Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 562746 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #1635: March 18, 2013, 02:59:46 PM »
This is a completely inaccurate rendition of what happened.

Yeah, Kas traveled into Overroot and engaged the Zuma and it was probably an accident. However, for several reasons it was a big deal.

1) Most obviously is risked a ZUMA !@#$STORM INVADE TERRAN which has happened before.
2) It came very eerily after he had been reporting on himself contacting Haktoo trying to garner some kind of Zuma aid.
3) Also eerily after he was messaging the Strategium about some grand plan to win the war in one fell swoop by swinging the army around through Zuma lands.
4) It has been the, for some time now, an unofficial rule of Terran foreign policy to remain completely apathetic toward the Zuma. That is: to ignore them completely and utterly. Because the first era or two of Terran's history of trying to interact with them always lead to bad things happening.
5) Kas had already been stirring up tensions by trying to make power grabs and suggesting he was going to try to change the government form to allow him to appoint Lords, etc. instead of elections. Both Kale and Quintus were heavily put off by this.

Despite all of this, Kas would have been fine had he just said "Sorry, accident, I apologized to Haktoo, now I'm heading back to the Chateau to get another unit." Unfortunately, he did choose that course of action. He proceeded to make up excuses, glorify Haktoo in front of Senate, and then when he came under some heat, completely lost all of his composure and started basically name calling everyone in the realm, accusing people of corruption, etc., and finally by messaging the rulers of Dwilight with an incredibly treasonous message about the 'shadow gov't' of Terran run by "the Dukes." As if a realm's Dukes and long time members being significant and influential power players in a realm is some kind of surprise.

He was not banned for running into Zuma territory. It was his complete and utter failure to handle criticism and the resulting breakdown that saw him lose power.

Ah, but you see a lot of that stuff could only be known to the highest echelons of the realm. From my point of view the debacle was solely about him making his misclick and half heartedly proposing a power grab. It would be nice for those other reasons to be laid out in game so that the people involved don't come off as vain psychopaths.

Good RP is not ever a good enough reason to keep someone from getting what they deserve IC.

I have seen far, far too many nobles whose public RP makes quite clear that they are insane, evil, depraved, or just plain disgusting who get given high positions and allowed to continue doing whatever horrible things they're doing just because people think that their RP is good.

You know what this means? It means that the RP of everyone around them is very bad.

Villains should totally be punished. Even if that means you lose their good RP.

The only other reasonable option is for those around them to explicitly accept and endorse their villainy, and thus join them in it.

That's a matter of opinion. Mine is that RPing the hero, or the status quo maintainer, is boring and that players should strive towards more exciting things. Punishing the 'villain,' from a character's practical standpoint, doesn't make much sense when the villainy only is of no personal detriment. Erasmus was in conflict with Solaria and some peasants, which isn't much reason for the common nobles of Terran to care. One could say that it was damaging relations with Solaria, but I don't buy that explanation in a medieval setting. Other instances of crazy or malicious characters gaining power are perfectly fine from a realism standpoint. Crazies are easy to manipulate and the malicious are probably sociopaths willing to lie, cheat and bribe their way to success. It actually makes more sense for them to gain power than for the goody-two-shoes, altruistic big brother types.

He was a villain right up until the moment that he (and his OOC buddies) got caught, and then he was just another griefer, kinda-sorta abusing game mechanics to exact revenge. Don't confuse villainy with being a troll, or being chronically predisposed to betraying your own team.

Haha, well I can't help if that's something I can relate to :P