Author Topic: Dave's Galaxy  (Read 542013 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Dave's Galaxy
« Reply #2070: October 04, 2012, 07:30:04 PM »
Hi all!

...some rather basic questions:

1) Is there a way to /lower/ society levels? By now I try to have mindcontrol by level 75-77 to avoid having to import food.
2) Is there any downside to having high taxes?
3) How do I interpret the attack and defense numbers of different ship classes. For example, a super battleship has att 27, def 14, costs 8000 steel and 75000 q. A battleship has att 20, def 9, costs 4000 steel and 25000 q. If I compare these numbers directly I get more att by building 2 BS instead of one I assume the numbers are not compared directly. I assume that damage is (att-def) making the fight between 2 BS and 1 SBS more...uhm...logical.
4) Based on answers to 3, is it better to build as many SBS as possible, building smaller classes only where larger classes are not availiable? Or any other suggestions?
5) Is it possible to combine fleets? Or add ships to existing fleets?
6) (edit) I assume that trading actually generates additional money (= it does /not/ simply move q's that are generated by taxes between planets).. Is that correct?
7) (edit) does sending more than 1 arc (in the initial fleet) to a new planet result in faster development of that planet?
8) (edit) does sending an arc to one of your own (already settled) planets raise the population (and steel stockpile) there?
9) (edit) Is there any way to send ressources (and to chose which res to send) to other planets (other than via trading)?

Thanks for your help!

Since I haven't played since the reboot, these answers may be off, but:

1) Yes, someone attacking you will lower the level.
2) Yes, you get less resources when you have higher taxes.
3) This is not a question :P But in answer to your musings, ships don't all fight at once. So if I have 100 BS and go against 5 SBS, only a handful of my ships will fight (I don't think we worked out how many, my guess is 1.5*[enemy ship number]). Also, you use your "worst" ships first, so 100 Cruisers and 100 BS in the same fleet, you'll use up your Cruisers first.
4) This all depends on the situation. I think for attacking planets, you want large fleets to break in then smaller fleets to do the damage.
5) I think this is on the "to do" list.
6) I think this changed in the newer version, but in the previous version, if you were trading inside your empire it just moved stuff around and gained you some extra Q because trade ships cost negative upkeep (so they give you money for having them).
7) Kinda, you get more starting people so you can get more resources there, quicker.
8 ) Yes.
9) If you have planetary links (the lines between two planets) then kinda, since you'll use up resources on both planets. If you don't, then I think there's something on the "to do" list about this too.