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Started by dustole, May 07, 2012, 08:15:54 AM

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Quote from: Glaumring on July 31, 2012, 09:55:01 PM
Limited wars are fun. Its just that if Asylon hadnt turned it into an unlimited war and pulling Kabrinskia shock Kabrinskia would now be in your capital instead of Aurvandiil. Because until Asylon stepped it up, Kabrinskia had no intention for a cute fun war. You can look back on it now and butter it over all you want now but the reality is that Asylon saved your butts.

Secondly, Asylon still survives, and thrives. Look at the Kabrinskian frontier its a wasteland. Their hubris will turn the kingdom into a graveyard. We have started a second kingdom and will soon be bringing our 2nd army into the battle. We have plans for more kingdoms. With so many troops able to be recruited around Asylon the federation of kingdoms will never be cracked.

I have repeatedly sent peace overtures, and offered my own resignation. I am under the assumption that Astrum and Kabrinskia are hell bent blind to kill us no matter the cost.  They will be found to be wrong and damage their kingdoms for years to come.

Asylon will never be beaten by the arrayed armies against it. I guarantee it.

That wasteland has nothing to do with Asylon and everything to do with that neverending winter. We had like 20 bushels of food left in the entire Kingdom when the season finally turned.

As for the rest of it, your peace overtures have ranged from bizarre (trying to persuade me to stop the war with you and join you in backstabbing Terran together) to completely inconsistent. No one is hell bent on killing Asylon, you are hell bent on not making any sense. Last I spoke to you, you said you'd never step down. Then I hear through Turin that you'll step down if there are no foreign troops in Asylon (condition: satisfied, Glaumring: still King). Then I hear from Averyl that you'll step down after an agreement has been signed, then the same day you yourself say you'll step down as soon as we accept ceasefires that you decided to offer out of nowhere, even without a long term agreement. Well, which is it? Make sense!

The main reason there's no agreement is that Lysander thinks Glaumring is a fickle, untrustworthy rogue who can't be relied upon to keep to any terms that he might agree to. His reasoning goes like this:

Exhibit A: Asylon signs peace agreement with Kabrinskia. Two days later, Asylon declares war on Kabrinskia.

Exhibit B: Asylon attempts to convince Kabrinskia to stop attacking them and turn around and backstab Asylon's own ally, which Asylon will join Kabrinskia in doing.

Conclusion: Asylon is completely and totally treacherous and untrustworthy and can't be trusted to honor any agreement.

Lysander's been telling anyone who asks and anyone who will listen that he won't agree to anything so long as Glaumring is on the throne, for exactly these reasons. If Glaumring stepped down, things would probably get rolling. No one is particularly interested in this war anymore.


Do I hear a horray? :)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Geronus on August 01, 2012, 12:10:50 AM
That wasteland has nothing to do with Asylon and everything to do with that neverending winter. We had like 20 bushels of food left in the entire Kingdom when the season finally turned.

As for the rest of it, your peace overtures have ranged from bizarre (trying to persuade me to stop the war with you and join you in backstabbing Terran together) to completely inconsistent. No one is hell bent on killing Asylon, you are hell bent on not making any sense. Last I spoke to you, you said you'd never step down. Then I hear through Turin that you'll step down if there are no foreign troops in Asylon (condition: satisfied, Glaumring: still King). Then I hear from Averyl that you'll step down after an agreement has been signed, then the same day you yourself say you'll step down as soon as we accept ceasefires that you decided to offer out of nowhere, even without a long term agreement. Well, which is it? Make sense!

The main reason there's no agreement is that Lysander thinks Glaumring is a fickle, untrustworthy rogue who can't be relied upon to keep to any terms that he might agree to. His reasoning goes like this:

Exhibit A: Asylon signs peace agreement with Kabrinskia. Two days later, Asylon declares war on Kabrinskia.

Exhibit B: Asylon attempts to convince Kabrinskia to stop attacking them and turn around and backstab Asylon's own ally, which Asylon will join Kabrinskia in doing.

Conclusion: Asylon is completely and totally treacherous and untrustworthy and can't be trusted to honor any agreement.

Lysander's been telling anyone who asks and anyone who will listen that he won't agree to anything so long as Glaumring is on the throne, for exactly these reasons. If Glaumring stepped down, things would probably get rolling. No one is particularly interested in this war anymore.

