Author Topic: Change in the rebellion code  (Read 7995 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Change in the rebellion code
« Topic Start: November 20, 2011, 08:44:54 AM »
I am currently involved in a rebellion, and I noted a few points that I felt do not really make sense-

Point one- One of the principal factors leading up to the rebellion was the banning of my Duke character from the realm. So the rebellion succeeded, and my character was unbanned, rejoined the realm, reappointed duke. He assigned all his knights to armies, but can't assign himself,as he is "too new" to the realm. He cannot access the character list, because he is new. He cannot disagree, for he is new. He cannot join any rebellion, because he is new. I raise the points because even though the rebellion is over, the civil war continues, and my character is effectively nerfed from using some potent tools at his disposable, because the game doesn't recognise the past IRL year of his being in the realm. Right now he is rolling with it, but it's sort of silly that one of the ringleaders of the rebelling forces can't even join the rebellion in a official manner.

Point two- I remember that whenever a rebellion fails, there is a nifty tool that can be used to ban all rebels. Why not give victorious rebels a similar tool, ban all loyalists? Let me explain a little more the situation in the realm- which has pretty much split the entire realm in half. There is a large chunk of nobles supporting the rebels, and a large chunk supporting the loyalists. When the rebels won the "rebellion" after displaying their military superiority, they were immediately protested out of office by the loyalists who had been beaten on the field. Now I remember that when you are banned, you are prohibited from protesting on grounds that as you are a traitor, no one gives a damn what you think. Now given that in a rebellion, the loyalist forces have been numerically overwhelmed, and the palace overrun by rebels, who gives a damn about the protests of the loyalists, whose violent protest against the rebels was put down? The code as exists now just ensures that each wide can keep forcing the other out of office, and neither side can have own of their own as judge long enough to ban the opponents. So you have a stalemate, a perpetual civil war, until one side just gets fatigued of it, which really kills the RP for both sides involved.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell