Author Topic: East Continent - The Second Sydgardian Tournamnet  (Read 2009 times)


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East Continent - The Second Sydgardian Tournamnet
« Topic Start: November 11, 2019, 03:18:32 AM »
The following are all from the tournament currently being held in Sydgard. These are all recent as my character, Igor, just arrived today with only one day before the event. Anyways, enjoy!  ;D


Quote from: Igor Foote
Igor pushed open the tavern door and waltzed inside. With only his ample body hair covering his skin, Igor made his way to the bar.

"Drink," Igor commanded sternly.

The barkeep quickly filled a mug for the naked noble without asking for payment for the drink. Hastily Igor finished the mead and slammed the mug down.  Nervously the barkeep made sure his upturned mustache wasn't fraying. Igor grunted at the brown eyed barkeep who was playing with his facial hair. Finally getting the hint, the bartender filled another mug. After finishing the second drink, Igor belched and turned towards the crowd. As Igor took stock of his surroundings, the barman filled the mug yet again.

Quote from: Niall De La Fere
Seeing the naked man Niall stood up and undressed himself. Then he took his drink and lifted it high in the air and saluted: "Drink!"

Quote from: Igor Foote
"Drink!" a freshly de-robed man called out from the crowd.

Igor was not one to avoid a good binge nor a grab and quickly emptied his mug. Slamming the mug back onto the bar, the barkeep filled Igor's mug once again as Igor continued to look at the crowd.

Quote from: Flavia Arindal
Flavia wonders if this is going to be one of *those* gatherings.  She is much too old for that, and was disinclined to public shenanigans even when she was young.  She sidles toward the exit, just in case.

Quote from: Igor Foote
Igor eyed the lady who made her way towards to door. This was curious but not enough for Igor to take action. Instead, as there seemed to be nothing but private chit chat happening, Igor decided to make a toast.

"Igor make toast, no bread thing, the speak thing," he called out as he raised his full mug of mead into the air, "noble fight 'morrow, show who strongest man. Strong man make law, no weak man, that Syd way, that best way. Igor wish all noble luck 'morrow." Igor looked around before concluding with a loud yell, "down with hoof hoof!"

Igor emptied his mug with ease and looked around the room...

Quote from: Bo Norman
There's some fried chicken randomly passed around. It tasted like something oily.

Quote from: Daeron Vurkow
"And if you want to learn about hoof hoof join the college of knowledge where all your knowligolical things are catered for!"

Quote from: Bo Norman
"We sponsor scholarships for some things. But we also search for that legendary chicken said in myth to once have been so ancient as to have been colossal and have teeth. It also supposedly roared like a tiger."

Quote from: Igor Foote
As there were murmurs of chicken and books, Igor grew dissatisfied. Taking charge of the situation, Igor smashed his mug into the head of the person directly next to him...

Quote from: Daeron Vurkow
"They apparently have never heard of spiced wine before but have a large collection of ales so I got us..." The Captain arrived to see a naked beast standing over Daeron after breaking a mug over his head. Looking between Daeron, the beast and the ale he placed one mug to his lips, gulping it down in one go and placing the other daintily down on the table next to him. "Keep you safe here for when he is done with his nap." He muttered before charging the furry man for a close line.

Quote from: Igor Foote
Igor dropped the mug to the floor and placed both hands upon his round midsection. Uproarious laughter filled the tavern as Igor's head drifted upwards, the hairy beast just couldn't contain himself. Loud clops began merging with the hearty laugh as a man's boots slammed down onto the wooden floor. Igor paused and looked at the man charging at him.

"Uh," slipped from Igor's lips as the attacker drew in close.

Violently the Captain's bicep smacked Igor's mushy chest, sending Igor onto the bar. With his back rolling up onto the tarnished wood, Igor's legs went slightly into the air, giving all a view of his lower half that was normally covered by Igor's gut.

Grunting, Igor grabbed the Captain's arm with one hand and his head with the other. Using all his weight the rotund noble pushed forward to place his feet back onto the barroom floor, bringing the Captain with him. The muscles hidden beneath Igor's blubber tensed as he threw the Captain towards a crowd to his left. Crashing onto the wooden table, all of the group's drinks fell to the floor. Igor chuckled at the great fun and started stepping forward with his hands down in order to follow through with his attack on the Captain.