Author Topic: A serious and constructive discussion on recent change in staff involvement  (Read 18600 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 1
  • "Patience is power"
    • View Profile
It has been a long time since I visited the forum, but I think this occasion warrants it.

A couple of my characters have been part of some annihilated realms, and each one was a unique experience. A realm could be destroyed by many realms at once, by great calamities, or by a single powerful empire, as long as its enemies have a valid casus belli. The annihilated realms are fertilizer for new ones, or potentiometer for small realms that become powerful by feeding on the noble refugees. It can be said that I have lost more times than I have won in BM. However, it does not seem unfair to me, these adversities are what create good RP material.

This was a feature of BM for a long time, and is now being censored. An important path of the game is being lost.
House Starck: Cregan (Dwilight:Avernus), Barthogan (East Continent: Perleone) and Boltgan (Beluaterra: Obia'Syela)

Old Generation: Edwyle (Dwilight:Asylon), Argyle (Beluaterra: Riombara) and Lyanna (East Continent: Sirion)