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Messages - cenrae

Needed to give the region to to do the same to Mech Derris. ;)
I let golden farrow become its own duchy long ago so that its ruler could potentially be the ruler of the realm. But that never happened. And conveniently Farrowfield blocks the city from the other regions effectively making it a single region duchy.
The pot has just been stirred!
Helpline / Re: Lamps
December 18, 2013, 08:31:59 PM
I'm a big kid yes. But at 41 the reference completely escaped me.
Helpline / Lamps
December 17, 2013, 09:12:32 PM
So I still haven't figured out if lanterns do anything in game for you other then

" You are no longer afraid of grues."
As a player I really want to do something with the Farronites that would really stir the pot, as is my right as a duchess, but just can't justify it in game with my character....
BM General Discussion / Re: In Love with my Adventurer
November 09, 2013, 01:26:07 AM
My Dwilight advy Astridicus mainly follows wizards now. It usually takes about a month to get a scroll or two due to the high amount of items needed.
BM General Discussion / Re: how to kill a hero
October 23, 2013, 09:17:10 PM
Oh yeah, I've been doing that. Have had two units wiped out and wounded both times. Die already, I want the fame!
Helpline / scroll bug
October 23, 2013, 07:02:06 PM
Well I reported a bug with scroll creation. Yesterday from my PC I meet a wizard, had the required items for the scroll. I was rewarded with a blank screen with only the wizard header. My items were removed but no scroll was given.  So I tried again as I had more items. Again same result. Items gone and no scroll. This happened to me about a month ago while on the mobile version on my phone as well. I thought it was a fluke then but not now.

This was on Dwilight.
BM General Discussion / how to kill a hero
October 22, 2013, 08:49:28 PM
So what's the easiest way to kill a hero. I just did a duel, selected to death and am critically wounded. Can you actually die from a duel?
I was happy when I got my first  item for a noble but not long after I received it I was wounded in battle and lost it. What a let down that was.

Keep an eye on that item. At a +7 prestige its likely to degrade rather quickly which means a lot of repair time.
I could make it real interesting and put 95% of the Farronite Republic into Asylon...pull a Kabrinski.
I suspect that's because Terran was destroyed and a few others moved from one realm to another.
Dwilight / Re: Anything interesting happening anywhere?
October 01, 2013, 12:50:49 AM
You don't need a duchy. Just a handful of sworn vessels with at least one a regional lord to build your chartered guild house. Kabrinski could rule a house from behind the scenes.
Dwilight / Re: Anything interesting happening anywhere?
September 30, 2013, 11:41:58 PM
All the lurkers here should join the Order of Aristocrats so we can get our wars between great houses rolling!