Author Topic: Veinsormoot (Split from Luria Nova thread)  (Read 61409 times)


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Re: Veinsormoot (Split from Luria Nova thread)
« Reply #15: August 19, 2011, 10:41:07 PM »
This surprises me. The Véinsørmoot is on the wiki, as is the Treaty of the Maroccidens. Its all public information, and I know for a fact that I went parading around Pian en Luries a year or so ago telling everyone about all the shiny guilds in Chesney, and devoted at least a few paragraphs to the Véinsørmoot. If Koli's spies are truly so thick as to not even listen to the news-criers in Paisly, or pay attention to the fact that D'Hara is obviously in a strong alliance with Barca and Terran, or hasn't paid any attention to the unity of Barca, Terran, or D'Hara on foreign policy (like the Madinan Civil War, for example) in the past then, truly, Lurian spies are not very good. For so intrigue-ridden a place, I would have expected better.

Nothing about the Véinsørmoot is secret, and the treaties are all publicly viewable on the wiki. As a fairly big document governing a fairly large part of Dwilight, I'd expect some of Koli's advisors and policy wonks to have noticed it.

You would be wrong on all fronts.  Koli doesn't have any foreign spies.  Lurian intrigues are so inwardly focused that Fissoa is barely on the radar for them.  Not a single one of Koli's close advisers has any more time in realm than he has, and he's been singlemindedly focused on trying (somewhat unsuccessfully, sigh) to stop the unending Lurian civil wars that he paid no attention to foreign happenings until PN revolted.  He's certainly not aware of anything the 'moot or anyone in it did regarding the Madinan civil war.

Luria is insular.  Koli wants to change that, but there's too many domestic troubles to deal with first.  Now that Hireshmont's contacted him, of course, he's got scribes scouring all the records they have and he's learning more, but expecting anyone in a different region to know what's going on is...Inaccurate.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"