by any commanding tone, but by how the whispers and murmurings of the crowd scattered before it as those assembled strained to hear.

“Selenia, I don’t think-” he began, but she cut him off.

“No, you DIDN’T think. Be silent,” she all but hissed, fury lacing every syllable. “Both of you have are at fault, but since Godric cannot answer for his transgression against me, I will focus on you now and deal with him later.” Lightning crackled over the rooftops close enough to shake windows.

“Would YOU, Selenia, have done any less in my position?” The Duke responded, his voice rigid with control as deep thunder rocked the square..

“I SAID BE SILENT” Selenia roared over him, drawing her kukris as she did so. “It seems to me,” she said as she flexed her grip along the hilts. She began to circle him, and he readied his grip on his sword. He noticed that she was projecting her voice, pitching it for the entire square to hear over the storm on purpose.  Here in my own court, you spilled the blood of one of my own, and that must be answered in kind for honor to be satisfied. Had either of you given an ounce of forethought into the consequences your action might provoke, we would not be here, But now that we are, I will answer this myself, with my own steel, for who could do less and call herself a leader of Xavax?” She shook her head before dropping into a fighting crouch.

“Godric will live.” Andross went on, intent on having his say before more blood was spilled. “He lives because I allowed it. Were our positions reversed that's as much forethought as you would have given. But for people like us, words have never meant as much as actions.” Suiting action to word, the Duke of Blades resolutely drew his sword.

“Prepare yourself” she finished, and that was the only warning Andross had before she sprang at him.