Author Topic: The Terran-Kabrinskian Conflict  (Read 249664 times)


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Re: The Terran-Kabrinskian Conflict
« Reply #315: April 21, 2012, 07:43:02 AM »
Again, I don't really buy it. It's possible we have a Terrence 2.0 situation where the Haktoo chats with everyone except the people alleged to have said or done something, but I don't think so.

Hireshmont hasn't communicated with Haktoo in over 20 days. The sum of the communication he has received from Haktoo in the last 30 days is:
Roleplay from Haktoo   (25 days ago)
A single female Zuma comes to you and speaks, "Haktoo thanks you for your information. The one known as Allison has just arrived in our lands to talk, so this will be getting questioned as, if it is as you say, and as it appears, that is not acceptable."

Maybe from that I'm supposed to derive, "Haktoo is deeply upset with Hireshmont and will take the next opportunity to support an enemy of Terran because of a personal vendetta against Hireshmont." Not sure how, but maybe.

Again, I'm not saying Haktoo doesn't have some kind of reasoning. And I'm not saying I expect to know it. I'm just saying I don't buy the reasoning as presented here in this thread. If it really is that... I'm disappointed in the Zuma GM, because it's the same thing all over again: zero communication, no warning or evident provocation, massive army attacking Terran, chilling effect, long delay until anything fun happens again. But I don't think that's what's going on here.

I'm assuming they are pursuing their agenda, or at least Hireshmont is. Hence the characterization of Allison as a Zuma lackey, and not vice versa.

Just because she hasn't directly said "I'm upset with you" in the last 30 days doesn't mean she doesn't already strongly dislike Hireshmont due to your previous interactions, which by all accounts were borderline disastrous. Brance shares almost everything he gets from Hireshmont with the council, so I see a lot of what he writes. During that little tiff over Demyansk before Kabrinskia was founded, my character was ready to pick up a torch and start burning Terran to the ground, so don't underestimate Hireshmont's ability to make people hate his guts. Hell, even though Hireshmont's been very reasonable in his communications with Astrum lately Lysander still doesn't like him, all because of his attitude in Astrum's earlier interactions with him.