Author Topic: The War  (Read 109315 times)


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Re: The War
« Reply #255: August 11, 2018, 10:57:33 AM »
Except FG is not treated like dirt and clearly does not feel as such, they will end up with friends unlike HM and they did not see HM as caring for them.

I am gonna have to polity disagree with this statement. Highmarch has more friends now than it had during its alliance with the South. Vix always hated the fact that Higmarch was draining their funds, at one point they completely stopped giving funds to its defense and even went as far as to withdraw troops to show Highmarch that it was dependent on them for its survival. Perdan broke treaties with Highmarch in regards to Meuse/Mullhouse and always just went back to the Perdan Mines issue when asked about it. (Even though the Perdan Mines issue goes back a long way, and has a lot of History behind it)

Lets not even talk about the Alara/Minas Nova vs Perloane/Vix debacle going on. Highmarch did warn Alara that this was coming long before we left the Southern Alliance.

As for Fallangard, there was never any intent to attack them or declare war until they started looting Highmarch lands. This is the saddest thing about this war, as i would say that no one in Highmarch wants to fight Fallangard, they where the only ones not planning to sell out Highmarch during the negotiations with the north. You should really have been more careful with your backdoor dealings in regards to putting Highmarch on the block to save your own necks. You left Highmarch no choice but to flip. There was no way Highmarch could have survived with the entire South and North turning on them to get the territories, this way Highmarch has a chance to survive , where before it had none.

Rand Gardarr/Tam Gardarr/Veronica Gardarr
Highmarch/Bara'Khur/Luria Nova