
Do you enjoy having the Zuma/Daimons on Dwilight?

Yes, I love them.
No, I hate them.
I'm not sure.
I don't know anything about them.

Author Topic: Zuma/Daimons  (Read 174509 times)


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Re: Zuma/Daimons
« Reply #270: January 30, 2012, 04:41:52 AM »
You're asking us to make suggestions when we have absolutely no knowledge of the Zuma's purpose. Without knowing why they were put on Dwilight in the first place, it's a bit hard to suggest options since anything we come up with might defeat their purpose. But for what it's worth here are my observations:

1. The Zuma are overpowered.

2. This is probably to deter us from getting it into our heads to try to destroy them, forcing us to instead deal with them on their terms.

3. This has resulted in a classic example of power-GMing, as the metaphorical GM has now placed into his plot an obstacle that can only be overcome by following his predetermined story arc, into which he is now railroading his players who, as it turns out, aren't actually that interested in it and would rather pursue their own plots but can't. This is resulting in unhappy players (surprise!).

Would you be surprised if there was no overarching long term story plot? Cause as far as I can work out from my interactions, there isn't. The Zuma do not appear to be a GM in the typical pen and paper sense, they don't exist to provide the complete framework and story for the players.

You can argue that everything they do is a result of player actions, but the fact is that you have a significant population of players suffering and getting frustrated as the result of the actions of only a small handful of players over whose actions they have no control whatsoever. My advice: Stop using such a big damn hammer to hammer such small nails. Stop overreacting to things and punishing entire realms over the trivial actions of one character. Start ignoring the little things and let things settle down a bit. There's no reason that the Zuma *have* to go bat-!@#$ crazy every time someone casts a shadow in the wrong spot. They're swinging that big hammer around indiscriminately every time someone sneezes, it's forcing everyone to dive for cover every time they do, and people are starting to resent being forced to do that when most of them were minding their own business.

A choice was made to overpower the Zuma. Because of that fact, their power should be used sparingly at best, and preferably not at all. Some realm decides to attack the Zuma? Go ahead, eat them alive. They deserve it. Someone is having a bad day and says something more harshly than he intended? Find other ways to punish him, or if you must, just ignore it. Keep whipping out the big damn hammer and handing out massive punishment over such trivial things and the players are going to be *miserable* before long. Just read this thread and you'll find all kinds of evidence to that effect already, and that's just the players who post in these forums. How many players in Barca, Terran and Asylon that don't post here are feeling the same level of frustration? I know I would be if I had the misfortune to be next to the Zuma.

It needs to be recognized that there are a lot of players around the Zuma that just don't care about them. The Zuma need to find a way to stay engaged with the players who want to engage them while not railroading everyone else into doing so as well, which is exactly what this constant and uncompromising resort to force is doing. So there's my advice: Lay off the hammer for a while and start reserving it for serious provocations.

Currently, where is the hammer being used? The problem being that within any realm there will be people that don't want to engage with the Zuma, just like in PeL there were people that didn't want a vocal few making enemies of everyone else in the area, and now they have to deal with the fallout. Like I said if the Zuma only interact with those that want it, they are pretty much relegated to writing RP's at the whim of nobility that show up. Maybe once and a while they can try to arrest and execute someone. Cause no matter WHAT the provocation, no matter how high up the hierarchy of the realm it comes from, there will be people affected that want nothing to do with the Zuma
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 04:47:55 AM by De-Legro »
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.