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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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Tan dSerrai

1) Chenier tried to enter into contract with the daimons by taking the last Enweilian region.
2) Hvrek tried to enter into contract with the daimons UNKNOWN to Riombara by taking the last Enweilian region . When we found out, we declared him traitor, protested him out of office and hunted him to exectute him.
3) Chenier continues to declare Riombara 'traitors to humanity' due to Hvrek doing what Chenier himself did. WE did hunt Hvrek for that. Chenier sits smug. And now starts to once again pick on Sint as well. (Note that Sint sent more armies to aid Enweil than IVF ever did).
4) Riombara never attacked Enweil. The only one declaring this over and over is Chenier.
5) Except for Hvrek, Riombara during all of the invasion has not made a single attempt at negotiating with the daimons. We continually fought them, no matter what they offered. I think we can rest asured that the same is not true for Chenier. I know, I was on Riombaras council during the whole invasion.
6) Riombara by now has assisted Enweil countless times on the battlefield - while IVF never did so except for one battle right at the beginning of the invasion.

7) By now practically all of IVF, Enweils and Riombaras nobles are united fighting the daimons, no matter wether they are currently under Enweils or Riombaras banner. IVF nobles are on Riombaras military council, thus could verify this. Cooperation with Enweil could be better sometimes but all in all its working. The only one obsessively trying to sow discontent is...well. Sassan thinks this has to stem from the fact that all of Cheniers intelligent machinations were for naught -thus Chenier /must/ see Riombara as evil - otherwise he has to admit has made grave mistakes. Thus the desperate attempts at clinging to the 'Riombara the evil empire has driven innocent IVF into ruin - but never fear, humanity, here I am in splendid white armour, coming to your rescue!' :D


Quote from: Tan_Serrai on June 02, 2012, 10:14:06 AM
1) Chenier tried to enter into contract with the daimons by taking the last Enweilian region.
2) Hvrek tried to enter into contract with the daimons UNKNOWN to Riombara by taking the last Enweilian region . When we found out, we declared him traitor, protested him out of office and hunted him to exectute him.
3) Chenier continues to declare Riombara 'traitors to humanity' due to Hvrek doing what Chenier himself did. WE did hunt Hvrek for that. Chenier sits smug. And now starts to once again pick on Sint as well. (Note that Sint sent more armies to aid Enweil than IVF ever did).
4) Riombara never attacked Enweil. The only one declaring this over and over is Chenier.
5) Except for Hvrek, Riombara during all of the invasion has not made a single attempt at negotiating with the daimons. We continually fought them, no matter what they offered. I think we can rest asured that the same is not true for Chenier. I know, I was on Riombaras council during the whole invasion.
6) Riombara by now has assisted Enweil countless times on the battlefield - while IVF never did so except for one battle right at the beginning of the invasion.

7) By now practically all of IVF, Enweils and Riombaras nobles are united fighting the daimons, no matter wether they are currently under Enweils or Riombaras banner. IVF nobles are on Riombaras military council, thus could verify this. Cooperation with Enweil could be better sometimes but all in all its working. The only one obsessively trying to sow discontent is...well. Sassan thinks this has to stem from the fact that all of Cheniers intelligent machinations were for naught -thus Chenier /must/ see Riombara as evil - otherwise he has to admit has made grave mistakes. Thus the desperate attempts at clinging to the 'Riombara the evil empire has driven innocent IVF into ruin - but never fear, humanity, here I am in splendid white armour, coming to your rescue!' :D

