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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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Quote from: fodder on September 26, 2011, 07:36:09 AM
... um.. i'm in the middle of grabbing cadfan's 2nd planet with 5 cruisers and not getting anywhere yet (compared to the speed of taking his capital XD)... and heading to his 3rd with 2 scouts... heh..

When planets are undefended, I send 10 fleets of 1 scout each. Seems to speed things up, but that could be observer bias.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


well.. i'll try that for almost all of cadfan's planets and see what'll happen. after that.. some other idler (roughly idled for 3 weeks?)

any idea who ariana is? she's grabbing kingdante's idle stuff.


Well, that battle went well >.<

Fleet: Fleet #25951, 10 super battleships (25951) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
       superbattleships -- 3
Fleet: Fleet #10808, 113 cruisers (10808) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 1
Fleet: Fleet #20679, 40 frigates (20679) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
               frigates -- 10
Fleet: Fleet #25951, 7 super battleships (25951) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
       superbattleships -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #30213, 152 subspacers (30213) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
             subspacers -- 1

152 hidden Subspacers on Pi Circax, but at least they didn't do any damage. Superbattleships are obviously not as strong as I figured they were - probably lose the rest of them this turn.

That's about 26 days worth of steel in those fleets, btw. The Frigates are heading away, but that's still a lot of ships we have to get passed on Pi Circax.

Also, there are a few fleets coming up from a guy called maverick. He's a friend of mine who started playing not long after we did, but didn't get the nice position we have. He's going to grab a few colonies near my planet so that, when his planets are profitable, we can co-ordinate attacks together.

Finally, I'm in trouble on my home planet. I've got 36k food left. I had 800k left on Friday, which means the food there probably won't last very long. I'm going to have to pump all of my steel into Bulkfrieghters so that I can try and stop the starvation that will definitely hit in a few days.


a few days? too damn late i expect due to slow travel time.. might as well build farm for a few days...

mind you.. my home planet is going to starve real soon too (probably? 9k food today!).. and i did send bulks out a few days ago.. and have built some farms in nearby planets.. far too slow i expect!



Quote from: fodder on September 26, 2011, 06:59:14 PM
might as well build farm for a few days...

Problem is that it'll starve for those 5 days and then I'll be getting sod all Steel once it's done. The planet can only starve down to a certain point, after that it'll be making enough food to keep its population from dying (maybe) whilst the food is brought in from the Bulkfreighters.

But I'll give it another think and see how to keep my Steel production up a little.


not linked, is it? does it eat linked food?


Quote from: fodder on September 26, 2011, 08:09:28 PM
not linked, is it?

Nope >.<

Quote from: fodder on September 26, 2011, 08:09:28 PM
does it eat linked food?

I'd presume so, resources are shared in ship production so I don't see why it wouldn't be for other things.


difference is... building ship happens not at turn change.. but food eating does.

so.. nowt clue.


WTF... my steel production on my first homeworld dropped from 16k+ to 3.3k overnight >:(


Quote from: Sacha on September 26, 2011, 09:17:00 PM
WTF... my steel production on my first homeworld dropped from 16k+ to 3.3k overnight >:(

Did you just finish Farming/Drilling Subsidies?


Yes... silly me -_- It was necessary though, my planet was bleeding food and would have starved before too long. Good thing I have those extra home planets to cover for the reduced steel production.


I'm afraid I may soon be forced to do this on my home planet too. I'm building more and more bulk freighters all the time and making more farming colonies... but it doesn't seem to help.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Apparently the trick is to activate Mind Control before your society level gets so high it ends food production. I will be trying this on my other homeworlds, hope it works.


Quote from: Sacha on September 26, 2011, 11:47:18 PM
Apparently the trick is to activate Mind Control before your society level gets so high it ends food production. I will be trying this on my other homeworlds, hope it works.

You will want to have it built before they hit level 93 then, cause I'm getting no food from that level. I'm tempted to set up one of my core areas with a central planet that just keeps going up and up in society level just to see the effects.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: Sacha on September 26, 2011, 11:47:18 PM
Apparently the trick is to activate Mind Control before your society level gets so high it ends food production. I will be trying this on my other homeworlds, hope it works.

Should do. I started building Mind Control on my home planet on Friday, but I think it's going to be much too late to stop the epic starvation that'll occur. I'll see how I go with Bulkfrieghters. Got 100 of them now so hopefully that will do the trick for a bit. Also, I completely forgot to build MC on my other main planet, which means that too will have ridiculous food costs ¬¬

I think I might have to struggle until my colonies get to a decent level, then I'll just turn my home planet into a planet for making food & rare resources (I'll take off Mind Control and just go until it makes almost 0 food with FS).

Quote from: De-Legro on September 27, 2011, 12:32:35 AM
I'm tempted to set up one of my core areas with a central planet that just keeps going up and up in society level just to see the effects.

That's what I was doing. Might still do it once the others are producing, I'll have to see (1 out of 23 planets isn't exactly going to be missed).

My friend just posed an interesting question: does your society level drop when you starve? If not, it'd be a nice thing to add in. Means that you can recover (eventually) from not having any food. But if you want to take advantage of having ridiculous amounts of rare resources then you can keep your society level higher.