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Newer Kabrinskia vs. Terran Thread

Started by Vellos, May 10, 2012, 11:40:50 PM

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Quote from: Arrakis on May 31, 2012, 10:55:59 PM
What's all the fuss about? I was under impression Asylon/Terran was doing well? No need to give up before the match even begins right?

Well, Glaumring was riding a high when Asylon barely lost in Mech Alb. But now he's riding a low, maybe because of the talk of foreign powers joining and Terran losing pretty badly in Demynsk(even though we did do considerable damage to the production there).


Quote from: Uzamaki on May 31, 2012, 11:18:29 PM
Well, Glaumring was riding a high when Asylon barely lost in Mech Alb. But now he's riding a low, maybe because of the talk of foreign powers joining and Terran losing pretty badly in Demynsk(even though we did do considerable damage to the production there).

Yeah, just typical Glaumring being moody and bipolar.  ;)

One day he's aiding Terran, the next he's signed a cease-fire with Kabrinskia, the next day he's invading Kabrinskia. One minute he's going to "take on the world" the next minute he says Asylon will be destroyed "down to the last blade of grass."

Sheesh, get a hold of yourself man!

Also, I take responsibility for the loss in Demyansk. I ordered the Archers to open in front hoping our superior number of Archers would give us an early advantage to deal with their loads of cavalry. Alas, it didn't work and I should have opened with the Infantry out front and maybe even tried some box formations.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Indirik on May 31, 2012, 06:06:19 PM
While true, this only defines one side of the issue. You seem to have convinced yourself that this is the only side that matters, or that the other side not exist.

It is possible to join a conflict on the side of Team X with one of two goals in mind: To support Team X, or to oppose Team Y. You can join Team X's side to accomplish one of these goals even if you don't like the idea that you are also accomplishing the other goal at the same time. So long as you like one goal more than you dislike the other goal, you will still join.

So, yes, Allison herself may not enjoy the favor of the entire church. But if you're betting on that, then you've placed a losing bet. What you should really be betting on is: Do all the northern realms want Allison to lose more than they want Asylon/Terran to lose? But the issue is even more complicated than that, because thanks to Glaumring, there are now two separate wars that you need to account for. Which tosses the whole situation back into the air. And a simple "Allison doesn't have the support of the whole church" is ridiculously inadequate to describe the dynamics of the situation. And again, if that's your bet, then it's a losing one.

Of course, I will not say everything I know, for that would reveal what I don't know.

However, I am willing to say we are prepared for a vast spectrum of scenarios, from the likely to insane. With eternal and omnipresent threats, D'Hara fermented in paranoïa. Little would surprise me, though of course there's some levels of uncertainty and there's a limit to how "prepared" one can be.

While we are rich, rest assured that we are not sloths like Madina. We are officially a republic, and we do have occasional elections, but the realm is always everyone's top priority.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Glaumring the Fox

Part of the unpredictable nature and strategy is/was planned. The other part is RL stress, im working 13 hours a day for an oil/gas/chemical cleaning company in northern Alberta so my head is a bit mushy when I get a chance to sit down. Plus I play from the phone etc. I apologize didn't intend on getting my realm so hated so irrevocably.

I still think there is a chance for Asylon... And I will see it through these times.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: katayanna on May 31, 2012, 07:44:27 PM
You mean this?

20 attackers (425 Inf, 434 Arch, 75 Cav, 108 SF)
19 defenders (174 Inf, 131 MI, 319 Arch, 250 Cav, 56 SF, 725 other)
Total combat strengths: 11742 vs. 11814

The region owner Kabrinskia and their allies defend.
The Terran troops attack because they are at war with Kabrinskia.

For whoever asked, it was the cavalry pretty much wrecking the infantry line and archers at the same time that won the battle for Kabrinskia with such a large margin. My cavalry alone did 2244 hits in one round of fighting during their charge. (granted, it was 100 cavalry, but still) They also hit 6 different units. The rest of the cavalry had similar results.

The funny thing is that lack of (good) cavalry in the Moot was one of the complaints I made while there.

Quote from: Glaumring on May 31, 2012, 10:17:54 PM
I act irrational because every time I do something I am attacked by everyone all the time. I literally have to dance around on my toes just to keep up. When I was in Thulsoma no one talked to me, there was a heresy trial and Libero threatened us all the time with war. So I left to Asylon, same thing happened no one talked to me and Caerwyn threatens me with war all the time and the Astroists stick Allison Kabrinski next to me who immediately sets out to start a fight. Its clear I am not like by Astroism or the Astroist realms. My realm is a not a theocracy like the others.

I may be mad but I got my kingdom very far without next to zero support both Thulsoma and Asylon. I'll do it again.

