Author Topic: OOC Clans  (Read 21346 times)


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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #45: December 02, 2011, 12:40:36 AM »
You weren't a part of the OOC Clan, Malice and I respect you for that. However the bulk of your backing basically were all from the same group. If you recall the sudden surge in the increase of our nobles a few months back and the one-mindedness of them you would have been able to tell something was amiss already. It started way before you came to Oritolon, back when Antonine and Hvrek were still around. It only grew from there, albeit quietly, and you just stumbled across it. Put simply any candidate who ran against me at that point of time would have their vote, so long as its not me.

And its hard to get things done when nobody listened and followed. Punishments like fines garnered protests, and without punishments they simply kept to one side. We can't do bans because of our lack of nobles anyway. But I agree with your point that Oritolon needs a change in the fundamentals, but I still stand by my reasoning that this current crisis is led by a group of OOC friends.

I don't think you realise what a vicious, cold bastard Crescent appears to most people. Take Alexander, for example. Within a few weeks of arrival he was elected a lord unopposed because, frankly, Oritolon is an inactive realm. That was about the same time I kicked a hornets nest about a potential secession of Alowca. You made a number of heinous threats towards Pyran, Me and especially Alexander simply for his being a young noble you didn't trust. Meanwhile, I was leaning hard on him to stand firm with his fellow Alowcans and against his better judgement, he did. He's your enemy because you're so abrasive and hostile to new players/characters.

You can say the same about Orlen, who appears to be a returning player and who you essentially halted from being elected to lordship in Alowca by kicking up a fuss about this youngster getting elected. Later a member of the Simmons family turns up, an older player who has hitherto not been involved in the Colonies and you were laying into him for the actions of his family in other continents. Meanwhile as General you were being particularly controlling and stand-offish and managed to further alienate Alexander who stepped down as Marshal in protest.

Let me be clear, in my last weeks in power I was the one thing standing between you and protests and mass unrest. My vouching for Crescent halted the putative efforts to have you ejected as General and I was lobbied hard on changing that stance. It was only the younger nobles trust in me that was maintaining the fragile balance in Oritolon and when I unexpectedly paused, of course it was going to blow up.

The clan argument doesn't stand up. I mean sure, Alexander admitted he was playing with a friend but he came out with that publicly very early on and stated why they weren't both getting involved in things, to the extent that the other player actually left so as not to be abusive. You don't often find friends who play together publicly enquiring as to the best way they can play together without breaking any rules. As to my backing, you'd be surprised. I couldn't have gained election with just the support of Alowca or the newer players. I simply hit a nerve and had the support of long established members of the realm. Some of your very own council members, actually, and I largely maintained that broad coalition of support all the way til my pausing.

As for people knowing things about ancient history in Oritolon, that realm has so many skeletons in its closet it's ridiculous. From several different sources I've been regaled with accounts of the Colonial Brethren and their role in Oritolon, their history, present day activities. Meanwhile one of your enemies, I can assure you, has been quite loquacious in disseminating past history - particularly to do with Hvrek, Antonine and your role in that period - to your enemies in Oritolon. A man who was there. I know about all of that and the last time I had played seriously in the south of the Colonies pre-dated the introduction of religion to BattleMaster!

I don't know exactly what has happened since I have paused, but Crescent was already in a rocky position inside Oritolon and our young nobles had already been alienated. What's more, the old guard in Oritolon are silent and disengaged. They're automatons. The newer nobles have actually brought new life to Oritolon, spoken up and taken part. There's nothing wrong with that. But I really think everything you describe can be easily explained without reference to cliques and clans.

The old guard abdicated responsibility and influence with their silence. As Oritolon began to lose older nobles, like Ash etc. to inactivity, not to mention three lords being deleted for multi-ing, new blood was always going to come into power and influence and upset the status quo. As you say, Oritolon is reduced now to 14 nobles is it? That's her barest bones. As the foremost arrogant, abrasive defender of the old order, of course Crescent was going to be in a tight spot no matter what.