Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 561705 times)


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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #735: November 23, 2012, 02:46:45 PM »
It's pointless to live a Donald Trump-like existence? To travel the continent, seeking food and conversation? We worked hard to settle these wild lands, fighting off monsters and undead. We earned it, and then we worked to keep what we have, and we're going to keep it all.

Exactly. Mendicant proved that he had no understanding of D'Hara whatsoever, when he proposed the creation of a realm in Paisly as a BOON for us that we should be grateful for.

If D'Hara had wanted a separate entity there, we'd have formed one ages ago. It's not the opportunities or the propositions that were lacking. Coast to Coast (in a kind of opposite way to Canada's/US's) has been D'Hara's Manifest Destiny for quite some time. Even in our most pitiful days barely holding onto a region or two, we began dreaming of an age we'd have ports on both continents, wealth abound, and ties with influential people from all over the world. This last year, we achieved many things we never actually believed we'd be able to years before. D'Hara was on a high when the last great starvation occurred.

Aurvandil may live to fight, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. Or that if they do want to fight, it's to somehow prove something.

Trade was a great vector for diplomacy. Other nations had something we needed, and we could magically turn their excess rotting food into piles of gold. You may think that BM is just about CS and moving an army at the same pace. But many of us play BM for different reasons.
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