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Messages - Noldorin

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Beluaterra / Re: Invasion?
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:41:41 AM »
2) Find somewhere you want there to be lots of monsters/undead, and read them yourself.

Such as... EC? :)

Beluaterra / Re: Sea shanties by the sea shore
« on: December 21, 2015, 09:48:51 AM »
Yeah, Thal has about 45k CS spread out along the coast :)

edit: And after a quick look at the map I can only imagine how Rio are feeling!

Beluaterra / Re: Sea shanties by the sea shore
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:48:21 AM »
With all these sea-warnings and earthquakes and whatnot, I was starting to think they were moving BT somewhere else :)

Beluaterra / Re: Invasion?
« on: December 13, 2015, 06:07:30 PM »
Fingolfin ruled Thalmarkin the last 2-3 years with the sole intention (officially) of preparing the world for the next invasion.

Last week I decided it was (long overdue) time to step down and let someone else rule, and the day after we hear rumours of invasion. 3 days later there is a (semi-)full scale invasion!

Thats just rude... But anyhow, Thalmarkin is at this very moment preparing for a new election. The first in a long long time...

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:55:42 AM »
Not sure how often he is in here so I'll just fill in the blanks which I know of...

Most here knows of the war going on, I suppose. Spearhold (or Murchadh) agreed to the King of Kings idea long ago, but decided to fight against Thalmarkin anyway to test our self-claimed superiour might. There were some agreements made between the realms that we would only fight eachother on the battlefield and Spearhold and Thalmarkin would not loot or TO eachothers regions.

While Thalmarkin was entertaining themselves in Nothois mountains however, Spearhold attacked Seandefur and looted the region until about half the population had been killed. Fingolfin got quite upset for this and called out Murchadh as liar to the rulers. Murchadh countered that there was never any agreement and that Fingolfin was making it all up.

Thereafter the most surprising thing happened, where Murchadh started to (IG) feel bad about his dishonourable behaviour, and stated that he would step down. A few days later he wrote a letter to all rulers that he took full responsibility of the broken promises and that he would join Thalmarkin as a punishment and repentence.

So well, he is one of us now! The Thalmarkian "Save Murchadh campaign" which was going on for a few weeks/months inside Thalmarkin actually worked :)

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: February 18, 2015, 08:58:17 AM »
Great news: Spearhold just made themselves the new Melhed! :)    Complete disregard for agreements, all proof shown them (their own letters included) are considered forgeries and totally lack interest in having any sort of conversations. Old friendships are turned into "destroy us or we will destroy you" mentality in a few days.

Good for the players with war, boring for the politics that people dont care about it.

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:55:17 PM »
The idea was that Spearhold will fight Thalmarkin on the battlefield and that neither realm will loot/TO/damage the others regions. That some doesnt know about it is up to them or the rulers.

I actually did like the agreement since it made it possible for us to actually fight in the southern wars rather than sit home and wait for an invader once per month. But well, wins and losses.. now we have a bit easier target to loot than these damned mountains (though they do have tons of gold!).

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:00:17 AM »
We said all along we'd be back in it after we were done with Melhed. Spearhold sticks to its word.

Well, you choose which words to stick to, since the deal was far away from what is happening now. But yeah, closer wars fopr everyone (except AA and Rio :p)

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:35:42 PM »
There were a few of you, including you Noldorin that complained in the previous thread when Rio joined in the war against the northern. Correct me if i am wrong.

From what I remember there was considerable discussions about the "even-ness" of the war in numbers. Aside from that there was indeed my comment on not liking Riombaras IG reasons for war, as in that they didn't bother to come up with actual reasons instead of just joining (though getting them into the war was the goal from all sides).

Its the only things I can remember/find, but might have missed something.

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:33:04 AM »
And i ESPECIALLY would like to believe that Noldorin wanted Melhed to survive because he sees conflict it can create, so conflict it did create. So to turn back and say Melhed shouldn't this and that is just plain absurd. And i don't actually see any problem with playing out such character.

Indeed many wanted Melhed to survive. That was the goal all the time, until we saw that Melhed would never accept peace with Thalmarkin (which was shown by your actions) and would continue war against AA until AA was killed. You didnt really leave us much choice.

