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Accusations of cheating

Started by BattleMaster Server, October 04, 2011, 07:34:46 PM

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Quote from: Tom on October 13, 2011, 06:09:54 PM

  • Even if you are in contempt of court, this shouldn't influence the judgement on the actual case. Being in contempt is not the same as being guilty.

Not true.

I have a parking ticket. If I fail to pay my fine in advance and fail to appear in court, I am presumed guilty and have an additional fine.

That's why I just put a check in the mail.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I appear to have stumbled across a new game. It's called JudiciaryMaster.

It is almost staggering reading through that anyone has entertained this topic this far.

What did I see as a player in Arcachon? I saw Duchy after Duchy break from realms to join into a new SuperState, rendering several realms (ie. Cathay and Ohnar especially) massively reduced, and then suddenly Alliances and Peace Treaties forged within a few days. The problem with that, and thus my own comment in Arcachon, was that it seriously jeopardised the game and the situation of F.E.I. Imagine, because lets face it it was possible, and still is, that the Duchy-changes continued. There were two surprise Duchies who joined Toupellon, so lets entertain there were more. Lets say everyone jumped on the bangwagon of this new realm. Every Duke apart from those who command Capital Regions defects to Toupellon and suddenly you've got 16 Duchies under this new realm. Game over. F.E.I. is nigh ruined. And if there was no roleplay and no real IC efforts made to tie it all together, or explain or enrich the whole scenario, would it have been a positive for the continent and the Game at large? No it wouldn't. That's what David was addressing, perhaps not in the most tactile way admittedly.

Lets look at a counter claim shall we?

"Powergaming (or power gaming) is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as (in videogames, boardgames, and roleplaying games) storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie."

If there's no roleplay and little in the way of IC storytelling then surely this mass succession in F.E.I. to create a superstate is "maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations".

And yet what did you have with Toupellon but a lack of roleplay, a lack of IC explanation or depth or anything. I mean the other realms didn't even address the issue with War. Ignoring the >massive< oathbreaking and geo-political powershifts, which if it was an SMA continent would be nigh inexcusable from an IC perspective,  and yet loads of realms were simply cowed into signing Peace with the new realm out of, I expect, a mix of shock and a fear of standing up for themselves for fear of being entirely destroyed. Though is seems Cathay is to be the exception.

Now as David put it the problem was the massive lack of substance to the whole affair. It seemed like an entirely contrived effort from the point of view of spectators and even those involved, as he as a player was, as they were forced into the new realm or left watching it happen. F.E.I. is meant to be a "Roleplaying Continent" is it not? I mean it says it on the continent description. So for something like this to happen with apparently little in the way of depth or roleplay is a poor show. I think you'll find that is what David was addressing, whereas I was more struck by the game issues of suddenly a superrealm springing forth and seemingly an endless run of duchy changes which could have largely left one realm in total control of most of the continent. You know, the thing that's not supposed to happen on BM - A continent being "won".

I genuinely thought this is the kind of thing Tom would be against. I must be wrong.


Now from a "Judicial" point of view (since apparently the righteous intent of the independent and arbitrary Dispensers of Justice Committee is throbbing so heartily amongst the few who speak up here) If you really wanted to >prove< his 'claims' were for cheating you need to say where he specifically said "They're cheating". Which he didn't do. What he pointed out was that characters who joined the realm seemingly from no where and entirely different realms got appointments with no explanation or anything. Nothing was done to explain the situation really. He raised this problem IC also, thats a fact that has been neglected to be mentioned here.

And the suggestion he sent more than the two messages published is a lie. The OOC chatter in Arcachon died pretty quickly.

I put it to you, if Thulsoma, or "The Saxons!" 'did a Toupellon', what would your reaction be? I would put plenty of money that somewhere a forum topic would have leapt up claiming it was fishy and decidedly 'against the spirit of the game'. The difference being that for all the controversy and claims and counterclaims made about the Saxons the one truth is that they contributed massively IC and in terms of Roleplay to the game. Just look at Dwilight without them. They roleplayed the whole Saxon thing nigh to death. Perhaps David simply expects the same amount of effort to be put in by those making even bigger waves in terms of Continent Power and political upheaval on a Roleplaying continent. Quite honestly, so do I.

The trouble with this whole situation is it's OOC hysteria.

A few of us are lucky enough that we  don't live in the culture of "Insta-Libel" and having to watch our every words just in-case we "offend" or "infringe upon" someone with our views, and in casual chatter trying to construe that serious allegation was being made against someone is laughable. Enough people in Arcachon seemed to think the situation was odd or disappointing, and those players are those who characters who regularly seem to argue with one another. Says a lot about OOC reactions between players when it comes to light it's not just the reaction of >one< player who can easily be targeted.

