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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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Quote from: Vellos on October 21, 2011, 06:45:37 AM
Meanwhile, why you monger war in the far afield, I am forming a shockingly dense cluster of colonies combined with very well-managed planets and a proliferation of PD.

If dark days ever come to our alliance, my space shall be our last refuge and citadel.

And I will, in a few months, be producing an absolutely copious amount of resources from all these colonies.

I'm still producing 30-40 arcs every turn, keep up if you can :) Just hit 30 pages of planets, my biggest problem will be that soon if I want to keep expanding close to my current holdings, I will have to declare more wars, time to look for a new place to expand to.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on October 22, 2011, 03:28:26 AM
You have low pop planets that are able to build PD's? What are you doing wrong? By time my planets hit society level 50 the pop is somewhere up near my home planet. I'm not bothering with building PD though except close to where I am fighting, I would rather stockpile the resources.

that's the difference between starting with tons of arcs and a couple of arcs.

with 2 arcs, my lvl ~90 is getting near max pop. obviously if you start with tons more, you'll get to max pop way earlier.


Quote from: De-Legro on October 22, 2011, 03:31:45 AM
I'm still producing 30-40 arcs every turn, keep up if you can :)

I think something just hit the floor, I'm not sure if it's my jaw.

I'm building a couple arcs every turn and I'm to 3 pages of arcs in the fleet list. What am I doing wrong?


Quote from: Tom on October 22, 2011, 11:25:33 AM
What am I doing wrong?

1) You started a while after De-Legro
2) De-Legro expanded aggressively, you didn't

Combined, it means he's quite far ahead of the rest of us. Most of his early colonies have maxed their population, which means he can pump out loads of arcs a turn. Yours look like they've got a few weeks of growth still to go until they can pump out an arc a turn. I'd guess that by the start of next month you'll be able to send out at least 15 arcs a turn. By the end of January, you could be sending out hundreds of arcs a turn.


I'm already wondering how well I scale up. The top guy has 3000 planets. How many hours a day does he spend on the game? Or is he simply running 99% of his empire on autopilot?


Quote from: Tom on October 22, 2011, 04:08:03 PM
Or is he simply running 99% of his empire on autopilot?

Probably that at the moment. His average society level is 44, which means most of his planets are probably too young to worry about. That still leaves him with an awful lot of places to deal with, but that can be cut down by only worrying about planets on the outer edges of his empire and only sending up big fleets from the inside whenever he needs them.


quick question...

is "amazoneon" anyone's enemy?

he/she is asking for alliance... which i don't really mind..

ps... all of a sudden, it looks like i have tons of pd near my home planet.. XD


Quote from: Nathan on October 22, 2011, 04:45:44 PM
Probably that at the moment. His average society level is 44, which means most of his planets are probably too young to worry about. That still leaves him with an awful lot of places to deal with, but that can be cut down by only worrying about planets on the outer edges of his empire and only sending up big fleets from the inside whenever he needs them.

I guess when you have so many planets, you just let them all grow and not to worry. It would take a massive fleet to capture even half of his stars. Even then, he would still have enough planets to build fleets to fight you off.


once you mind capped it at lvl 80.. you don't even need to touch them. just let them grow resources and harvest once in a while no doubt.


Quote from: fodder on October 22, 2011, 10:20:34 PM
once you mind capped it at lvl 80.. you don't even need to touch them. just let them grow resources and harvest once in a while no doubt.


Have most of your planets mind-control around 65-70 society. Add a suffix like "MC" to them when they are mind-controlled. Check your "province" page every few days and start MC on those planets. Put a few planets to build special things, give distinctive names, and build such vast hordes of merchantmen and BFs that your resources are moved naturally to their most profitable places.

Which still would leave you with tons of resources idling on random planets. But you could manage it without too much stress.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Why MC ? I know what it does, but I missed why one should limit society.


Quote from: Tom on October 23, 2011, 12:09:09 PM
Why MC ? I know what it does, but I missed why one should limit society.

After level 84 (I think, somewhere around there) you no longer produce surplus food, which means you have to pay for it to be brought in by Bulkfreighter, or when you get to 0 stored your planet starts to buy it. Also, after level 70ish, you lose 300 people a day which means less steel. The only positive is that your rare resource production (and consumer goods, I think) shoots up, but after a while you just can't spend it all.


Quote from: Nathan on October 23, 2011, 12:37:06 PM
After level 84 (I think, somewhere around there) you no longer produce surplus food, which means you have to pay for it to be brought in by Bulkfreighter, or when you get to 0 stored your planet starts to buy it. Also, after level 70ish, you lose 300 people a day which means less steel. The only positive is that your rare resource production (and consumer goods, I think) shoots up, but after a while you just can't spend it all.


The optimal society level for production on most planets, IMHO, is about 70-75. More than that and you're losing so much steel and hydrocarbon production that rising production of antimatter/krellmetal/whatever seems pointless. And the graph makes it seem like Quatloo production may slow down as well, but I'm not sure.

If you MC your planets and then set up fixed trade routes with BFs with a few select planets having all the upgrades and most of the cash, it should lead to a relative centering of resources on those planets.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I never got the whole trading game. From my experience they seem to take resources away from where they are needed rather than the other way around.


Quote from: Sacha on October 23, 2011, 08:10:07 PM
I never got the whole trading game. From my experience they seem to take resources away from where they are needed rather than the other way around.

They take what you have in abundance, which is usually steel. It's probably not too bad when you have a large empire because you'll be spending at your extremities and not in the middle, so steel will move cheaply from middle to outer planets.