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Messages - Wolfsong

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Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: July 21, 2014, 11:49:30 AM »
You bastards should actually try to convert a Fissoan or two, so I can join in on this conversation.

South Island / Re: Welcome to the South Island!
« on: July 09, 2014, 06:03:15 AM »
I don't think that was the problem at all. I know Sandalak had some trouble because of a religious group joining from another continent, but I don't think "roleplaying" itself was to blame. OOC groups, maybe, but they'd just travel to join realms anyway if they were randomly assigned.

I think there should be a gentleman's agreement... Last realm standing has a massive duel-implosion of doom.

I was making fun of the fact that Kurlock posted about switching class to Hero, and then was almost immediately wounded, I think.

Hey guys I recently changed my class to Hero, let's see how long until -- HRrrhrk.

Dwilight / Re: Future of Dwilight
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:57:31 AM »
Fissoa, at least, won't have any trouble with a long, prosperous peace. We've got monsters knocking on our western borders who need civilizing. I imagine it'll be bloody and hopeless for a long time yet.

Dwilight / Re: Future of Dwilight
« on: June 24, 2014, 02:50:09 AM »
I still think calling Luria Nova an underdog is laughable. At the start of this war, they had 4 huge duchies, more members in their realm than in any other realm - almost double the average number of members, and a massive army. They were fighting the Southern League... which consisted of a realm with no regions (Barca), a realm with a middling, slow-to-respond army (Fissoa), and a realm that couldn't find its ass with both hands without committee approval first (D'hara).

Three tiny midgets took on a giant, but that doesn't make the giant an underdog.

Dwilight / Re: Grand Duchy of Fissoa thread
« on: June 23, 2014, 01:26:26 AM »
Fissoa's new motto: Second to One.

Dwilight / Re: Future of Dwilight
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:46:59 AM »
Wait, wait, wait. Luria Nova is an underdog? Since when? Since having almost double nobles than any other realm on Dwilight?

South Island / Re: Everyone enjoying the new teamwork?
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:36:32 AM »
I've been the general in that position before. It's fun, but it's not... nearly as fun as being a marshal. So if I have a choice, I think for now I'd love to be a marshal again. But hey, if people need generals, why not?

South Island / Re: Everyone enjoying the new teamwork?
« on: June 20, 2014, 01:33:38 AM »
IMO, the role of the general is to manage all of the armies. In most realms, where there's only 1-2 armies, that means very little and they usually end up stuck doing diplomatic work with other generals instead or, if there's no alliances in place to take advantage of that, basically taking over as a Super Marshal. "Go here." "Do this." etc. - with the marshal just picking a formation to fight in, or assigning line settings as given to him by the general. What the general does in a realm with multiple armies is, IMO - again, organize. He orders armies to one sphere or another (not necessarily specific regions, but target areas) and gives them general orders - to raid, to be aggressive, to seek out the enemy army, to lay ambushes, etc. He determines who refits, and the roles of each army, but leaves the specifics up to each marshal.

The marshal, in turn, must be proactive and aggressive. They must be capable of taking these broad orders and - with a large degree of autonomy - going out there and accomplishing them. If they're told to raid in X duchy, they should plan with their vice-marshal and then go and do that, splitting their own army or not as needed. If they need to join up with another friendly army assigned to their target area to defeat or defend against a larger force, then they should do that immediately without needing to wait for the general's say so.

The general is a staff officer. They assign broad targets, and receive reports on effectiveness and accomplishment from their marshals, replacing and promoting as needed.

South Island / Re: Everyone enjoying the new teamwork?
« on: June 19, 2014, 06:08:04 AM »
I know you at least had 6 candidates available.

South Island / Re: Everyone enjoying the new teamwork?
« on: June 19, 2014, 05:01:25 AM »
You need better marshals, that's why. You got clogged up with people wanting the position for the prestige, instead of for the flexibility.

I think part of the problem is that once our armies were wiped out, we were basically SOL because almost none of the recruitment centers had been expanded and filled to capacity yet - so you had this huge influx of people trying to recruit all at once, and only 15 or so recruits a day showing up. Without armies, orders are pointless. A 5 man unit can assist with a takeover, but it will have almost 0 effect on the outcome of the takeover. You really still do need big units (50+) to get !@#$ done when taking regions.

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