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Messages - Kaltenthal

Helpline / Re: My Family is gone from the Database?
June 06, 2016, 09:48:23 PM
Im thinking about taking the same name again, but it wont really make any sense. The characters that ive played would be either VERY VERY old (4 hrs) or dead by now. So id have to create complete new ones. Also naming the chars the same would not automagically grant me any roles back that i fulfilled.
Ill def join again because i miss you super talented RP bunch a lot.. but i still have to think about my name. prolly will go for Kaltenthal again but who knows
Helpline / My Family is gone from the Database?
June 03, 2016, 12:48:48 PM
Hey people.

Id love to come back to BM and would like to know if theres the slightest possibility that my old family is still floating around on some DB backup.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
February 03, 2014, 01:45:37 PM
I dont know exactly what happened because Norgard was wounded but i saw that Jonsu has declared herself the new prophet. Ok. There where more then one    that tried that before. ´But as i see that, she also has the rank of prophet in the game mechanics, and that has to stop NOW!

Even if the player of Enoch has declared her the new prophet by making her so, there should be possibilities to PROTEST against that like you can when your regent does something against your will.

HELLO !! GM'S!! Please patch that ASAP! !!!!!!
Feature Requests / Re: "Turnchange Button"
November 03, 2013, 05:54:53 PM
Hehe.. thats funny... thats exactly the system that got me thinking about something like that in the first place.

Thanks for fixing that part ppl! Keep up your great work!
Feature Requests / "Turnchange Button"
November 03, 2013, 11:42:44 AM
I know that this request is very exotic and i am anxious to hear what all of you think about it.

I have often slapped myself after finding my timepool drained because i was playing around with region settings, unit recruitment or other actions that cost small amounts of time like one hour.
Then i thought about a small solution to the problem.

If there would be a button that had to be activated to committ all time consuming changes and being able to reset some of your actions before they where calculated at the turn would save many players from frustrated waiting for the turnchange to do the things that they wanted to do during the last turn but wherent able to because they had no time.

I also thought about at least a few of the actions that should be reversible before committing them.

  • Unit oriented features like: Recruiting Troops, Paraphernalia actions and so on.
  • Region management features: Renaming, Resizing, creating or removing an Estate, tax settings.
Thanks for reading this far without ragequiting your browser.
Like i said, this is merely a play of thought and im looking forward to hear your opinions on it.
Feature Requests / "Notepad" as every chars first message.
September 14, 2013, 07:53:08 PM
Id ask if the idea of having a "notepad" at the top of the new messages would be interesting and could gather any support.

Basically imagine you are on your family page and klick "play" on one of your characters and the foremost message would be a messages that you can change as you like to use it as a reminder for the player about the RPs that you wanted to do with this char, people you wanted to contact at a special time or things that are important for you realm/char at the moment.

I think this would help the more "casual player" (if somethin like that even exists in BM) to remember what kind of guy his char is and could be helpfull for every player to memorize things better.
Id totally want to see this implemented. It would safe much time/tabs.
Helpline / Re: More then one Government Position.
June 03, 2013, 04:24:20 PM
Then could somebody please add that to the Wiki at the appropriate place?

The wiki is meant as the main guide for that game but is horribly outdated, incomplete and neglected. Somebody should definitely do something about it. I would have a go at it but i fear that my knowledge of the game mechanics is way too limited for that kind of job.
Helpline / More then one Government Position.
June 01, 2013, 09:37:37 AM
Is it possible to hold more then one government Position? I.E.: Ruler and General ?!
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 12, 2013, 02:30:14 PM
I assume because of the mail that he got from you?!
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 12, 2013, 01:39:12 PM
Like i said, im mailing with him at the moment and he told me that you just will not unlock his account no matter what he explains to you.
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 11, 2013, 08:48:55 PM
Thank you. Thats exactly what i wanted to know. I just asked if there is some other evidence then just the IP log and got a little upset that there where not a satisfying answer from your side. Its completely understandable that you can and will not show the exact procedere of finding cheaters.

And i thought that sending Gold between Chars on other continents does not work directly. Isnt that true? Also i doubt that all of those characters supported shady as we on the OI never saw anything that clearly showed that he does have so much money.

Maybe you should try to mail the player of Shady and talk to him in person about that case in depth before making any fast decisions.

I talked to him and he told me that there are a few of his friends who log in to BM from time to time. The same is the case with me and my friends.. i also have some friends that do play BM and sometimes we do log in from the same IP address simply because we have our PCs standing in the same flat when we have a LAN-Party going. Im a bit scared that the same thing that happened to those players can happen to me and my friends too as it seems that we have a very similar situation here.
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 11, 2013, 07:58:33 PM
Isnt that a bit rude to say? One of our friends on the Eastern continent shall be banned from the game for ever and some are just trying to understand !why!  and the only thing the GMs come up with is some babbling like "The evidence wont be shown" .. "no further discussion"

thats a darned cheek! If you want to loose your players for treating them like sh** you should keep that up and that will happen very fast.
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 11, 2013, 07:38:26 PM
I dont know enough about the Process of finding multis to say that it is a fact, but have you also investigated if there was a hack that all of the IPs of the locked accounts where redirected so that it looks as if they logged in from the same computer? Are there other indications that those accounts where definitely affiliated to each other then that ?

Also it is a great feat to send Gold from one continent to another to support a single character... if you have the time, Turner be shure to show me how this is done as it is impossible...
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 11, 2013, 12:15:06 PM
I also clearly want to know what exactly happened that all of those players have been locked.
Can we please see the evidence that the GMs have for those accusations?!