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Topics - Noone you know

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Development / How might one volunteer in BM? (Besides Coding)
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:06:03 AM »
I'll troll a little bit:

Are you one of the people who doesn't have time to help volunteer? ;-)

Be nice to have sea lanes on the other continents

Helpline / Has advy swordsmanship/adventuring skills been tweaked?
« on: April 02, 2016, 02:43:15 PM »
I know there are a couple of small changes, just wondered if their ability to gain in swordsmanship was tweaked in compensation? My guys have been fighting constantly for a long time now, but I don't see the gain message much, and they are both still at Fame: Swordsmanship 6 (which I know is affected by other things, but ought to rise above this, surely?)

Helpline / Badly damaged armor wounding at only 60%?
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:24:16 AM »
Men fighting, getting wounded and dying  - armor only at 60% (now 64%) wounded.

That's the lowest I've ever seen it that I can remember.

Development / Developer Roadmap - refactoring via packages
« on: March 24, 2016, 01:12:27 PM »
Finally have time to sit down and spell out this idea. This post is geared toward the dev team & experienced programmers; without wanting to sound rude or abrupt, if you don't fall in those categories it's prolly better to just look on.


I won't give a long preamble. You are working with an ancient, brittle legacy code written in procedural style, and because of that it is very difficult if not impossible to quickly fix bugs & to make new changes without the fear of breaking things. You have a long list of things you'd like to get to, but all of your time is eaten up chasing down bugs and so things like the "war package", reworking tournaments, reworking the advy game, etc are pipe dreams that won't happen for years. That's not criticism, that's just fact. Legacy systems are no fun.

Volunteers are needed, but experienced programmers make a good hourly wage and have no interest in spending their nights and weekends sticking band-aids on top of band-aids on top of band-aids of an old creaky legacy system when they could be making extra money or doing their own side projects. If you don't attempt to modernize, you're never going to get more than the occasional help from young college kids who don't really have the experience the codebase requires.

You need to find a way to drag the codebase into the modern programming world without doing a major upgrade all at once that no one has the time or probably the interest in undertaking. I've been giving some thought to this and have a suggestion I think will at least help get you started down the road.


First, you *must* understand that the root of all the problems in your codebase is that it is essentially procedural. You will not be able to make any improvements until you start to move away from that. Code needs to be refactored to functions and then objects. Functions are not only about not repeating code; objects are not only about hierarchy. They are to move your code to higher state that are testable & follow SOLID principles.

This is not some giant, 3 year project - you do it bit by bit, each time you need to go into the code to fix or tweak it. Even so, it is a big project at first, especially if you are not familiar with this type of programming. That's where I have an idea I think can help.


You are already using composer, meaning that you have an autoloader in place, and an easy way to add more external classes & modules. Many people don't realize that composer can be used to load classes directly from any VCS (ie git, svn) without going through Packagist - you can just pull it in from your own github or bitbucket account, for example.

What this means is - developer can help you out by writing small bits of code completely separate from the main code base, in a BM-owned repo, and you can simply pull it in & use it. The dev does not need to have access to the main BM codebase - or even know that's what he's working on - to be productive. This is VERY IMPORTANT because it also means a dev can volunteer to do a small task without feeling like they are being led down a rabbit hole.

How's this possible? Because good code is "decoupled". Let me give you an example.


Let's say you need to rework the dueling code, for tournaments or whatever. Your current code probably calls the database (or Doctrine, making it easier ) to get the details of the duel, calls the database to get each character, takes some values from them and pass them into a function that runs through all the code and returns a result.

What *should* happen is you call Doctrine and get the two chars that want to duel & the details and pass to a "new Duel()" class... and it magically returns the results. "Duel" class was created by Pedro the Programmer & pushed to BM's private bitbucket account. He doesn't know anything about your database or anything else in your codebase; maybe he doesn't even know this is for BM.

