Author Topic: Xavax Imperium  (Read 135527 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Xavax Imperium
« Reply #90: February 08, 2016, 07:43:27 PM »
Incorrect. Oh Selenia was definitely agreeing with you that something had to be done, and she explicitly supported action against the Xerarch. Here, just to jog your memory since that hit Reyjkovik gave Kellan must have corrupted some files...

Request from Selenia JeVondair   (8 days, 4 hours ago)
Very well, Kellan. My support comes with three conditions:

That we wait two days for Magnus to address our concerns (He said earlier that his kid was in the emergency room and taking action to remove him seems dangerously close to the Inviolable Player Rights)

If, as you suspect, he is unable to make sufficient turnaround (and I will let you be the judge of that), You will launch a referendum demanding that he step down. This has the benefit of not betraying anyone's personal honor OR devaluing the crown.

Only if these do not work will I actively collude with you in Rebellion. because, for the good of Xavax, Leadership MUST improve. I will expect your suggestions as to who you'd pick to succeed Magnus.

These seem to be wise and reasonable conditions and I expect you to agree. In the meantime, I will speak with Duke Isadril and gain his support. With both Dukes of Xavax pushing, there can be no risk for failure.

Selenia JeVondair
Duchess of Xavax
Margravine of Xavax

As a player, i hate the thought of loosing other active players for pretty much any reason. i'd rather work with and roleplay through it.

And Selenia is old enough to be Magnus's mother...
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"