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Messages - De-Legro

Pages: 1 ... 237 238 [239] 240 241 242
Feature Requests / Re: regarding infiltrators
« on: March 10, 2011, 02:29:02 AM »
Mortality was fun for some, myself included. However the vast majority of players that responded indicated that mortality was NOT fun.

Feature Requests / Re: Better Maps
« on: March 10, 2011, 02:15:50 AM »
I've been working on something along these lines for my own fun. The problem with polygon maps is, do we try to match them to the existing maps, which presents a fair few technical challenges, or do we create new maps from scratch, designed to support them. The method Tom originally posted was mostly about map generation using the polygons, and the algorithm he uses would need some serious tweaking to ensure each polygon region was of a good size, distribution was reasonable etc.

Helpline / Re: Takeover numbers gone
« on: March 10, 2011, 02:11:01 AM »
Oh. That's kinda cool. But what about the one before when you had enough minimum friendly units but the recommended was higher? I think I remember seeing something like "You would need x men to perform a takeover but y men to be safe" or something like that.

You get that one IF you have enough men to form a TO unit. When you select to TO it will bring up a new screen about how many friendly troops are needed.

Feature Requests / Re: Lower the rate at which unique items degrade
« on: March 10, 2011, 02:07:45 AM »
For item turnover rate, make it possible to lose items in battle. Infiltrators, or captors, could steal a valued item. Even allow a Judge to accept a UI as ransom. I don't know how difficult it would be to code, but it could be interesting. I could certainly see the theft of some treasure being a reason for war.

Far as I know they can be lost in battle if you are wounded. Judges can steal them off you too.

This Forum / Re: Multiple realm flags?
« on: March 10, 2011, 02:05:34 AM »
you could just use paint to put all your realm banners together as a avatar image if that is what you want.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: March 10, 2011, 02:04:19 AM »
I think the perception outside SA is such that it is viewed as a political rather than a religious entity however this is certainly not true within SA itself.

You've touched on one of the biggest problems across this game and indeed across society. What an entity appears to be from the outside and what that entity is to those that take part can be too very different things. Part of the advantage of having these OOC areas is that the players may get more information then their characters are privy to and hopefully resolve some of the player misunderstandings that can exist. Course our poor characters are still left with their misunderstandings, but hey a character without issues is kind of boring.

Helpline / Re: Police units
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:38:49 AM »
I just tested, and the CS of the unit doesn't seem to drop, nor does the standing units morale. That leads me to believe they must be effects that only happen in the battle, rather then things that affect the visible unit stats.

BM General Discussion / Re: Character Alignments
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:35:44 AM »
Santiago is definitely Chaotic Neutral - he has little regard for the hierarchy, is mostly working towards his own ends and tends to be a bit unorthodox in achieving them

Juan is Chaotic Good - He strives to see whatever realm he is in prosper and grow, but also tries to ensure that the freedom granted to all levels of the realm are protected.

Carlos is a bit difficult. He cares little for the games and wars of the realms, save that everyones behaviour is honourable. Course he only really considers his definition of honourable, but that is hardly a rare thing. Probably Lawful Neutral

BM General Discussion / Re: Colony and
« on: March 09, 2011, 03:39:17 AM »
either option pretty much rules out colonies for nearly all realms. I seriously doubt we are about to get an influx of players to make it possible either. The options then are send out colonies and just handle the fall out. Or continue as we are, waiting for things to change while people become progressively more disappointed in the progress of the realm.

Helpline / Re: Courtiers requirements
« on: March 09, 2011, 03:02:41 AM »
Actually if you join a new realm as a curtier you don't have to wait at all.

Of course, why would you need to wait to change class to a class you already hold? The restriction is only for players that have emigrated to a new realm and want to choose to change to the Courtier class.

Background / Re: Heraldry making
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:44:36 AM »
The heraldry rules for which nation or culture do you refer to :). There is no universal system, though much of Europe had somewhat similar systems. Since we are not RPing historic realms, I see no real reason to have to follow the rules anyway.

BM General Discussion / Re: Colony and
« on: March 08, 2011, 11:05:34 PM »
That's really a rather ridiculous idea. That wouldn't be fun for *anyone* at all, watching their realms fall shrink and fall apart due to entropy. It also won't significantly change the political landscape at all. The remnants of realms would really have no incentive to shift things around. No new realms would form because there wouldn't be enough players to do it. Things wouldn't change for the better in any significant way, they would just wither and die.

If you want to see some big changes you need /more/ players. That way realms like Darka and Eston have the players available to do things like run a CTO, or capture a duchy and spin off a realm. Heck, Darka/EstonBoM squatted in Coria's capital for a week. You can sure bet that if we had 20 spare nobles, I would have called in a TO unit and started a CTO.

How would you define 20 "spare" nobles. 20 nobles that you could lose without affecting the effort to control your own realm? Or 20 nobles that you can lose and still manage to hold onto your current regions with a fair bit of effort, hoping that you can pick up some more characters in the future?

Feature Requests / Re: Lower the rate at which unique items degrade
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:55:57 PM »
Okay a couple of things could be going on here. As I understand it the older the item, the faster it degrades. Secondly did the Advy really truly repair the item to 100% depending on how damaged the item is, it can take several repair events to get back to 100%.

Feature Requests / Re: regarding infiltrators
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:52:29 PM »
And what can priest DO while they walk around at that speed? Certainly not lead a unit. You have to look at more then just a single aspect of a class when talking about it being "overpowered". Priest are mostly a RP class, it tells you that when you choose the class. Tom explicitly warns you that there is less to "do" in game mechanic terms for that class.

Even in advy/inflitrators did lose their current movement system, I doubt it is something that will get implemented. I seem to recall Tom has said something along the lines of he doesn't want the advy game to get too deep, too distracting from the noble game.

Finally the point of infils being able to KILL their target. With the exception of the recent BT invasion, All death in Battlemaster is opt in. Allowing Infiltrators to kill their target, even if it was only a slight chance would violate this choice for the player that is targeted.

This Forum / Re: Opt-In Advertisement
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:36:16 PM »
I don't see the issue with having them in the game. For those that feel it breaks there immersion too much, they can switch them off there, and maybe switch them on in the forum. I didn't find the ads affected my enjoyment or immersion at all, and was rather sad to see them go. The other problem might be that people haven't turned the ads on in the forums. I know that I was only just reminded to do so.

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