Author Topic: Luria is insane! In other news, the sky is blue!  (Read 26464 times)


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  • Mighty Duke
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  • Le Genie
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I shamelessly and nationalistically point out that this is the best letter in the bunch:

Roleplay from Hrok Stefanovic (2 days, 7 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients)

"...we have other potential threats to face. Peeved, Ramiel Avis." The scribe was understandably uneasy after delivering the letter. The Duke's countenance did not ease that feeling. The ending of the letter had been like the opening wind of a storm.

For a moment all was quiet. With the Duke's face set hard and his court giving nervous-yet-meaningful glances to one another, all present waited with baited breath.
The moment passed. Inhaling deeply, Hrok began to speak with a whisper. "He would dare talk to me of other threats?" Rising from his throne, the Solarian duke grasped the weathered axe at his side and began to finger the edge. "He would preach to me of his worthless gods, of honor and nobility?"

In quiet rage the duke continued. "He would dare speak of these things to me?! Well then, messenger," shouting now as he stepped from his throne towards the messenger, "this is a most unfortunate day for you." The scribe fell on the first swing, his hamstring severed by the axe. On the second, he lost the leg.

As the southern messenger screamed in pain, the duke took hold of the severed leg with his free hand before pointing the blade of his axe in the messenger's face. "Now, stop your blathering. You are going to deliver one more message for me. You are going to return to that southern cur and tell him that I name him liar, betrayer, and seditionist. Then, you will find his duke, Brom, and you will tell his duke that I name him liar, betrayer, and scum among nobility. Then, you will find his king, and you will tell his king that I name him less than the scum that will gather on this leg as it rots. They have aided those that stole from and betrayed me, and in doing so have themselves stolen and betrayed me. They have made thinly veiled threats against me and mine and those I protect. They are unfit to name themselves nobles, and I challenge them to find the men willing to defend them against these claims. Let them come."
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.