Otherwise all you're saying is "Don't ever voice an opinion OOC" .... Unless of course it's on the Forum in which case, apparently, you can be as trumped up, egotistical, insultingly dismissive, purposefully confrontational and quite plainly predictably hostile to anyone, anywhere, and get away with it. Thumbs up for the Community.

This whole Forum seems to ruin the basic nature of Battlemaster : Playing– >The Game<. BM. Ran fine for years without this ridiculous amount of OOCism and the Forum just gives more avenues to bring the personalities of the players out rather than the Game being ran through the characters, with the occasional OOC comment here and there within realms. No one lamented the lack of OOC elements before the Forum compared to the masses who simply enjoyed the game for what it was IC.

And you know since this "Jury" seems to be made up players who have all had provable issue with David or his characters at some point it's a biased farce anyway, and in a real life Jury it would be dropped and the whole thing considered untouchable.

Geronus, Chénier, Indirik, Sacha  - issues with the character of Haruka in Thulsoma on Dwilight.
^ban^ issues with the character of the popularly hated Xaphan in Norland on Atamara.
Bedwyr, Lefanis and of course Anatole himself who is directly involved in this whole dispute with Farnese in Arcachon and Druhtinaz priorly in Toupellon on F.E.I.

Did I miss anyone out?

And most of you have spoken against David on the forums before also.

If you want this Jury thing to hold up it should be minimal in bias, involving random players and with as little input from additional parties as possible just like a real Jury. Something akin to the Peer Review you get In-Game ; Nigh anonymous. Not this Arbitrary Oligarchy with vested interests in "nailing the Vanimedle'". I mean, anyone who knows of your character interactions can see it. It's more than obvious. And even if you wished to maintain that you were entirely impartial in your judgements OOC regardless of IC occurrence and history ; No proper Judicial court would allow such a hung Jury, simply for the past associations. Its self evidently-flawed.

Before anyone claims otherwise - that would be what I'd say in any situation like this ; because it's simply true.

If there's no OOC element to    Toupellon and no one thinks it's damaged the continent by questionable means, if Tom doesn't think it's in any way exploiting what I think is a bad idea (multiple Duchies changing to form a new realm (and personally I think Duchies should only be able to Sucede, not switch realms to avoid exactly this)) then good, fine, well done, but points deducted for the lack of RP. You have nothing to fear from someone making idle comment, and little grounds to construe it into being a full on allegation of "cheating".

Cheating suggests effort, what more was being highlighted was the apparent lack of effort. That's a very clear distinction to be made.

If this whole thing turns out the way it looks like it's going to .. then .. wow. Where has the BM of 2009 gone but lost to a minority on a Forum. The game will have become little more than a sideshow for an OOC stage.

I truly hope that is not the case.
"Who are you .. and are you relevant?"


Oh, and another thing I noticed. You can't demand David comes onto the Forum to defend himself, nor can you in any way hold it against nor damn him for not doing so.

The Game Rules and the InAlienable Rights state without regard for circumstance that no one can be forced to be active OOC, and there is no clause there that gives either this Forum Jury nor even the Titans themselves the sovereign right to overrule that.

So trying to place the argument that him not coming onto the Forum is grounds against him .. actually .. hits on the fundamental and most unyielding set of conditions for the Game.

Just thought it'd point that out.
"Who are you .. and are you relevant?"


Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:52:53 AM
Oh, and another thing I noticed. You can't demand David comes onto the Forum to defend himself, nor can you in any way hold it against nor damn him for not doing so.

The Game Rules and the InAlienable Rights state without regard for circumstance that no one can be forced to be active OOC, and there is no clause there that gives either this Forum Jury nor even the Titans themselves the sovereign right to overrule that.

So trying to place the argument that him not coming onto the Forum is grounds against him .. actually .. hits on the fundamental and most unyielding set of conditions for the Game.

Just thought it'd point that out.

No. I didn't have the time to read and properly address your previous statement, but I will react to this one now.

You are absolutely wrong. If a general/marshal of a realm that has a single army stop sending any orders at all, despite continuing to log on, the IR don't protect him from getting his ass whooped for it. Same if a ruler stops doing any negotiating whatsoever while his realm is in peril.

