Author Topic: A "no whining" policy ?  (Read 16802 times)


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Re: A "no whining" policy ?
« Reply #30: April 15, 2012, 07:15:09 PM »
When you play a board game, you usually aren't censored and can tell your friends what you think of the game. I don't see why it should be different here. I, for one, would not play any board game where OOG talk is unacceptable.

When you play a board game, with the creator of that board game playing it with you, listening to the things that those playing it are saying and making changes to try to improve things based on what those other players are saying, then, one of the players experiences something they don't like and, rather than be constructive with feedback they just go on a whining session, which might then taint other player's views on the game without bothering to have fully understood everything first, you can understand why the creator would get annoyed.

You really need to stop talking about Tom as if he is not one of the players of BattleMaster. He didn't create a game with a few friends, sell it to other people, then put his fingers in his ears and start singing "I'm not listening".

Before you whine about anything, just make sure you've understood the facts first. Or, explain (politely and constructively) how you have understood what has been said and ask for clarification. If you then still have objections to what has happened then politely and constructively explain why...

It's not exactly hard really is it...
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...