The main thing is that realms have to trust you in your leadership. Whether they are allies or enemies. If you can't be trusted, people won't want you next to them. Allison is insane, but pretty much everyone around her can trust that she'll be greedy for her realm and act like she's the Queen of everything. BUT, they also know she won't just randomly do something crazy. It'll be calculated at the very least. Pretty much the same goes for Brom. People can trust he'll be greedy and self-serving. Which makes him useful and you won't really be surprised with his actions. (except the switch to Kabrinskia)

A lot of Glaumring's actions are seemingly random. The whole cease-fire then war with takeovers in 2 days time was one of those things. If you can make that change, what stops you from attacking the Moot or Astrum tomorrow?

In the end, I don't think this war is even close to a tipping point. BUT, it will likely be more interesting going forward.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Honestly, Asylon was never ready for a war. We didn't have a strong set of RCs, Itau duchy was still decrepit weeks after we acquired them, and we just wanted to keep expanding...and had no structure on what to do with any of the lands we had. I'm not certain with diplomatic efforts, since Glaumring is Glaumring and keeps most of it to himself until the very last moment, but Asylon kept sitting on the fence. Its Ambassador was a priest of SA and it seemed like we were making dealings there, but then we were also allied to most of the 'Moot realms, yet we weren't part of the 'Moot ourselves. Then the war broke out, and we kept snaking around until we were left scrambling around. :S


Protip: If you've already got a suffering duchy, don't expand and get more !@#$ty territory.

Glaumring the Fox

Feylonis thats bull!@#$. I share all the news and diplomacy I just dont always share it with you. On the other hand I gice constant updates to the realm about current affairs. Lets not get into an over excited feeding frenzy about the fact im bleeding a bit. I messed up the last couple of weeks. Its not like it doesnt happen to everyone, even Allison has had her bad days. Lessons learned etc the fact is I will listen and learn and recover from this. The fact is Asylon is going to survive this.

The other thing is no one here mentions , my Astrum diplomat, my diplomat in Corsanctum, my constant work with the moot etc etc

All people remember is me pissing off Haktoo by asking for ' our/ my ' land back and Garrettt lying to us.

They only remember the betrayal of Kabrinskia and not months , years of support and plotting.

Its a feeding frenzy, i got some blood on me. So what. I have lots of support from my friends. The rest of you who do not like me honestly you have never ever tried. If you look at my contacts with Astrum for years I have always initiated contact always me sending letters. Have I ever gotten a remotely roleplayed letter no.  Morek the same, Corsanctum etc, It is always Glaumring initiating contact all the way to Thulsoma. If anything this is not a failure if Asylon or Glaumring but of Dwilights cliques.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on May 31, 2012, 09:48:30 PM
Asylon is no longer pursuing a policy of takeover in Mech Alb. This whole thing has gone insane and I can hardly believe the attitude towards Asylon in Dwilight, you guys !@#$ing hate me, have since Thulsoma for some reason there has been a massive !@#$ing hate for Glaumring IG and Oog since forever, Geronus has disliked me, Indirik, garrett, Haktoo, Libero, most of Morek, Corsanctum now, and all of Kabrinskia... I am not sure why but its probably because I have individual ideas and a strong personality. I really dont understand it all. Hell I dont think even Vellos or Chenier like me. I get it, everyone was waiting for this mOment for ages... No matter what diplomacy or things Asylon tries its always me versus SA and the rest of Dwilight... And I have no idea why, I try to have fun, make it fun and run an interesting realm. Even my ideas like bloodmoon are derided. When you guys destroy me for whatever reason... At least I'll know I fought hard against the whole world.

Well, lots of other people have replied already and said many of the things I would say to this. OOC I have absolutely nothing against you at all and I think Glaumring makes a unique and very colorful sort of larger than life character on Dwilight. IC of course, Lysander, like everyone else, thinks Glaumring is bat!@#$ crazy.

It will be very interesting to see what happens now. So many things are still happening or are about to happen that the end is far from clear.

Glaumring the Fox

Im not going to be on these forums from now on. I'll be in game.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


I give up. If you want to think that everyone hates you because you're awesome, strong, fun, unique, creative, etc., then go ahead. It's completely bogus, but, hey, whatever helps you get through the day.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Indirik on June 01, 2012, 03:24:13 AM
I give up. If you want to think that everyone hates you because you're awesome, strong, fun, unique, creative, etc., then go ahead. It's completely bogus, but, hey, whatever helps you get through the day.

That's exactly why people hate Brom though...(sorry, couldn't help it)

"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Indirik on June 01, 2012, 03:24:13 AM
I give up. If you want to think that everyone hates you because you're awesome, strong, fun, unique, creative, etc., then go ahead. It's completely bogus, but, hey, whatever helps you get through the day.

No no dont take me wrong im just taking a break from forum banter. Im ok happy... Manic
We live lives in beautiful lies...


For the record, I think Glaumring is bat-!@#$ crazy... but a incredibly awesome character.  :)


Kabrinskia: Clobbers your army, then bribes offers your nobles a place in their regions.