When I say these things under a non official setting I will suggest or come up with several ideas and if you do not communicate with me and work towards a goal I will continue to come up with concepts and ideas until one sticks. I have constantly been changing my policies because there is piss poor communication from Astrum and Kabrinskia constantly. There has never once been an official setting where our policies and promises become a framework to grow on. I am constantly initiating contact and constantly rebuffed and or ignored, so I go back and try a new idea. It was like this with Caerwyn, I would say something, ignored, ok that didn't work, wait a bit, ok new idea lets initiate contact, send out idea to initiate contact, silence, silence silence, ok contact someone else , initiate contact, send out proposal, wait wait wait, silence, oh finally made contact with Kabrinskia, oh wait they don't pass on the information to Astrum, ok cool back to square one... Wait, wait wait, ok maybe that idea didn't work... Who knows really, Astrum is one of the worst communicators in the game when it comes to inter-kingdom relations, Indirik even admitted to such by saying Astrum is a bit arrogant...Ok cool you are an arrogant aloof kingdom. What about Iashular, funny thing is King Turin answers letters, we talk about things... Does Astrum or Kabrinskia, no not consistantly.

I believe if you want results you must communicate, if there is any confusion I think you should probably take it as a result of your own inconsistancy or perhaps inability to deal with inter realm relations... Look at the last kingdom that struggled with inter-realm communication "Caerwyn" .... Seems like that policy worked well for them.

My belief if talk with your enemies, treat your enemies with respect, and never ignore your enemies. Only a fool turns their back on an enemy.

I have probably sent the dirth of communications betwen our respective realms regarding negotiations. If anything it shows your inability to juggle both diplomacy and war. You are incapable of taking control of a situation because you believe by ignoring it it will somehow go away...

I have recently been approached by Medguntos Stormcrow to facilitate diplomacy, interesting thing is that we have almost constant communication, I have a diplomatic corps of 6 or 7 nobles, I sent a diplomat to Corsanctum, he was ignored in a hostile environment so he left.

If anything it has been Asylon that has tried to make the game interesting and open communications, considering BM is a text game and all. Yet are constantly rebuffed.  As of late Astrum, Kabrinskia and now Terran completely ignore my communications. Learn to communicate it does wonders...

One more thing... I will not step down until you deal directly with me, I am not some corporate boss of some Wal-Mart, I am the king of a realm chosen by god blah blah a blue blood noble. If you want to change things you deal with me, because trust me I have enough support, food and nobles to stay in this war a long long long time.

I find it funny also that you say Asylon is completely treacherous and cannot be trusted to uphold any agreements, funny indeed. We have stood by all our treaties, we came to defend Terran, we uphold our treaties with the Zuma, we constantly bowed to threats from Kabrinskia when it was founded and gave over lands to avoid being attacked. It was Terran that betrayed Asylon because they could not take any criticism, showing how weak and wishy washy their leadership is when its #1 ally cannot criticize it. A true friendly kingdom would have looked at the tension between our nations and worked to fix it, instead Terran withdrew communications, withdrew troops, cut all ties and now ignores us. I think its kind of how they felt inside the whole time but were only looking for a way to make Asylon look like the bad guys instead.

We made peace with Kabrinskia, rebuilt or army because we were going to win the war for Terran, we were going to give our all and fight for Terran. We later found out that Terran had no desire to fight, that they would rather bow. It was our mistake, for many many years many nobles in Asylon said " Why do we side with Terran ? They do not like us" and I would say " No no, they are good we will be good friend blah blah" and I was wrong. Spineless two-faced shallow fake friends, that is what Terran turned out to be.

Nevermind Kabrinskia, just a wolf in sheeps clothing...
We live lives in beautiful lies...


What does any of that have to do with what I just said? I don't really care what you think of Astrum or Kabrinskia - you've made it extremely clear on multiple occasions that you don't like those realms, either IC or apparently OOC. That is part of the reason that Asylon is in this war in the first place. You haven't tried talking to Lysander in weeks, but he has, you will find, responded to every serious letter you ever sent him.