He defines the data he needs you to give him, asks for your business logic & what info you need returned. Duel() is a black box. All the *dev team* needs to do is rip out all the dueling logic (in this case, prolly just a big function - it's a simple example) and write something like:

// get the duel & char info

$results =  (new Duel)->fight($char1, $char2);

// use the results to update the chars status, send message, etc

In other words, you pull out a big chunk of procedural code, hand it off to someone to turn into a set of *tested*  OOP code, and integrate it back into the codebase.


Why is this wonderful?

- you make small tasks that you can more easily get help on, and get finished quickly
- you slowly increase your code coverage
- if the existing class later needs tweaks for new idea, *any* programmer can look at it and change it quickly
- you build up a small collection of libraries that can actually be mixed & matched and turned into new games -  a new dueling or advy game could be snapped into Laravel & rolled out in a weekend.


As I said earlier, this is not some giant project that takes a huge commitment. It is as simple as setting up a new repo (a button click, and give a name), isolating some code and handing it over to turned into an object. It is a slow & steady improvement. I know there are still a million questions about how you would handle X, Y, Z but those can be explained in later discussions.

I am happy to answer anything, and even walk you through a simple example to show you how it would all work.

Helpline / Daemons controlling rogues on Dwilight?
« on: March 23, 2016, 10:41:48 PM »
I would normally leave this as "something in the game to figure out", but I can't help but feel something is not right here.

Eidulb Outskirts has daemons & normal rogues traveling to Eidulb; I scouted 2-3 times showing they were moving before moving to Eidulb Outskirts, but when I got there was engaged in battle.

Scouted EO again, still shows them all moving to Eidulb.

Beluaterra / Will a "point" to the invasion be announced soon?
« on: February 15, 2016, 01:37:05 AM »
Depending where you are on the island, you're prolly getting a completely different experience.

So far in the North, it seems to be a lot of "run back and forth squelching fires". I can see the life and death aspect of fighting the giant hordes in the south gives more to RP, but still it seems like "oh, you held out against that giant horde? ok, here's one twice the size"

I'm fine - think it's a fun idea - to have our backs to the wall, fighting till the last. But with no mortality, and no end game to figure out, it seems a bit repetitive.

Is there more coming, I hope?

Especially for Dwilight, and now the invasion on BT, it can be very dangerous to attack higher groups in certain areas. I usually use an intentional strategy of repeatedly searching for Group #1 until I feel the numbers have been beaten down a bit.

Unfortunately, I often get randomly "boosted" into a higher group and end up wounded for several days.

If the wording is simply off and this is intended to be a random thing, not helpful, then fine, but it sounds like this was put in to benefit the advy. If so, a checkbox with the option to not search higher groups would be welcome.

Helpline / Is there a "dirty lifestyle" flag on some characters?
« on: February 07, 2016, 08:16:05 AM »
Just wondered, as I can't remember the last time Stegman got wounded that he didn't get infected and stay serious for three days.

Is there a secret algorithm based on amount of whoring, refusal to wash, quantity of daily bacteria-laden cheese eaten, etc that helps determine this?

Development / Add a "Volunteer Tasks" Section to Forums
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:31:26 PM »
There is the constant complaint/observation/choose your word that there is not enough volunteer help to accomplish everything that the dev team would like to do, followed by someone(s) willingness to help "but I don't know how to code"

I think there are both 1) a lot of people who have a variety of useful skills & 2) a lot of tasks that aren't always programming per se, or that could be a small, isolated programming task that doesn't require access to the game's source code. I propose we look at ways to crowdsource tasks.


Let's say we want to add sea lanes to EC. You add a thread in the Volunteer section saying you have the following tasks (purely for example):

- 1) create separate "sea zones" w/ names - requires skills with the mapping tool
- 2) create travel links & times in spreadsheet - requires Excel & familiarity w/ game
- 3) upload to a copy of the routes table  - requires mysql knowledge

The point being, many of the tasks are either non-technical, or small enough that someone with programming skills can do without the feeling of a major commitment.

Obviously at the end of the day the dev team still needs to review & load it up, with some additional work, but it can save many hours on some tasks

there are some tricks you can also do with composer & git to make small, isolated programming tasks, but that is a bit of a tangent so I'll explain somewhere else.

