
Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

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Author Topic: Favorite Island  (Read 54642 times)


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Re: Favorite Island
« Reply #135: May 17, 2011, 08:25:06 PM »
Apologies, just a bit fed up with the playstyle. And Artemsia, I think it is a different situation when two people IG arrive at a mutual understanding through character interaction that they hate eachother IG, fine we can't dispute that, but when there is no RP or backstory involved, merely a silence and then some sort of implied reason that you need to figure out on a OOC forum, it kind of shows that whatever method you used didn't work. Instead of us having a IG conflict and dealing with it IC we/I have now dragged into into the public sphere because I want people to be aware of this style of gamemanship and do everything in their power to discourage it, its not healthy, it not fun and it does nothing for the world of BM and to tie this into Dwilight and why its my favorite island is because when I started Thulsoma and I was judged a heretic and all of SA was 'oh no out to get me!' They still spoke to me and messaged me and replied to my RP and conversation, we were enemies/ or we at least thought we were enemies, but with communication found we were actually on the same idea. It made for a great RP, we had all sorts of things going on the Prophet even got involved etc and diplomats came to Thulsoma, and it built my character and added to the lore of the continent.

On the other hand we have Caerwyns way of dealing with it, ignore, don't speak, no interaction, disrespect the player and nothing happens, nothing happens IG and nothing happens to develop their characters... Who knows that maybe if Caerwyn treated Asylon with respect and we communicated maybe this big bad SA war would have been diverted and we would all be now marching down on Zuma and killing Garrett the Daimon love  ::) Or even marching as Allies against Astrum..or any number of possible futures.

Who knows right? On one hand we could have had a vast and better story and interaction negative or positive... Or on the other hand..Nothing...

You seem to be taking it awfully personally. It sounds to me like Caerwyn simply made a political decision. To open a dialogue with Glaumring, King of Asylon would have been to implicitly recognize his rule. Since they did not want to do that, they refused to speak with you. This is completely rational and is an accepted diplomatic tool even in the real world.

Many nations do not recognize certain governments, so they blacklist the people in them and refuse to deal with them on an official basis (i.e. by exchanging embassies). You could have done what governments in the real world do and found someone you can trust (like that priest of VE you mentioned) and then had him open communication with Caerwyn.