1) Enweil looked like it was going to die. I offered them to join Fheuv'n to cheat overlord. Instead, they decided to submit to Overlord and construct a Daimon Worship temple in Enweilieos. Riombara, on the other hand, wanted to militarily invade Enweil.
3) By 1, this statement is false. We never threatened to invade Enweil. We offered them reunification. When they declined, we left it at that. It really had little to do with Overlord, because reunification was in Guillaume's plans anyways.
4) I can't believe you actually believe this, this is insane! Netherworld took over Lopa, so Enweil went to take it over. Later, Riombara's army arrives, right after relations were lowered to Enweil. They tell Enweil to move out, but do so to their wounded leaders and give them less than a day to do so. A battle results, Enweil's army got slaughtered. I was there. Fheuv'n's army had come to help Enweil, but lots of them were straggling behind. I arrived first, and got ambushed by an unexpected Riombaran army. You'd have to be really moronic to believe that moving into a region occupied by Enweil's remaining tattered army, right after relations were lowered, would not result in their annihilation. Riombara carries on, taking the region over for themselves after having broken Enweil's takeover. Riombara *did* attack. Ask Enweilians.
5) Guillaume continuously fought the daimons. He never tried to ally them, because 1) he wanted them to all die and 2) their demands were not acceptable for him (giving up his sovereignty and religion, demands that were given to everyone publicly, by the way). The only moment he sought an alliance with the daimons is when Marec betrayed him and brought his duchy to Riombara. For the sole purpose of hunting him down. Well after Fheuv'n was dead. "I know, I was ruling Fheuv'n the whole invasion".
6)It isn't because we didn't pit 60000 CS of troops against the daimons that we didn't fight them. Between the recurrent daimon forces and the eternal rogue attacks, Fheuv'n just didn't have much to send to Enweil. As soon as we cleaned up our rogues and sent an army to help Enweil, a daimon army started marauding through our lands. Every. Single. Time. We had the crappiest economy, just rurals and one tiny city. We hoped to finally be able to achieve something when we finally gained Fheuvenem, but the daimons blighted Iato right away.  Fheuv'n's armies always oscilated between 3000 CS and 10000 CS: 50% of the time around 3000 CS. We only reached 10000 CS twice, once before the invasion and the second lasted about a day or two. And this includes militia. And when we didn't have at least more than double our might in daimons in our land, we had about 2000-4500 CS of rogues scattered all over. Which usually required the full army to come to all corners of our lands, one after the other, to clear them off. Sure, having three hordes of 1500 CS isn't life-threatening for Riombara, but Fheuv'n didn't have Riombara's economy. Imagine rather three hordes of 6000 CS spawning in your lands every second week, with a 60000CS daimon army coming to plunder your cities every leap week. I also wouldn't say "countless". Rather, "a few". Your help to Enweil was always very far apart. And at least Fheuv'n didn't kick them while they were down.
8) Riombara likes half-hearted attempts that make themselves look like knights in splendid white armor coming to humanity's rescue. Rather, Riombara's hoping to kill the daimons in an already dead realm rather of having to fight them in their own lands. Ex-Fheuv'n nobles who joined you are traitors to the Creed the swore to. Enweilians who joined you, well, they were desperate and no other alternative remained.

Quote from: Geronus on June 02, 2012, 06:21:42 AM
Chenier vs. Riombara then? I'd say Chenier vs. Anaris, but Anaris hasn't been very involved with Riombara for a long time now, yet you're still carrying that torch.

Either way I sometimes wonder whether you really believe these things you say on the forum. Hvrek never told anyone what he was up to. The priests that made trouble for Enweil were all his multi-account characters. We didn't even know what he was doing for the most part, at least not IC. Once we started to catch on his position deteriorated rapidly, which triggered his secession.

I believe what was stated above. Riombara *did* attack. That you forgot just goes to show how much you didn't make an issue out of attacking a dying realm's remaining tattered forces. I was there. I denounced it. Handkor thanked me for making a fuss about it. And I in a mud-slinging exchange with Marche (who had just arrived, having left the other realm I play in) over it. It did happen. You can claim that you didn'T know there was going to be a fight, as Marche did, but that's naivety to the extreme: Hvrek had just lowered relations to Enweil and Enweil's army was performing a takeover of the region you were marching to. It'd be borderline stupidity to think that a battle would not ensue.

As for all of the accusations against the characters I play, yes, I believe myself. I play the characters. I think I know whether I tried to enter an alliance with them at any given time. There were only two occsaions such a thing occured: 1) concerning the offer to destroy Enweil, by trying to twist Overlord's words and use a ploy to "destroy" Enweil peacefully through reunification. But he was only willing to do this with Enweil's consent, and he did not plan on using his immunity to sit on his ass (daimons said they'd leave alone the nation that kills Enweil, but they didn't say that this nation would have to cease attacking daimons). So really, that was just trying to rip the daimons off, not enter an agreement with them. After all, Enweil was losing its last city, it was a dying realm. We just wanted to make the most of a dying realm, and keep everyone together. The second time was a true time, but that was after Fheuv'n was destroyed, and was to specifically get back at Marec for betraying his trust in such a way. But it was turned down. As for the "agreement" the daimons claimed we had, it was made up. One day, out of the blue, First son comes and gives me 500 gold. I arrest him immediately myself, and order Marec to execute him. They said to use that gold against Riombara. Do you know what that gold served for? Renewing our army that the daimons had just slaughtered. What did we do with this renewed army? We got slaughtered by the daimons against right after, as we were taking daimon lands.

