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Topics - Alasteir

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Feature Requests / Confirmation before call early taxes
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:22:38 PM »
Confirmation before call early taxes

Fixing the problem of unvoluntary or wrong taxes called early by the Banker.

It is something stupid, I know, but sometimes, the player just wrong click on the "call taxes" buttom, and the entire realm receive less than expected. The simply insert of a second question "are you sure you want to call the taxes early?" would fix this problem.

The obvious. Callingearly taxes is a desperate tool for war.

Possible Exploits:

Feature Requests / Priest Lord allowed to see military on his own land
« on: December 08, 2012, 04:21:10 AM »
Priest Lord Allowed to see military units on his own land

t is something dificult and without explanation the limited situation of the preachers on BM to do not have any idea about the military situation of the regions. But ok. The worst on this is, while a Lord is a priest, he can't see the situation of the militia on his own land. This sould be removed or repaired to allow him to see this, and manage the militia, adding or dismissind it. I think this could not have any type of abuse, as it will be limited to the lords and their own regions.

Today, a priest, lord or knight, can't see the military situation of the land he or she is. Despite the IC incongruency, as anyone can see the units and tabards passing by their sight, it helps taking off the preachers from the spy and miiltary role. Unfortunelly, this occurs, too, within the lands the priest is Lord, making him blind even to militia, a situation with needs modification.

The same as to other lords. They will be able to manage, disband and add militia, and know about its size.

Possible Exploits:
Not sure.

Development / Giving a Captain to initial units
« on: August 06, 2012, 11:26:05 PM »
I believe this is something that should be fixed:

After creating a new noble, on the very beginning of the game, I just clicked to see the stats of my chosen unit, when I noticed it hasn't a captain. I believe that, if you are a young noble, unexperienced, your family would send with you a good man to help you guide your unit, no?

Development / More power to Bankers
« on: July 17, 2012, 06:43:36 PM »
I'm experiencing some troubles with the new food system, and reached a point where, as a banker, I"m just feeling useless. Because of that, I believe the banker should have more power, to arrange the food system, withim the realm.

What I'm saying is, as the Judge has the power to hold courts in any place, the Banker should have enough power to post trade offers, or to determine food transfers. In my land, the people is just forgetting to post offers, reaching a situation where a land has a storage of almost a thousand bunshels, and other a starvation classified as horrible.

I"m not asking, of course, for full power. This should be balanced by other things, like the Judge receiving notifications and cancelling arbitrary food transfers.

Development / Feature Change: Random draw to tied referendums
« on: February 16, 2012, 02:03:18 AM »
Do we need this feature? It is always a subject to concerns. Why when we have a tie, this just won't start a new referendum, necessarily with the tied characters?

Development / New Action for Traders: hire mercenaries
« on: December 27, 2011, 02:20:20 AM »
Well, as far as I can see, too few people play as traders, basically, because the major of the players just don't know how they can play and grow as a trader, and, second, because the hole of the banker can do the major necessities a realm could have for traders.

Thinking about this, a good way to help the class to get more players is giving them more options, and I thought on this:

What is it?

A new action.

What it will do?

As the Hero, the Trader will be allowed to recruit soldiers on places there are not the capital. Different of the Hero, the trader will not hire simple peasants, lowing the population of the place. instead, he will spend some money to hire well trained soldiers, from the Recruitment Centers of that place, lowing the number of soldiers available on that RC.

Will this bring any benefit?

Yes, of course. Hiring people from anyplace is very, very better than the necessity to travel to the capital.

Will this have any danger?

Yes. As the search for Black Market, the hire of soldiers on their homeland is forbbiden,  and every noble should travel to the capital, to make his own unity. Hiring soldiers directly from the Recruitment Center is a good way to be imprisioned. Plus, the trader will need to spend some money with the manager of the recruitment center, as a feature to balance this skill with the other classes.

What you guys think about this?

Development / Error on East Continent
« on: December 27, 2011, 01:55:26 AM »
When I ordered to the unit to go back, I got this message:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException' with message 'Entity was not found.' in /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/BattleMasterTravelProxy.php:32 Stack trace: #0 /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/BattleMasterTravelProxy.php(53): BattleMaster\Proxies\BattleMasterTravelProxy->__load() #1 /var/battlemaster/include/ BattleMaster\Proxies\BattleMasterTravelProxy->__call('getSpecial', Array) #2 /var/battlemaster/include/ BattleMaster\Proxies\BattleMasterTravelProxy->getSpecial() #3 /var/battlemaster/live/stable/Turnaround.php(37): status() #4 {main} thrown in /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/BattleMasterTravelProxy.php on line 3

Development / Error 404 - Trainning Match
« on: December 01, 2011, 04:42:38 AM »
The Trainning match option on several continents (EC included) is pointing to an error 404 page for a long time. Can we see the fix of this?

