Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54458 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #60: June 25, 2019, 08:31:08 PM »

90 Nobles and some 90k combat strength (CS). It's shaping up to be a battle to remember. As an introductory piece I felt the urge to write something. This is that, a small Rp that I hope might inspire other people to send out Rp's of their own.

Proving Grounds

Riding out from the forests of Meuse and onto the foothills that marked Winkamus, a noble only gently touched by the passage of time, rode at the head of a very modest contingent of horsemen. The banner they flew was sabel and upon it, a rampart lion depicted in gold.

With the winds picking up and cresting the latest hill in a score, Nemean's dark blond hair rippled behind him. His eyes resembled the slits of a greathelm as he peered over into the distance. Somewhere out there, in one of those fields or shallow valleys there would be a great battle. A test of arms and courage. His young heart fluttered. A chance to prove himself and to show the world he was worthy of the name JeVondair.

The fierce smile on his lips started to fade as he thought about it. A strand of errant hair whipped about his face before being trapped beneath his jawline.  Worthy of the name JeVondair and Renodin. His lips hardened into a resolute line as he dug his heels into the sides of his mount. Ever pushing closer to carnage and a scene for which his young mind surely was not prepared.