The characters I play are no angels. But they do despise the daimons. They view them as inferiors. But my characters are not dogmatic when it comes to daimons, because they consider (with cause) that Riombara and Sint are the greatest evils (though Sint behaved better than anticipated, unlike Riombara who acted exactly as anticipated). Also consider that Guillaume was the *first* ruler to call for global peace when  the daimons came. He hated Riombara, but he accepted peace with them. On his own initiative. He also accepted to take a hit to region stats to go to peace with Sint. Guillaume never stood in the way of cooperation. If he ended up declaring war on Riombara again, it's because Riombara kept provoking and threatening him. But he never attacked Riombara. Because while he considered Riombara the greater evil, he considered the daimons to be the greater threat. That doesn't mean he believed he should stop barking at people to behave the way he wanted them do. It should have been rather obvious to everyone that he was all bark no bite, though.

Other than your forgetting of key historic elements, the main point of disagreement is how Riombara constantly disassociates itself from various elements it had a part in by using scapegoats. "Whatever we did before was fine, because hey, Hvrek was a douche and we protested him out". Never apologized for what was done. And some of what was done, such as the attack on Lopa, was the result of all Riombarans working together, not just Hvrek. Riombara also didn't make any serious efforts at bringing his new realm down. When Meridian Republic used the monsters to help Riombara against Avalon and Enweil? "Wasn't us! It was them!". Except that, after banning the scapegoat Mordred, all key members of Meridian Republic joined Riombara without any sanction, some of them even became key members of Riombara's government. Not to mention that all of the Allurites had joined Riombara with the explicit intent of forming a colony allied to the monsters, and you let them come with open arms. When Katia was executed, Enweil had to protest and protest before Riombara apologized for breaking the treaty, a lot of Riombarans happy and supporting the judge's decision to execute her despite the agreements (as revealed by torture reports). Then, you just asked the judge to leave peacefully, and he went to an ally of yours. No ban, and that realm started figthing us not long afterwards. But hey, it wasn't Riombara's fault, obviously no reparations was necessary. Every time something like this happens, lots of Riombarans express their support for the scapegoat's actions. Every time, government members were involved either directly or indirectly. Every time, no serious effort to apologize and compensate for the injustice is done.

Riombara always disassociates itself from what its government does, after at most sacrificing a scapegoat. I don't believe in scapegoats, IC or OOC. No man acts in a vacuum, and people's power is only equal to the power others give them. Hvrek was the ruler. But Hvrek couldn't ban. Nor could he set travel for anyone else. A lot of the things he did were not only revealed on the ruler channel. More people knew. But Riombara's council as a whole supported Hvrek until it became clear that they couldn't support him anymore, at which point they let him fall. But you don't get to disassociate your realm from an elected government after you allow them to do all they want to.
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That might be the longest forum post I've seen in my life.

Quote from: Sacha on June 02, 2012, 05:02:46 PM
Nerd fight!

Silverfire: So who married Alice?
Woelfy: She's married to Hendrick Madigan
Silverfire: How much would it cost for someone to assasinate Hendrick Madigan for me


Quote from: Madigan on June 02, 2012, 05:56:15 PM
That might be the longest forum post I've seen in my life.

I think I saw one longer then that on here once.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


And nothing new in it :P Same arguments as usual.


Quote from: Telrunya on June 02, 2012, 05:58:29 PM
And nothing new in it :P Same arguments as usual.

Of course not!

Something new would be heresy! We must keep repeating the same arguments over and over until our ears bleed!
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


<put Riombara's side of the story here>

I didn't feel like writing such a long post ;D


Quote from: Telrunya on June 02, 2012, 06:08:23 PM
<put Riombara's side of the story here>

I didn't feel like writing such a long post ;D

[retorts with Fheuv's side of the story]
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Firbalt takeover was quite fast. I started to think the new takeover system is slow.


We had priests influencing the peasants to dramatically raise sympathy before the TO even started. The region was quite willing to join us.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on June 02, 2012, 08:50:28 PM
We had priests influencing the peasants to dramatically raise sympathy before the TO even started. The region was quite willing to join us.

[insert allegation of daimon conspiracy]
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Tan dSerrai


what are you triying to achieve right now (besides wanting to be 'right')? I am quite interested to find why exactly you are so hellbent to sow discontent between Enweil and Riombara...

Riombara /is/ helping Enweil - and has during all of the invasion. We have (once again) offered them aid in recapturing Fheuvenem, military aid, coordination, all without asking anything in return (despite the willingness to coordinate to some extent). We will continue to do so /despite/ whatever Miroslav or Guillaume are stating and will continue to state. We are well aware that nothing we do or say will change the mind of those two.


Give it up, guys. Chenier is arguing for the sake of arguing and that's it. :P And that has nothing to do what actually is or isn't the truth.
Gregorian (Eponllyn), Baudouin (Cathay), Thaddeus (Cathay), Leopold (Niselur)


And that's the truth!
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.