Development / Change on a feature: Drop Milita
« on: November 11, 2011, 08:46:00 PM »
A good point to change is the option to drop militia. When droping some men, you should have the option to choose how many men you want to leave behind, and how many you want to carry with you. I experienced the !@#$ to drop all my entire army once, just to change class to courtier and need to hire new men after.

Feature Requests / Random Encounters
« on: October 31, 2011, 08:40:13 PM »
I must say, this could be considered a low priority request. For me, it worth more for the roleplay and fun than everything else.

What about random  encounters, to make you only remember that you are on a world were fantasy is alive, even if low fantasy? Perhaps, while travelling, you could be assaulted by goblins wich took some of your gold or food, see strange things, or, even, dialog with the undead champion/leader or just an undead strangely counscious about his estate (or a ghost, a kind of human beast, or whatever). You could find a purse of gold/silver (as random encounters should target advs too), etc. What about a notice that your nobleman took the way round because he lost a fight for a knight of a bridge?

Development / New Paraphernalia
« on: October 31, 2011, 06:31:47 PM »
I must say you will call me a spammer, but, after days thinking, I come to the forum to write all my ideas  ;D.

For me, it is the time to create some Paraphernalia:

1) treasure chart

What it will do?

The treasure chart will be a way to nobles prevent their unique items to crash so fast. With this paraphernalia, the noble will, literally, put his unique item on the chest, and transport it.

Why the develop team should make it?

Since the last change about sages, it become harder and harder to mantain the unique items. Many players started to complain about how their items became difficult to repair, and a lot of them just started to do not repair, thinking it is easier to buy a new one than to repair the older.

I must say, I do believe that the develop team made the changes to make it hard: unique items are only used to rise your honour and prestige, and, after sometime playing, the easy way to do that, but, for me, the blow came harder than enough.

These days, you must have much gold to repair one item, and some luck. The first, to pay the adventurer and the repair of the item. The second, to find a good adventurer, experienced enough to have the ordinary items necessary to make the repair, and good enough to track down a sage before the unique item permanently crashs.

How does this item would work?

Despite its funcionality, the treasure chart should not become a way to keep tue inuque items forever. Instead, it should work to minimize the damage an item takes from travel, AND ONLY FROM TRAVEL.

In theory, the item should reduce the damage an item takes by X% (were X is the level of the chart, equally the gears of the adventurer), but never above 50%. Plus, battles will never reduce the damage, only if you leave the item on the chart (taking no rise on the honour and prestige for and from it).

At last, a character can have only one chart, despite his numberless items.

2) Spies

What it will do?

Spies are the ultimate word and tecnollogy on the world of the infiltration. Despite your ordinary scout can bring you info only about the adjacent regions of the one you are, with some spies on others you can, virtually, know all about the world (well, the continent, your well known world).

Why the develop team should take it?

Well, in a better answer, is can really become the first step for some good changes. The way the scouts are going today you can get very good infos by the possible cost of an ordinary life (assuming he can be taken while scouting). Particularly, I do not like this.

For me, getting info about a land should become more difficult. Today, by clicking on the dynamic map you can see the population, gold, local weather, etc of a region on the other side of the continent - too much globalization for the middle ages. Plus, by scouting the region you can get info like the the armies there, and more.

With the developing of spies, the scouts should work only on the mean of their names: scouting the region taking info about armies. The spies, however, should give you more developed information, as who rule the place, how much gold it can provide, how was the last harvest, etc.

How does this would work?

Buying a spy will bring you the option to deploy them while travelling by a region. Doying it will give you the option to ask your spy about data from that region and historical facts, like the last rogue wich invaded the region, and how much time it takes to appear a new one (based on the data of the courtiers there).

Of course that this could easy become a strong tool for generals, marshals and some hysteric lords, but to do this, you need more than a spy on the given land. To receive news from your spy on a given region, you should deploy enough of them to create a chain of spies, from the place you are to the place you want to know about.

Be sure that the spy, altought he does not steal or burn a place, do infiltration, and a not very well trainned spy will be imprisioned trying to send messages to his master. A weak spy will tell to his captors who send him, and this can, surely, start a war.

3) The Herald

What it will do?

The herald is the first guy, the officialy scout of a caravan of a noble who reach a place, only to inform that his master is arriving. Plus, a herald was the introducer of his master when he will joust.

Why the develop team should take it?

Simple: because it is funny! :P

The Heraldis something historical, and very, very cool. Having a herald denotes importance, for you and your family. Plus, you can use your herald for the speech of tornauments (just as on the A Knight's Tale Movie something I adore and you can see here: What about a herald's contest, as a new tool for tornauments?

How does this would work?

