Author Topic: Who else plays by phone? Or how do you play?  (Read 20541 times)

Tan dSerrai

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Re: Who else plays by phone? Or how do you play?
« Reply #30: September 11, 2011, 01:19:09 PM »
Have started to use my phone for BM as secondary device - though I did not know about the mobile site until now. I would suggest adding a link in the main login page pointing towards the mobile page to make it easier to find.

So far I have been using the regular page on my mobile (HTC Desire HD) and was pleasantly surprised on how well everything worked/was displayed. I did not have any problems except for the bottom line (hours, status, region) sometimes being displayed several lines upwards from the bottom overwriting other text (very minor annoyance). My main trouble/fear is hitting a wrong link on the family page where you decide which character to play: login/quickplay/pause/delete are all in one line and on my mobile device (if I do not zoom in far enough) this line is wrapped leading to 'login' and 'delete' being one right above the other. I know there is a confirm before deletion of a character but with a touchscreen being not the most exact device I would very much prefer to have these options seperated by some distance. I log in 1-3 times per day per character but /never/ have used the delete option and pause only once. If delete + pause on the login page could (for example) be moved below the family graveyard a misclick would be much harder (that applies to laptops using a touchpad as mouse as well).