Feature Requests / Approved: Make sharing Adventurer links easier
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:11:26 PM »
More of the same ;-)

Let's put Share with all/some nearby advies right on that page, for simple send out

Want to put this up as a question/guideline for all players, old or new.  I'm sure we've all seen this from time to time. Unfortunately, in too many venues - real-life or social media, forums, etc - the people in charge tend to shrug and say, "we don't really have proof - what can we do?"

There are times when two players simply don't get along for whatever reason, and one player takes it upon himself to constantly in-game harass the other family via all his players, with in-game comments that go beyond civil disagreement with the discussion.

Like real-life, this is difficult to prove and yet obvious when it's happening. The first, early action is to use the "ignore" button, but this makes it more difficult for the harassed player to fully play and enjoy the game (as they are not getting all of the orders & discussions) and is unfair as it punishes the person being harassed and lets the harasser continue. The harassed player starts to want to play less, be less involved, or avoid certain realms which is also unfair.

A Titan complaint is another step, but I'm afraid a great many players are often disappointed by the Titan's logic & narrowly restricting themselves to cases of provable cheating and rule-breaking.  In cases of harassment the "proof" is often subtle and elusive. I know we already have a code of conduct against harassment but I'm wondering if it is adequate to actually protect a player?

I believe, both here and anywhere else in life, there should be ZERO TOLERANCE for this sort of thing. So while a particular case may not be much, "not much" is more than zero and should be dealt with early.

How should players deal with this? Is it enough to train the Titans to look more closely at cases where accusations of harassment are involved, or should we have a different channel for it?

I was wounded & don't know the specifics of a recent case, so it's not with anyone in mind, Pryde ;-)

But there's a well-known trick of hanging around a region until a TO finishes, then quickly purchasing it before they can appoint a Lord. It basically amounts to "who can click the fastest"

Can we just put a waiting period on this sort of thing, some reasonable time such as a turn or two?

Feature Requests / Simple popup modal per character in message writer
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:29:01 AM »
In the message writer, have the list of names of who it is going to be hoverable with a small modal giving details about each person.


titles & region

In order to write consistent sounding messages & roleplays involving other characters it is nice to know who you are talking to, but can be very time consuming to open a bunch of tabs & look everything up each time.

I thought we had a gender symbol, but it only seems to be in some places or some islands.

Feature Requests / Make Sharing Scout Reports simpler
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:20:53 AM »
The Share with army works great, but...we don't really do that much anymore, unless you live in a realm with one giant army.


1) the new data tables makes copy/pasting flaky, and runs the results together in an unreadable string

2) copying the link from each scout report means you need to open up a tab for your message, open a tab for scouting, scout, copy/paste, go back to information, scout, copy/paste,  go back to information, scout, copy/paste,  ..... until you've finished

This is one of the more annoying wastes of time in the game, leaving little time for adding comments or writing other letters

Possible solutions:

1) drop the "no sharing to realm" all together, or at least with realms under (for example) 20 nobles

2) add links to share to realm on the scout page

3) make a members group flaggable as "military council" & add a "Share to Military Council" link

4) on the Scribe page, add the same links in a column to make it easier to re-share or forward foreign scouting reports

5) on the message writer, have a listing/modal with the scribe reports you have that you can click to insert into your letter, to make things faster & easier to pass on to other people

6) review all of these and make sure they are completely & clearly identified, so we don't share "Scout Report" & have to type in what it is.

We should not have to spend as much time & effort copy/pasting simple pieces of information as we do.


BM General Discussion / What to do about adventurers?
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:06:04 AM »
I created a bunch of new adventurers - and then paused them all. Too many characters. I tried to make personalities for each, but the communication is so bad and there are so many, it just became a "log in and click" exercise.

Should we give some thought to how adventurers can better integrate with the realm & real game, to make them as desirable as nobles? Or is that already happening places?

All ideas welcome. Remember - "We will NEVER have a forum in Battlemaster!"

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