This can bring to your noble a good mood, inspiration, etc, etc. On Tornauments and duels, too. Plus, sending a herald to an enemy region, announcing that you and your stronger army will arrive at sunrise is a good way to start a new trick: the war of impressions and ideas. Someone easy to impress and intimidate will surely move his army to defend, while the herald's master can surely move to another place, or move there, while the rest of the army takeover there.

Love strategy.

4) The saboteur

What it will do?

A final suggestion: the saboteur. The man of the shadows. The hand behind revolts.

Why the develop team should take it?

Because it is an advanced way to do war. Saboteurs acts as the shadow wich incits anarchy and independence between the peasants. As the game has the name "BATTLEMaster", it should have always improves the war lines.

How does this would work?

As its name explains. I was thougthing that, with the change on the estates politic, now you just can't set up yours as policy. Because of that, as I can see, more efforts will be needed by courtiers and defensive armies, or, the revolts and lack of control will be taken from the change of turn. Because of this, the creation of a paraphernalia that can be deployed at a region, while you simply travel by it, and raise the anarchy and independence of that place is a good way to  change this.

But things aren't good as you can think: indeed the saboteur foments the independence and anarchy, but, while the people become independent from the previous realm, it should become harder to convert to you, as a collateral effect. So, you can't simply go there and start a friendly takeover: you will need to take that people and remember them that nobles pull the strings of them, no the reverse.

I must say that, as the spy, having a saboteur of yours being captured is enough subject to start a war, and, more than the spy, this can have echoes on the entire continent.

Well, this are my suggestions.


Development / Letters from the Exile
« on: October 31, 2011, 03:24:59 PM »
There is something people missed to fix up when a character is jailed. Altought you cannot read all letters by clicking on the character name on your family page, or can do it by bribbing the guards, and only a few of them, if you go through the messages menu, and, then, click on new messages, you can read all of them.

As it is antithetic, I can only think that the one who developed the code forgot to correct this.

Hello BM mongers, how are you?

I'm thinking in some things that could improve the game some days ago, and I want to share it with you and, perhaps, they can put it on play:

1 - New Paraphernalia: Treasure chart.

How much of you just lost an unique item, letting it go down to 0% of durability? Thinking of this, I noticed that there is no thing that can help us to, at last, minimize the damage our items take from the travels and battles, until now.

I thought about a new paraphernalia, a chart created only to transport relics. Historically this type of transport was very common to the people that had wealth enough to support it. The noble would have to buy it and pay for its maintance, plus, for the artisans that go with the chart, to mantain the durability of the item. This paraphernalia would minimize the damage an unique item taken by travel only (since in battle, the noble use it), lowering the change of a permanent lost of good items.

2 - Infraestructure things.

a) Other thing I thought concerns about lords. In medieval times, one of the duties of a lord was the infraestructure of its lands, creating mills, barns, walls, etc, and in BM we just don't have this. I know that, as the name says, the game is totally devoted to fight and war, but this little stuff can improve the fun. What about allow a noble to build a mansion (or a castle, in strongholds and cities) were he will live, with a small chapel (for its religion, as the peasants concerns about the religion of the lord), an stable (that would allow a minimization of the time of travel by allied lands, as someone can hire horses from it), etc. We should remember that, from time to time the nobles needed to left the battlefield to take care of his own business, and a good place to be and to rise is a thing that could be improved. Perhaps the mansion would allow the noble to left his unique items there, to be repaired by adventurers. Realms that allow magic can allow the nobles to hire a magician, hahahah!

b) Allow nobles to buy things for its estates.

Just as up, but for the knights. Perhaps the lord would allow his knights to have their own houses with things like chapel, or to have their own rooms in the lords mansion.

c) Hired militia from the recruitment centers.

This is one thing that I always wonder why BM already doesn't have. Why a noble can't hire militia for his land from his own recruitment centers? I know that this will raise the dificulty of attacks, but isn't it the natural thing to do? I know too that all recrutimente centers should send their men to the capital, but a noble would hangle some of them just to stay in his land, patrolling the streets, etc. This is an implement that must be placed, as we have a proliferation of infiltrators in BM, and will engage entrelly with my next sugestion,

3 - New common class: thief.

Those who have played BM more than a year will agree with me that at the first glance, the adventurer is the funniest class in the game. He goes and kill monsters and zombies, find things, craft things with the sage, repair items, and always try to desperate rise for nobility, but as you go, playing and playing, you find that it is boring, and that if you don't try to complete the objective of being noble, you will just be tired of hack'n slash. For those who thinks like me, I thought about a new common class, something that surely existed in the middle ages and exists until now, a thief. Someone to try and do robbery, assault tax collectors and nobles, steal unique and common items, etc. You should agree that this is more to common people than to nobles, with some exceptions.

Well, I believe its all. I hope I could just help a little this awesome game.

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