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What do you think is wrong?

Started by Haerthorne, March 15, 2011, 05:37:08 AM

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I'd like to start this topic with people's personal feelings about what is wrong and right in terms of how people roleplay their characters. I'm not trying to reach a consensus here since the medieval period was very diverse, but it would be nice if we could discuss what we think and perhaps even learn things from one another in respect to our knightly (and non-knightly) characters and the world they live in.

To start off, it rustles my jimmies when knights need to go to pubs to have a drink! You have all these other knights and soldiers who will happily drink with you and servants who can bring you the ale. Why go to a pub unless your ransacking it?
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Nobles addressing each other by only their first names.

Nobles saying peasants (should) have any measure of freedom.

People who have no consistency, e.g. one day their nobles are champions of honor and virtue, the next day they are scheming tricksters, and then they are champions of honor and virtue again.

Related to that: fame whores. People who will bend over backwards to gain that extra fame point, not caring of whether or not doing so even remotely fits the character they're using to get it. They'll set up a guild for the fame, change classes willy-nilly to snatch up any fame points related to said classes, etc.

I don't like it when people are a bit too extreme with sticking to some characterization, sometimes sounding rather arrogant about it. I get it, we should try our best to stay in-character, but I really doubt all of us are expert roleplayers.


Quote from: Sacha on March 15, 2011, 10:13:20 AM
Nobles saying peasants (should) have any measure of freedom.

Coming from a Belgian this drips from all the delicious coatings of sweet sweet irony.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


We're all unwilling anarchist here.


Nobles that go to pubs.

Nobles that apparently sleep in full plate armor.

Nobles that habitually carry an entire arsenal of exceptionally lethal weaponry hidden in their left breast pocket.

Noble women having excessive rights and freedoms, and being sexually modernized.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on March 18, 2011, 06:46:55 AM
Nobles that go to pubs.

Nobles that apparently sleep in full plate armor.

Nobles that habitually carry an entire arsenal of exceptionally lethal weaponry hidden in their left breast pocket.

Noble women having excessive rights and freedoms, and being sexually modernized.

The first 3 are fine, but the equality of noble women in the game IS on purpose.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on March 18, 2011, 06:50:17 AM
The first 3 are fine, but the equality of noble women in the game IS on purpose.

PART of the fourth is intended. Rights and freedoms. That bothers me some, but not tons. What DOES bother me is the highly modernized sexuality of especially women, but some male characters as well.

Another thing that bothers me:
The infrequency of marriage.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I, personally, am not comfortable roleplaying marriages because my RL wife would find that objectionable. That's why my characters either have an NPC spouse, or no mention of the subject.


I've thought it out a place to see characters that are RPed to be more armored than a battleship, and carrying a sword longer than longcat. Especially, at balls, feasts, festivals, or parades.

Or how every(almost) character is, at least, 15 feet tall, solid muscle, and stunningly beautiful.

Or how private RPs are read as a letter, or public knowledge.

Or how every character has a deathwish. I'm occasionally guilt of this one, but oh well.


People who insist that peace is better than war, that war is inherently evil, and that all else being equal they will attack anyone who is "aggressive".
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


I have often either used a Tavern or Inn as the setting for a RP, ie my chars or/and my NPC's interacting together as part of some storyline or other etc, or simply a fun way of explaining IC why I couldn't/didn't do something because of OOC reasons, ie Elk often can't reply to letters because his scribe had been shanghaied into a drinking session by Tor etc, as for the life of me can't see how anyone can object to having them used in BM, especially when were so prevalent and widely used by nobles in the middle ages.

NB I'll use this snippet from an article about "Ye old trip to Jerusalem" to attempt back up my case.

"The answer to this lies in the date painted on the exterior walls of the Inn, that of 1189AD. This was the year of ascension to the throne of King Richard the First, known as Richard the Lionheart, and one of his first acts as King was to crusade against the Saracens who at that time occupied the Holy Land of Christian Religion. Nottingham Castle was a stronghold favoured by the King and legend has it that the brave Knights and men at arms who rallied to his call to fight in this Third Crusade, gathered at the Castle to rest before journeying to Jerusalem.
Legend also has it that these Crusaders stopped off at the Inn at the foot of the Castle for welcome refreshments – or perhaps more accurately, for 'one for the road'. Given that in the Middle Ages, a 'Trip' was not a journey as such but rather a resting place where such a journey could be broken, it is understandable how the Inn came to be called 'Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem'."

Ye Olde Trip History

Copyright © 2009 Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem. All Rights Reserved.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.  "Albert Einstein"


I've split this thread because the discussion on marriage/sexuality/human nature was getting too far off topic.

Feel free to enjoy that thread here:,242.0.html


Thats an interesting post, Longmane, but like I said it is not the only place for a knight to get a drink and is over-represented as the place where people do drink, especially when your run of the mill bloodthirsty knight politely sits down, surrounded by plebians, and PAYS for his drink! The scandal! Anyway, I mainly want people to remember that there are estates, castles and abbeys filled to the brim with better food and drink than pubs.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Male nobles always go to the whore houses for a partner

Marriage is very infrequent in the game, usually because there aren't enough female characters and no one I have found is willing to go through an RP to get there.

It's usually a solo-RP if anything - it's hard to get other players to RP with you

There just isn't enough RPing in the game, though I myself have been lagging at it recently as well.
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)