Author Topic: So You Want To Join The Far East - An Overview of the Realms  (Read 35466 times)


  • Noble Lord
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  • Posts: 331
  • Evans Family
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As marshal of Arcaea's largest army, Velax found Zonasa to be quite a decent opponent, at least when compared to how you were before. But many, in game and on these forums, believe Zonasa's army was badly led and disorganised. What's your opinion on this?
Our general is not brillent and sometimes overcautious, but certainly provides decent leadership.  It could be better organized, and there have been increasing coordination problems.  It comes and goes, though, and is not quite as bad as some make out -- but for no reason I can point to, we are less organized than we were two months ago.  Probably in another two months we'll be doing great.

To expand on the stories to be told in Zonasa:
Batesoar is 'sort of' a pirate city (I'm speaking as the duke of the city here).  This has not been a major RP in Zonasa, but there was something related to pirates with it before, so I've kept it in the back of my mind.  However, anyone using 1600s/1700s pirates as a guide for this will be mercilessly mocked by me.  The way I imagine it tends towards seafaring merchants who are, shall we say, not always honest . . . and if they see another ship all alone when they're out trading, and think they can overpower it, well . . . so not out and out pirates per say, but certainly not so ethical opportunists.
There's a least one other religion in Zonasa, and the new church of Echad is growing reasonably fast . . . so religious conflict could certainly be coming.  Zonasa has avoided it thus far by officially tolerating all religions that aren't trying to kill people, but . . . given that a lot of people support the Order, and the attitude of some of the Echad people, things might happen soon.