Author Topic: OOC Clans  (Read 21423 times)


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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #60: December 02, 2011, 06:47:56 AM »
HAHA Revan!  I always wondered if you were Revan from Sorren.  Ahhh how I loath that game.

I found this game back in um... 2003... Started playing and loved it!  So I started spreading the word over in Sorren to see if any of my friends there wanted to play.  Well...only a couple did.  But eventually we pressured a few more into trying it out... Although by then I was King of Lukon.  Some would come in and play with me in Lukon, some would come in and stand against good ole Revan here or Spencer.

About half of the people who came over ended up enjoying the game to have played it for years now.  So the question then is...Am I the founder of a OOC BM clan?  Well...I suppose so.  We would meet in Yahoo chat and talk it up (before BM IRC) but we always ALWAYS invited everyone in the realm to come and hang out with us in those chats...and those chats became just a lot of fun without any game aspects at all.

We never tried to steal any realms via treachery... at least not unless it was IC deserved... but if we are tossing labels about, toss one this way too.

Oh and Revan...  Your welcome for me making Thanatos, Spencer, and Gotchaz spread the word.   ;D

Hah, never knew you were part of the Sorren crew! Can't remember if I was using this moniker or another one back then tbh with you. I think I'd stopped playing Sorren really by the time I came to BM? Don't know. Detinu's the one who rolled with you Valhallan folk anyway and he told me about it. I used to know him IRL when he lived in England. What I remember from the Sorren forum thread I saw was that BattleMaster had no resets so some folk had been building up in Giblot for a while, unlike in Sorren where the game was rapidly going down the tube, heh.

Kudos, kudos for spreading the word like. It's not every day you stumble across a game that'll keep you occupied for a good seven years! :-D

And yeah, I had to laugh when I ended up becoming Ruler in Oritolon and essentially friends with a few of my old nemeses of years gone by inside Lukon. It still feels odd to be working with, rather than against Lukonite interests even now ;-)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 06:55:06 AM by Revan »


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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #61: December 02, 2011, 07:05:33 AM »
should call them WTP world takeover party!


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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #62: December 02, 2011, 01:28:21 PM »
I myself came in with my brother and a few friends. My brother has since quit and I have 0 idea where all my friends went. I only know that there's one of them still in Darka or Caligus last I checked. We came into the same realm, we hung out for a bit, learnt the game mechanics, then split. Having your friends come in and play, I have no qualms against. If they join the realm, find out more about the game and the realm and then when the situation arises where they have to choose a side, say in a rebellion, its up to them which side to choose. If they all choose the same side, so be it.

What I cannot agree with is when they come in with the sole purpose of controlling a realm through one way or another. When they come in with an agenda. Then it would pretty much screw up the game for most of the other players who genuinely wish to play the game since they won't have a say any longer.

Personally, I enjoyed the relationship between Crescent and Malice. Malice had his views, as did Crescent, but Crescent is the most hardened character of my 3. Crescent is meant to be a blunt but objective man. I wouldn't call him a bastard though. If you want soft-spoken, go to CE in the Atamara. I'm sure many people can vouch for Cadelius as being a soft-spoken man. I actually intended Crescent to be played somewhat like Herumor. And I believe it would have turned out great, if only he was in a Monarchy with a bigger noble base. I think Crescent may be scheduled for deletion soon, though it would be a waste. He did win the biggest tournament prize money in BM history after all, a SF tourney in CE worth 3k odd gold.

And to Ketchum, well I have nothing to say. I've always thought you were a friendly guy and that you would let me know if you felt anything. But you were quiet all this while so I thought you were fine with it. Didn't know you were hiding so much hate underneath. And I'm not bringing up pointless accusations of OOC Clans my friend. You were in that convo too at one point of time, I'm sure you'd remember. As to whether or not it persisted after we left, that is something we won't know, but I wouldn't discount that possibility. Also, I do hope you don't hate me as a person, but rather hate Crescent, since its how Crescent should have been played, so you can stop with the personal attacks here. :P

Oh and I do believe Spearhead is many times better than Rhiannon. His reputation precedes him so I wouldn't be so quick to denounce him. This is just my personal opinion of course.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 01:30:58 PM by Crescent »


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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #63: December 02, 2011, 02:28:47 PM »
Exactly. We need a word other then OOC clan to describe the exclusive power gamming clans that we are referring to.

