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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Quote from: vonGenf on March 17, 2012, 04:40:26 PM

Allison never really crossed the line into heresy. She knows where the line is, and she prodded it to see if it bent, but she always ended up on the right side of it.

If no body crossed the line that would be boring.  Different views help define everyone's beliefs.  The SA church like to try and squash anyone that does not agree with them.  Everything is fine as long as you believe in the blood stars and believe in them the way the church wants you to.  If you do not well you are out of luck.


Sounds pretty SMA to me.


People who joined SA mostly did not so because they sought RP, but because it was an institution that opened doors. Bashing on people that are out of line is an extremely easy and risk-free method of "proving" oneself in such a context.
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Glaumring the Fox

Lol Indirik calling Creed arrogant... The pot calling the kettle black lolz ;)
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Chénier on March 17, 2012, 08:30:13 PM
People who joined SA mostly did not so because they sought RP, but because it was an institution that opened doors. Bashing on people that are out of line is an extremely easy and risk-free method of "proving" oneself in such a context.

And that is exactly why Creed is having such a hard time right now.  To much of the faith I think have joined simply because SA is so large and joining opens doors.  TOf course outlawing anyone from speaking out against the church provides an environment  where not many speak up.  Those that do tend to get treated like Allison and Creed.

Quote from: Glaumring on March 17, 2012, 09:59:07 PM
Lol Indirik calling Creed arrogant... The pot calling the kettle black lolz ;)
I am sure I could name a few more people in SA that act to arrogant for their own good.  I have not had much contact with Indirik in game so dont know about him.

Glaumring the Fox

I think people tend to forget that SA is roleplayed as a hardcore religious fundamentalist outfit in the vein of the Taliban or Spanish Inquisition. The church is not some namby pamby all inclusive enlightened modern day church that has gone through reformation and read books by Thomas Hobbes etc. You either submit to SA or you are infidel. Creeds character as wonderful as he is is going against the holy of holy holies the most sacred gods word on earth super structures. In reality Creed would be tied to a pyre and burned for merely suggesting a Dark star. This merely my opinion of SA and even Glaumring doesnt fully subscribe to it because is an outsider southern born. In ordr to survive the church became a necessity.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


I think you got it perfectly.  Though I think there are a few that are at least trying to change some of it.  I am sure of Morek could get away with burning Creed at the stake they would.  I am sure the regent and and judge would love to do that.


Quote from: Pike on March 17, 2012, 10:10:32 PMI am sure I could name a few more people in SA that act to arrogant for their own good.  I have not had much contact with Indirik in game so dont know about him.
I freely admit that Brance (my Dwilight character) acts fairly arrogant. The difference, I think, is that to this point Brance is a /very/ successful noble. He is the founder of Astrum, which has grown to be the largest and most powerful realm on Dwilight. He is the ruler of said realm, and a powerful and influential duke. I think there are only two people in SA that have been followers longer than he has, and one of them is the founder. For a while he was the leader of SA itself. And he is completely dedicated to the Stars, and supremely confident in the righteousness of his faith. After all, the Stars have led him to success after success after success, allowing him to dispatch all of his enemies. He has a right to be arrogant and confident. Eventually, someone might teach him some humility. Maybe.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Pike on March 18, 2012, 01:27:40 AMI think you got it perfectly.  Though I think there are a few that are at least trying to change some of it.
he he he... if so, they are in for a rude surprise. We're not likely to be getting any less aggressive any time soon.

QuoteI am sure of Morek could get away with burning Creed at the stake they would.  I am sure the regent and and judge would love to do that.
The Regent of SA? Nah... Pierre is a softy. I don't know Morek's judge. But Busto is very easygoing. You've gotta do a lot to really get him angry. But Creed did manage to do it, which is why Busto asked him to step down as general.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I know things are not likely to change but thats part of the fun of a good rp.

I disagree with Pierre.  As regent he has been very vocal against Creed and what creed has been saying recently.  The judge has been quite with most of the recent stuff( or at least been quiet in speaking to the realm at large).  Pierre has been doing most of the arguing.  Though I would say what caused Busto to ask Creed to step down had very little if anything to do with faith.  Once again that is going from what was said in the realm.

And so it is acceptable for a member of SA and ruler of a realm who was ex regent of SA to be arrogant but not for a master swordsman and marshal who is not of the SA faith?-


Quote from: Pike on March 18, 2012, 03:29:17 AMThough I would say what caused Busto to ask Creed to step down had very little if anything to do with faith.  Once again that is going from what was said in the realm.
It was not directly related to SA. It was an incident that happened in the Dwilight University.

QuoteAnd so it is acceptable for a member of SA and ruler of a realm who was ex regent of SA to be arrogant but not for a master swordsman and marshal who is not of the SA faith?-
Master swordsmen are a dime a dozen. All it takes is gold and free time.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 18, 2012, 03:42:45 AM
It was not directly related to SA. It was an incident that happened in the Dwilight University.
Once again... That was not the reason that was given in the realm.


Quote from: Indirik on March 18, 2012, 02:46:16 AM
The Regent of SA? Nah... Pierre is a softy.

Quote from: Pike on March 18, 2012, 03:29:17 AM
I disagree with Pierre.  As regent he has been very vocal against Creed and what creed has been saying recently.  The judge has been quite with most of the recent stuff( or at least been quiet in speaking to the realm at large).  Pierre has been doing most of the arguing. 

These are not mutually exclusive statements.... I really can't imagine Pierre burning anyone at the stake. It's just not his style.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Pike on March 18, 2012, 03:29:17 AM
And so it is acceptable for a member of SA and ruler of a realm who was ex regent of SA to be arrogant but not for a master swordsman and marshal who is not of the SA faith?-

Anyone can be arrogant. The question is whether they can walk the walk. Brance has lots of power and influence, and at this point does not need to demonstrate it for people to know it's there. Creed on the other hand has not yet warranted being taken seriously as either a threat or a power player in his own right. Right now he's just a crackpot heretic who's been marginalized. Incidentally, that's the difference between Creed and Allison. She's powerful and dangerous, and has proven it on many occasions. She has skirted the line of heresy and schism numerous times, but she's too powerful and has too many supporters for the Church to get rid of her easily. She's been too crafty to do anything that would *really* piss of the Church (like start preaching about a Dark Star) or cost her her political support.

Of course if Creed succeeds in stirring up real trouble, people will naturally start to take him more seriously. Personally I hope he does. It would give us all something interesting to do.


Allison is being told on she's being naughty. Why can't she play nice with the other kids?  :'(
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