Author Topic: New Estate System  (Read 116994 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: New Estate System
« Reply #90: September 10, 2011, 09:52:41 PM »
will duchies (or their names) be shown on some of the maps?

The current map system is very limited in what it can show. They are hand-drawn, and everything, except for the banners (I believe) is fixed. This is why Tom has been tinkering, encouraging others to tinker with new map creations (as I have witnessed on this forum).

So under the current system, you will likely not see duchies marked on the map. However, under a new modular map system, I know that lots of tasty ideas have already been thought about ;) And the new estates system could very well not only see realms and duchies changing borders, but if a new modular map system is implemented, then regions could also start changing borders also...but this is obviously quite a ways in the future. I have not seen any updates on new map systems recently. And this is getting a bit off-topic :)

will huge duchies get some sort of inefficiency penalties?

Bigger duchies mean more power for the duke. Which the ruler may want to avoid. But I believe this is still a gray area  (undecided/not filled in yet).