Most USA gaming clans call them cliques (I find the yanks to be particularily paranoid when it comes to Clans and their fear of Cliques)

I joined a USA based one after my UK based one died (and is still dying) the one I joined DID break apart because of the cliques in the Rift Division and the High Command, I supported my friend who spoke out against the cliques and high command basically trashed him. Ended up with the WoW Division, the STO Division, the WoT Division and a few of the rifters and some of our friends just broke off and formed a new guild because of the clique basically taking over and ruining it for everyone else.

Whats weird is that in the world of the Gaming Clans its very much more like BM with its realms that it can be funny!
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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #64: December 02, 2011, 03:53:44 PM »
Exactly. We need a word other then OOC clan to describe the exclusive power gamming clans that we are referring to.
Yes, indeed we need a word other than OOC clan. We need a clear definition on what is OOC and what is not.

Just speaking about your character Crescent. Nothing against you, just your OOC outburst is something uncalled for, as you did not give any evidence to back it up, other than random shooting people using Crescent character, then follow by Crimson. Sometime I am wondering if you play Crescent as hard character, why is Crimson also same personality like Crescent? If indeed like what you say, different playing style, characteristic for different characters you played  ??? Well, this are all your characters, I cant comment much. I just provide feedback to you whether you like it or not.

IG, my character Ash will remain pretty much Neutral with your characters no matter what happen OOC. Better let you know here before you get the wrong idea  ;)

It is not much hate but you are ruining everyone play with your everyday outburst, man. You should get the hint when Ash as neutral Judge refused to address your outburst. I rather have Ash focus on moving forward than bend backward everyday just to hear you keep complain, as either Crescent or Crimson. With Crescent no longer around in realm, now is Crimson takeover the complainer role in the realm  :(

We all want the best for the realm, just we disagree on the method involved in improving the realm. You have your own idea, I have my own idea. Do you realize sometime your Crescent personality has been transferred to Crimson, your newly family member in the realm? I am not questioning your playing style, but there is a point when enough is enough. Why everyday complaining rather than sitting down and finding solution?

Spearhead lost the election, you say OOC. Why use OOC as the excuse not to help the realm? Do you realize you sound like sore loser to some of us when you say OOC after lost the election? Unless you prefer to play your character this way, then I have no comment.

Why Malice able to bounce back from his disaster secede Alowca duchy proposal in council to become our Prime Minister later on? In fact, you are basically saying about most of us in the realm: Malice, Pyran, Alexander, Orlen, Actrial to name a few. You are focusing too much on the difference, than what we have in common: We want the best for the realm  :)

I give you a good example. I am sure you remember Alstar, the Lord of Grentzen region well. The moment he arrived at Oritolon, you are pretty much unhappy with him due to his family member conflict with your other character on other island. You even have Crescent run against Alstar during Grentzen lord election although you lost the election. Not sure if you do research and find out why Crescent lost in the first place or not. When Ash as Grentzen knight ask Alstar who has become Grentzen Lord to join the religion to stabilize the region, Alstar refused to join. Simply put, whatever Crescent was part of, Alstar refused to be part of. Rather than my character Ash focus on the difference, we focus on what we have in common. This is what I meant by focus  :D
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #65: December 02, 2011, 03:56:29 PM »
should call them WTP world takeover party!
This is beginning to sound "Pinky and The Brain". Every night they plot to takeover the world. Failed as usual  :P
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


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Re: OOC Clans
« Reply #66: December 02, 2011, 08:01:28 PM »
What ever you call it (WTP LOL - reminds Lukon we are a department of TtKDCA.... things the king doesent care about...or something like that, cant remember because I dont care)...

Point is you can not stop people joining the game and bringing friends from other games...and they are going to work together some times.  But they will never get far if they cheat.  So send info to the Titans so investigations can begin, and then just fight against it IC.  That is all we can do.

To be honest, I would love for another group or two to join up... boost the player base for a bit then the ones who remain always end up loving the game and playing it well. :)