And obviously there is no problem with playing Pavel as you did. It certainly gave alot of interesting stuff to do on the continent. But well, playing the game in that way leads to huge risks aswell (obviously), and those risks seems to have been accepted by both sides... and things came to what is now.

What makes the Thal so great about scheming to take over the continent and Melhed such a big fat liar for scheming to stop them? That is just you thinking that you are always right and not putting yourself on someone else's shoes. In fact, Melhed sort of tried to stop the Thals to gangbang one realm at a time, and tried to bring every single realm to join in the fun and was given the opportunity when Thalmarkin came up with that scheme.

Regardless, all games(note: not only battlemaster) are infested by such players that just wants to win. Understood, since who doesn't want to. But i have always make it a point to make a decision that keep most people enjoying it at the same time. Can you say the say, especially on the Thalmarkin side that it is fun for everyone around the continent, or only within thalmarkin itself only?

Im not sure but to me it seems you are mixing IG and ooc here. Thals were mighty angry at melhed IG and had every reason to be. Also (IG) Thalmarkin was so "great" about their scheming since it was done in a righteous way (according to us, again IG), while Melheds attemps to stop our scheme was made through lies and breaking of treaties (again, according to us IG).

Also for the gangbanging, Im not sure what this is in regards to either (unless you mean Caelum atm, who has their own reasons for war). Thalmarkin was going to attack all realms who opposed us (or so was the initial idea at least), as soon as we had some friends on our side. This would not be a gangbang at all, but rather a few realms trying to defeat many realms. As things turned out, we had even worse odds than this since Melhed changed side. Spearhold joined our side for reasons said earlier in this threat (and if i remember correctly, the only thing they ever did through the war was loot 1-2 of your regions and never engaged in any battles against the south?).

So, im not sure if we were suposed to complain about Spearhold "joining" us IG or ooc, but IG makes no sense at all and I dont think there was ooc complaints about Rio joining the south to begin with. The whole idea (ooc) was to fight Nothoi and Rio at the same time, but that doesnt mean im gonna accept their war declarations just like nothing happened IG.

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:13:30 AM »
Now comes one question: Will Thalmarkin continue to support Fronen is Immanuel is elected ruler?

Thats a tricky one indeed! No idea and I suppose it depends on how things turn out. Right now I strongly doubt there would be any peace between us, but that may depend on AA as much as us.

I would say that most Thalmarkians (though even more so Ar Agyrians) would be extremely happy to kill anything Immanuel touches. But well, one thing at a time! We have a new behemoth to punch!

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: December 18, 2014, 10:46:35 AM »
Duchy Changes Allegiance   (8 days, 16 hours ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
the Province of Melhed has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Ar Agyr. The duchy used to belong to Melhed.

Duchy Changes Allegiance   (2 days, 16 hours ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
Carmel has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Nothoi. The duchy used to belong to Fronen.

Duchy Changes Allegiance   (just in)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
Sypher has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Ar Agyr. The duchy used to belong to Fronen.

So... thats 2 realms gone, and AA just jumped from 6-7 regions to 16 regions (would have been 18 if Thal didnt maange to take 2 regions from Melhed before they switched side).

Its still very hard to see where this is going :)

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:39:57 AM »
So Mavia's been banned. The official reason being a traitor to the realm, supported by the fact that she called OO incompetent and hurt his feelings, only after she increased the power of his realm by 100% of course. I don't think I've ever had a character banned so quickly. Fun times.
Gotta say i'm pretty disappointed. This could have been a lot more fun.

Im not really especially involved in what happens over at AA, but from what I hear ooc it seems that AA are gonna let almost anyone who wishes to stay stay. Except for Immanuel and Jevondair who has worked quite hard and vocally for the destruction of AA. It would have been extremely surprising to see AA let Jevondair stay after all that has been said and done, and very very dangerous for their own part. Aside for these two people (again, from what I hear), most people are even allowed to keep their Lordships (and possibly even Margrave/dukeships). Should lead to quite interesting times indeed, if they were to stay!

Beluaterra / Re: The War.
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:50:46 PM »
There is still Spearhold which will enter now that Melhed has left, and who knows what Caelum will do.

But yeah, now the war will be on the North's terms more than before.

BM General Discussion / Re: Ete City RCs
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:21:20 PM »
Ive always wondered what Rio does with all its gold... shouldnt have been too hard to figure out with Selis as Margrave!

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