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Predictions of the EC Wars

Started by DoctorHarte, March 24, 2011, 10:28:40 AM

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There has actually been an ongoing discussion within the church for the formation of a Sanctus Acies realm. As there is no real strife between SA and any of the other churches, except possibly the Flow, it would be a relatively easy enough goal to accomplish.

Taking into account normal considerations of course.


That still doesn't solve the problem that Sanctus Acies *has no content*.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Hm, somewhat of a Norse concept of Valhalla and stuff. But there are no prevailing myths that I know about (Sad too since I'm the one and only elder priestess, as in, girl priest) nor any epics. Make one up?


That would be really pointless if SA created a realm.  There is really no point to it.  Its not supposed to be a religion with a head of a state.

Regarding the war.  Lets say the first couple of months had me very busy an active to hold off a motivated and massive army that Ibladesh had.  Now Ibladesh is coming with a good 8K less CS then it had at the beginning when it was just fighting Caligus.

From my part it was very fun and I did alot of the managing dealing with Fontan/SoA/Westmoor on the south (obviously Sirion was an amazing help <3 Peri)

A key moment of the war was Ibladesh's own fault.  They had Isadril at one point but they got too greedy and took the bait and went to Hamadan and overstrecthed themselves.  It was pre-planned Ibladesh fell for it and in the end Caligus was able to get militia back.  It does help have people being more loyal to their realm then a religion too ;)


Sanctus Acies could be the delivery method of my 'Darkhollow' concept... As there is no quarrel with any set of Gods from the church's viewpoint, they could get along quite well with others, unless it came down to personal matters obviously.  It could establish itself with assistance from the other religions in trying to create an actual roleplay and religion based interplay, unlike the monotony of what I've experienced in other theocracies. It wouldn't even need to be a theocracy in all actuality (the new realm), as long as it is a truly honourable place, Sanctus Acies would approve of calling somewhere there it's actual home. I've a notion to create a Monarchy somewhere on the EC with a more... goofball tone to it. Not a stupid kind of realm with people constantly skipping into battle wearing frilly shirts and no pants, but one that: A. enjoys open conversation, B. has a decent number of religions within it's borders, to allow for some actual development and interplay between religions, such as we saw in olden days (try to tell me that any of the worlds religions didn't develop in more ways than just war, and I will chuckle quite heartily), C. has a more Ducal based powerbase, in order to promote more people into positions of status and try to keep players (old and new hopefully) interested, D. encourages roleplays of the lives of Nobles, in order to promote character development for everyone.

I know, I'm asking for a lot... But wth, EC could use some change.


Quote from: Woelfen on June 28, 2011, 09:36:01 PM

I know, I'm asking for a lot... But wth, EC could use some change.

Your concept does not sound much different.

If you seek a change in politics, you'd best found a new rich(in sense of roleplay depth) and unifying religion (or culture) with a goal to safe or doom the world or certain (groups of) people.

Not a colony of an already existing religion thats part of one of the three big political powers in EC.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Quote from: Woelfen on June 28, 2011, 09:36:01 PM
Sanctus Acies could be the delivery method of my 'Darkhollow' concept... As there is no quarrel with any set of Gods from the church's viewpoint, they could get along quite well with others, unless it came down to personal matters obviously.  It could establish itself with assistance from the other religions in trying to create an actual roleplay and religion based interplay, unlike the monotony of what I've experienced in other theocracies. It wouldn't even need to be a theocracy in all actuality (the new realm), as long as it is a truly honourable place, Sanctus Acies would approve of calling somewhere there it's actual home. I've a notion to create a Monarchy somewhere on the EC with a more... goofball tone to it. Not a stupid kind of realm with people constantly skipping into battle wearing frilly shirts and no pants, but one that: A. enjoys open conversation, B. has a decent number of religions within it's borders, to allow for some actual development and interplay between religions, such as we saw in olden days (try to tell me that any of the worlds religions didn't develop in more ways than just war, and I will chuckle quite heartily), C. has a more Ducal based powerbase, in order to promote more people into positions of status and try to keep players (old and new hopefully) interested, D. encourages roleplays of the lives of Nobles, in order to promote character development for everyone.

I know, I'm asking for a lot... But wth, EC could use some change.

This is nothing most decent rulers dont try to do.  You will find however that most ppl just want to actually move blindly without saying much.  The only way you will experience a talkative realm is if you gather the players that do try to roleplay their characters and its impossible to get them all in one realm.  Plus your religion concept wont work especially when elders of the religions you allow in start to squabble and squeeze their influence in your realm.


Quote from: Woelfen on June 28, 2011, 09:36:01 PM
[...] I've a notion to create a Monarchy somewhere on the EC with a more... goofball tone to it. Not a stupid kind of realm with people constantly skipping into battle wearing frilly shirts and no pants[...].

I know, I'm asking for a lot... But wth, EC could use some change.

It was called a battle-tutu and it was traditional of Norland to fight with it. All great warriors had it u.u

Now your idea is good. The problem would be to find the nobles, and the city to do this.
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


If Perdan/Caligus manage to defeat Ibladesh there's likely to be some spare space for a new realm.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus

Draco Tanos

Possibly two or three realms, actually, depending on size.  At the very least the Ibladesh Duchy and the Itourant Duchy.

Well, neither will likely be very habitable for some time after the war...


I cant see Ibladesh being completely destroyed. Hunting them all the way to Itorunt will take a long, long time.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus

Draco Tanos

Could always do a Sherman-esque march and burn all the food stores around.  Starve them to go rogue and end that last holdout.


At this stage, that will take a long-long time.  ::) No one has made much progress except Perdan but we still have our original borders and the religion game is playing on our side prett heavily. I was able to get Dimwood to 40% followers in a matter of days just to play around. Then I went inactive a few das in Abadan. Oops  ::)

But it's been a continually fun war. Ibladesh has managed to evaluate, change, and reconstruct our military in order to fight two realms. We are thriving off of this war, as well, as our playerbase is continuing to stay at around 90 players including some brilliant minds in our military council. I would be interested to compare the activity of Ibladesh to other realms, but I wouldn't believe anything but the raw facts Tom could provide. Forums are too easily exaggerated.
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)


Religion game will collapse pretty quickly if Perdan and Caligus manage more marches like the one Perdan did a couple of weeks back.  We had to have destroyed a few thousand gold worth of temples and shrines (not to mention taking the treasuries).  And if we can take out the food...You'll see exactly how quickly a realm can collapse when mass starvation hits.  It's not pretty.

By the same token, if Perdan and Caligus !@#$ up just once and Ibladesh gets an intact army into the heartlands to do the same, they'll be hurt almost as badly.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Gustav Kuriga

On Dwilight, you'll see pretty soon an example of how bad starvation can be to a realm (Caerwyn, in this case), so get your scribes ready to record the results of that.