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The Zuma

Started by Igelfeld, March 14, 2011, 01:14:33 PM

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I think that expansion pressure will eventually cause some neighbor of Zuma to attack them--the players will reset themselves, so to speak.


Quote from: egamma on November 24, 2011, 04:03:41 PM
I think that expansion pressure will eventually cause some neighbor of Zuma to attack them--the players will reset themselves, so to speak.

I dunno, reading what various 'Moot players have written on this subject, I have my doubts... They all seem too rational to kick the hornets' nest.


Doesn't mean the rest of the Continent is. The Moot has actual dealings with the Zuma. They know a bit better to not piss them off and know what can happen when you do. Other Realms may be less cooperative to the Zuma simply because they don't have a history where one of their Armies was marching through their lands and may get annoyed at the Moot Realms&friends being so 'overly friendly' with them. The Zuma can also become more demanding or widen their view with Realms they bother with. Still a lot of room of conflict.

I don't think it's the intention to ever get rid of the Zuma, but that's more OOC arguing and we won't know till we actually try it. It doesn't mean IC the Human Realms cant become confident and make an effort to do so ;) I've always seen Beluaterra as the only Invasion Island, but that's just how I remember it, so I don't expect it to happen anywhere else. I find it unlikely there will be any kind of full-scale invasion type thing, though the Zuma might certainly become a bit less passive. Not that I mind an Invasion anywhere.


That makes me wonder if the whole continent could be reversed somehow. Imagine a continent-wide war against the Zuma, but with the Moot fighting on the Daimon side. I could easily imagine the Eastern continent being burned to the ground, while the West becomes the new settling point, and then we expand again, in the opposite direction from when Dwilight was founded.


The resulting religious millieu would be interesting. Astroism would still exist, but as a largely minority faith, alongside Cordatus Bestiarium, Triunism, Elrism, and Verdis Elementum.

Sounds boring.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Telrunya on November 24, 2011, 04:42:17 PM
I've always seen Beluaterra as the only Invasion Island

Do some searches on the phrase "Lich King". When Lukon was about to destroy Outer Tilog, Tom spawned 100 undead in every one of Lukon's regions, IC reason was the "Lich King". Of course, this killed the Colonies--froze the politics so that Lukon will never attack Outer Tilog, and with the twin cities of Portion and Outer Tilog City dominating the center of the map, all the other realms are dying--Alebad, Alowca, Wetham. Giblot and Minas Thalion next. It doesn't help that everyone is too chicken to take on Lukon. The Colonies are aging, dying, and aren't an interesting place to play anymore. Is that all Tom's fault? Hardly, everyone who plays in the Colonies shares in the blame. But I'd say that that invasion that I never even saw has had massive influence on history.

Okay, only happened once, but I'd say it was very influential.


"Warning. Outer Tilog is DIFFERENT."

I guess they weren't kidding!  :o

The Moot doesn't actually like the Zuma. We're just very, very scared of them. If the Astroists attacked us, we can probably guess how they would attack us, and what vulnerabilities we could exploit. All bets are off when you fight a GM-controlled faction.
qui audet vincit


Quote from: GoldPanda on November 26, 2011, 02:28:24 AM
"Warning. Outer Tilog is DIFFERENT."

I guess they weren't kidding!  :o

The Moot doesn't actually like the Zuma. We're just very, very scared of them. If the Astroists attacked us, we can probably guess how they would attack us, and what vulnerabilities we could exploit. All bets are off when you fight a GM-controlled faction.

QFT on this one. We don't like them, but we recognize they are bigger than us (atleast army wise), and more able to pound us into the ground.
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Quote from: Sargon_Tian on November 26, 2011, 03:32:46 AM
QFT on this one. We don't like them, but we recognize they are bigger than us (atleast army wise), and more able to pound us into the ground.

Indeed. We don't actually like the Zuma, but I think we don't really like anyone outside of the 'moot. D'Hara liked Caerwyn and likes Fissoa, Terran seems to like Asylon, but I'm guessing that's pretty much it.

And though we don't really like the Zuma, I tend to preffer it by far over almost everyone else. And the golden rule of war stands: if you get attacked by a big bad guy, go fetch the other big baddass around and seek his help in kicking the big bad guy's ass.

That's what we did in Enweil during the invasion, after all. Big bad monsters came to kick our asses, so we went to fetch the baddass daimons to kick *their* asses instead.
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Quote from: Chénier on November 27, 2011, 05:53:55 PM
That's what we did in Enweil during the invasion, after all. Big bad monsters came to kick our asses, so we went to fetch the baddass daimons to kick *their* asses instead.



Quote from: Lorgan on November 27, 2011, 06:01:05 PM

Indeed, 'cause making inhumans fight inhumans is such an atrocious deed.  8)
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Quote from: Chénier on November 27, 2011, 05:53:55 PM
Indeed. We don't actually like the Zuma, but I think we don't really like anyone outside of the 'moot.

Maybe in D'Hara. In Terran, we like everyone. There are only a very few people in a few realms we dislike.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Depends on the Noble really. Machiavel doesn't like anyone ;)


Quote from: Telrunya on November 27, 2011, 08:28:31 PM
Depends on the Noble really. Machiavel doesn't like anyone ;)

Machiavel likes those friendly to D'Hara.

These people seem few in number.  8)
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Quote from: Chénier on November 27, 2011, 08:34:15 PM
Machiavel likes those friendly to D'Hara.

These people seem few in number.  8)

Maybe because of Machiavel?  ::)