The IR lets you play at your own pace, it doesn't allow you to completely neglect some aspects of the game under the pretense that you aren't active enough for the rest. When it takes more than 7 days, it's not inactivity, it's a lack of priorities.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


That was exactly the kind of response I'd expect. A lot of smoke and mirrors, a spoonful of wild hypotheses and a dash of conspiracy theories, but very little substance.

1. We can very much demand that David comes here to defend his claims. We can't force him, but we can demand it. In any courtroom case, the prosecutors and defendants will be summoned to appear, and if they fail to do so they will have to deal with the consequences. He broke the IRs, he was offered a chance to explain himself and he refused. Either he didn't care for the Magistrate process, or he didn't have anything to give weight to his claims. Either way, it only hurt his case.

2. Your claims that Toupellon will 'destroy' FEI by sheer size are pointless. For one, there are mechanics in place that would make managing a realm of '16 duchies' incredibly difficult, if not outright impossible. Second, none of that even happened, and I very much doubt it ever will. I can say with much certainty that no Arcaean duke will join it. I very much doubt that any Dukes outside of Cathay/OW would join it. Those who did join were either in on the plans before the first secession, or they joined because it was a way out of their own realms.

3. Your claims that this process is fixed is insulting. For starters, you'll consider any Titan or Magistrate decision against your agenda to be some sort of OOC conspiracy intended on destroying you. We already have an entire topic dedicated to that kind of conspiratorial nonsense. It's not our fault that controversy follows the 'Saxons' wherever they go. Second, if there really was a conspiracy against David and his buddies, they wouldn't be playing BM right now. They'd have been thrown out or driven away a long time ago.

4. Just because /you/ don't get an explanation doesn't mean there hasn't been one. Also, this thing has been RPd for ages. RP =/= long-winded narratives, RP = playing a role. The characters involved in this whole thing have all played their roles. I know for a fact that this thing has been in the works for months, WITH the proper IC interaction between those involved.

5. On the topic of powergaming, do you really want to go there? It'd be a slippery slope.


Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM

And you know since this "Jury" seems to be made up players who have all had provable issue with David or his characters at some point it's a biased farce anyway, and in a real life Jury it would be dropped and the whole thing considered untouchable.

Geronus, Chénier, Indirik, Sacha  - issues with the character of Haruka in Thulsoma on Dwilight.
^ban^ issues with the character of the popularly hated Xaphan in Norland on Atamara.
Bedwyr, Lefanis and of course Anatole himself who is directly involved in this whole dispute with Farnese in Arcachon and Druhtinaz priorly in Toupellon on F.E.I.

First of all, I am not a member of the Jury, as you claim.

Secondly, The Magistrates did not have all the messages dealing with this issue. I figured they could reach a more informed decision if they had all the facts at hand. So I posted verbatim- word for word ALL the OOC messages sent about Toupellon. If you have another version of the events to post, please go ahead.

Thirdly, I do have an opinion on this subject, but I have remained silent. If in your opinion, it is biased to post facts (or facts are biased), then I have nothing to say.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


i just thought of 1 thing.

magistrates have no jurisdictions over FEI, a stable island. (the option doesn't exist there)

I suggest you send the whole thing to the titans. because they'll be able to read every single message over there.

a complete lack of "roleplays" (ie a wall of text) to everyone and their dog does not mean something is ooc


I don't know where all the lack of roleplay accusations are even coming from. My character was told about the secession about a week before it happened, and was asked for ideas and thoughts on the situation. She was only a lord. This whole thing only got OOC when players started throwing around insults.

Maybe I'm biased, but it's seriously irritating to see some people's efforts dismissed as OOC and substanceless, when they've shown so much initiative IG. Even if there was a lack of RP behind the secession, it's really not cool to announce to your realm about how everyone involved is powergaming.


Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
That's what David was addressing, perhaps not in the most tactile way admittedly [...] Now as David put it the problem was the massive lack of substance to the whole affair. It seemed like an entirely contrived effort from the point of view of spectators and even those involved, as he as a player was, as they were forced into the new realm or left watching it happen.
Underlined mine. Which is the issue here. If you don't know for sure, don't say it. If you do, you need to provide the proof.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
Now from a "Judicial" point of view (since apparently the righteous intent of the independent and arbitrary Dispensers of Justice Committee is throbbing so heartily amongst the few who speak up here) If you really wanted to >prove< his 'claims' were for cheating you need to say where he specifically said "They're cheating". Which he didn't do. What he pointed out was that characters who joined the realm seemingly from no where and entirely different realms got appointments with no explanation or anything. Nothing was done to explain the situation really.
I'm sure you've seen in my first post what I pointed out:
Quote from: Fury on October 05, 2011, 07:47:00 PM
I do not see accusations of cheating in the letters made available thus far. More like indirect accusations of abuse and/or a lack of fair play.
This should be reflected in the verdict and the original charges amended.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
He raised this problem IC also, thats a fact that has been neglected to be mentioned here. And the suggestion he sent more than the two messages published is a lie. The OOC chatter in Arcachon died pretty quickly.
Background information is important but the main focus will be on the OOC public accusation and it only takes one accusation.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
Just look at Dwilight without them. They roleplayed the whole Saxon thing nigh to death. Perhaps David simply expects the same amount of effort to be put in by those making even bigger waves in terms of Continent Power and political upheaval on a Roleplaying continent. Quite honestly, so do I.
We are not judging on the merits of the accused as a player. Amount of effort to be put in depends on the individual players. They can play on their own time and pace, and I'd say effort.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
Enough people in Arcachon seemed to think the situation was odd or disappointing, and those players are those who characters who regularly seem to argue with one another. Says a lot about OOC reactions between players when it comes to light it's not just the reaction of >one< player who can easily be targeted.
Then bring it to the attention of the Titans/Magistrates/Tom. But you don't light a public accusation without proof that can inflame others. Which is why the rule is there.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
Otherwise all you're saying is "Don't ever voice an opinion OOC" .... Unless of course it's on the Forum in which case, apparently, you can be as trumped up, egotistical, insultingly dismissive, purposefully confrontational and quite plainly predictably hostile to anyone, anywhere, and get away with it. Thumbs up for the Community.
Sure you can voice an opinion but you can't make a public accusation without proof. We can surely tell the difference.  A discussion will differ from an accusation in the wording.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
This whole Forum seems to ruin the basic nature of Battlemaster : Playing– >The Game<. BM. Ran fine for years without this ridiculous amount of OOCism and the Forum just gives more avenues to bring the personalities of the players out rather than the Game being ran through the characters, with the occasional OOC comment here and there within realms. No one lamented the lack of OOC elements before the Forum compared to the masses who simply enjoyed the game for what it was IC.
What you may not know is that in the backroom (accessible only to Magistrates) there is a push for comments devoid of judgement by the Magistrates in an open court until verdict has been made. I know that we will remember that the courtroom part of the forum should be considered separate from how we usually are in the other parts of the forum.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
And you know since this "Jury" seems to be made up players who have all had provable issue with David or his characters at some point it's a biased farce anyway, and in a real life Jury it would be dropped and the whole thing considered untouchable.
Except that this is not a Jury system but a Magistrate system. Personal issues will not matter as long as the judgement is sound and stands on its own, holding up to scrutiny by everyone.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
You have nothing to fear from someone making idle comment, and little grounds to construe it into being a full on allegation of "cheating".
If 'idle comment' is the defence being presented than we will take it into account on whether it is or not although this has been raised late into the discussion and the poll on the verdict has likely been reached.

Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:52:53 AM
You can't demand David comes onto the Forum to defend himself, nor can you in any way hold it against nor damn him for not doing so.
No, but we can pass judgement in default. The onus will be on him to present his case, his letters, etc. Barring which, we can only rule on what has been presented.

In short, I assure you that every effort will be made to be fair and impartial to everyone with the rules as our guidelines. The verdict will be made public along with our reasons and that should be the focus.


This is such a huge !@#$ storm. A lot of people not knowing the whole story and throwing around accusations.

I suggest court cases are closed from the public in the future - it should be private cases dealt with those involved; outside interaction should have no say in the matter.
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)


The actual verdicts are made behind closed doors.


Quote from: Vellos on October 13, 2011, 10:35:40 PM
Not true.

I have a parking ticket. If I fail to pay my fine in advance and fail to appear in court, I am presumed guilty and have an additional fine.

That's why I just put a check in the mail.

What you will be fined for is not appearing in court when the court summoned you. But we don't summon people in BM, we invite them. The "if you want" means "you can not want". I'm sure your letter from the court didn't read "if you want".


Quote from: DoctorHarte on October 14, 2011, 09:08:25 AM
This is such a huge !@#$ storm. A lot of people not knowing the whole story and throwing around accusations.

I suggest court cases are closed from the public in the future - it should be private cases dealt with those involved; outside interaction should have no say in the matter.

No. This is why we are testing this new system. With the Titans, lots of people whine how things are done "in secrecy".

It's a !@#$storm mostly because people write a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the issue itself. We'll use that to learn and improve the system.


Quote from: Maxim on October 14, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
No proof? Then don't make accusations. You make accusations, then dish out the proof, or you broke the rules.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.