Author Topic: Toughts about Rasicism, Sexism, Homophobia in game?  (Read 7528 times)


  • Freeman
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I just read a very interesting discussion about racism in game, and found quite a few flaws in peoples arguments.

One: The social contract says we should play the game as with friends. Well I am racist with my friends, because we find it comedic. We don't openly hate on people, but it is very stereotypical. People are complaining that you could offend strangers with racial slurs, well if we are playing with friends, my friends don't care.

Two: We are talking about IN-GAME messages and roleplays, in a medieval atmosphere. In those times, women were considered inferior, gays were considered sick or heathen, and racism was an open reason to go to war. The issue I have, is people bringing their OOC attitudes into a game. Its the same issue i have when people judge Shakespeare with a 21st century attitude. It was a different time.

I believe that it should be a realm by realm and per character basis. In medieval times, a knight might be angry that his duke kept black slaves, or liked to kill asian peasants, but would not likely voice it because it was not his place. However, another duke may openly denounce them, maybe with a duel. Then it would be up to the ruler to mitigate the dispute in game.

In one realm it may be fine for a woman to have power and men not, and vice versa. In this case, railing against them will make no difference. Why not go the medieval route and plot a rebellion? Or leave and share secrets with the enemy who will respect your gender?

If we all start playing as if everything was all fair and equal back then, then we are deluding ourselves. Other races were often feared and hated, just because they were different. Gays could be stoned in the streets, bastards were often left to die or killed, underage girls were often married and were having sex around the ages of 10-12, and women were often seen as second class citizens.

These facts give the rulers of realms and nobles, the ability to change that history within the game. I myself am bi-sexual, but if my character met someone who was openly sharing relations with someone of the same sex, he would hate and fear them for that specific reason. Its a game.

Whats everyone elses opinion?