Author Topic: Accusations of cheating  (Read 33897 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Accusations of cheating
« Reply #60: October 14, 2011, 05:37:44 AM »
Oh, and another thing I noticed. You can’t demand David comes onto the Forum to defend himself, nor can you in any way hold it against nor damn him for not doing so.

The Game Rules and the InAlienable Rights state without regard for circumstance that no one can be forced to be active OOC, and there is no clause there that gives either this Forum Jury nor even the Titans themselves the sovereign right to overrule that.

So trying to place the argument that him not coming onto the Forum is grounds against him .. actually .. hits on the fundamental and most unyielding set of conditions for the Game.

Just thought it’d point that out.

No. I didn't have the time to read and properly address your previous statement, but I will react to this one now.

You are absolutely wrong. If a general/marshal of a realm that has a single army stop sending any orders at all, despite continuing to log on, the IR don't protect him from getting his ass whooped for it. Same if a ruler stops doing any negotiating whatsoever while his realm is in peril.

The IR lets you play at your own pace, it doesn't allow you to completely neglect some aspects of the game under the pretense that you aren't active enough for the rest. When it takes more than 7 days, it's not inactivity, it's a lack of priorities.
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