Quote from: Glaumring on August 01, 2012, 01:03:37 AM
I find it funny also that you say Asylon is completely treacherous and cannot be trusted to uphold any agreements, funny indeed. We have stood by all our treaties, we came to defend Terran, we uphold our treaties with the Zuma, we constantly bowed to threats from Kabrinskia when it was founded and gave over lands to avoid being attacked. It was Terran that betrayed Asylon because they could not take any criticism, showing how weak and wishy washy their leadership is when its #1 ally cannot criticize it. A true friendly kingdom would have looked at the tension between our nations and worked to fix it, instead Terran withdrew communications, withdrew troops, cut all ties and now ignores us. I think its kind of how they felt inside the whole time but were only looking for a way to make Asylon look like the bad guys instead.

We made peace with Kabrinskia, rebuilt or army because we were going to win the war for Terran, we were going to give our all and fight for Terran. We later found out that Terran had no desire to fight, that they would rather bow. It was our mistake, for many many years many nobles in Asylon said " Why do we side with Terran ? They do not like us" and I would say " No no, they are good we will be good friend blah blah" and I was wrong. Spineless two-faced shallow fake friends, that is what Terran turned out to be.

Good lord man, what can you not understand about the fact that Terran won its war? We didn't "bow", we didn't give up and we most certainly didn't betray Asylon. Our goal was never to destroy Kabrinskia and I am sorry Glaumring decided upon his grand plan to do so without first running it by anyone else. We declared war and stated what we wanted from the war, fought the war, and then got the terms we wanted from Kabrinskia. How, in any way, was it a betrayal to Asylon? Hell, Terran even marched 10,000 CS to help defend your borders right before the whole Aurvandil thing broke out.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Glaumring the Fox

We ran the plan by Vellos, its just sad he never ran it by the terran senate. We acted fast because we thought the Zuma would soon attack Terran.

Anyways, I will take some blame, not all but some. It wasnt what I thought. It still has gone better than expected.

We treated Kabrinskia with treachery because we knew that thats all we could expect from them since we had been dealing with their threats for months before hand.

I was offered Terran on a plate, I chose to stand with them. It was a mistake.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Oh, yes. "Hey, you, Sanguis Astroism priest in charge of Terran! Want to join me in an utterly useless crusade against SA and our neighboring nation without clear-cut goals against an enemy we have no reason to escalate conflict with?"

We had our goals, we fulfilled them, war ended. That's how it works. If you want to fight a 100-Years War then go ahead but don't drag your allies into your unfounded chaos. If I were General of Terran when we fought Kab I sure as hell wouldn't have tried to strongarm Asylon into helping us against Kab, thus forcing Kab's allies into the equation and so forth, so why should you try to do the same? You can fling as much angry blame against us as you wish but the fact remains that your idea of war with Kabrinskia is utterly anti-thesis to what ANY logical military campaign should look like. You have no bloody goals and have mentioned multiple times you want a fight to the death - you know damn well that will only end in your own destruction as you don't have the resources or the morale to uphold such a battle. Even if - for some god forsaken reason - Aurvandil wasn't an issue and all of the Moot joined in Asylon's campaign against the north, it'd just end up as a massive and pointless !@#$storm in which we all get roflstombed and nothing useful comes out of it besides a massive load of coin and grain going to waste.

And you know damn well if you had been DENSE enough to take Kabrinskia's offer to betray Terran, all you would have done is been given a fine poison-tipped dagger in the back for your stupidity. You yourself just stated Kabrinskia's constant treachery - to think they'd honor an agreement of such magnitude after you wholeheartedly stabbed your neighboring allies in the back is simply foolish.

Allison or not, Kabrinskia are some cunning bastards. Allison just tried to gain control of the Moot's armies and after plenty of threats and powerplaying, she abandoned Terran as soon as Perth was released from Aurvandil prison and joined - lo and behold - Aurvandil. What the hell she's doing there is beyond me. Hopefully she pisses them off enough to have Aurvandil declare war against all religion - again - so that we can witness a massive flaming !@#$flinging continental war between SA and Aurvandil.

One can only dream.

I must honestly say, the politics in BM are the most ridiculous I have ever encountered in any of the strategy-war games I've ever played. For all the features, mechanics, and bells-and-whistles, we seem to have a few too many over-zealous leaders wanting to declare crusade on anything that moves. Personally I think that's an overly-simplistic and childish view of war, instead favoring the intense cunning of Kabrinskia, the spirit of Summerdale, or the attitude of Aurvandil, but perhaps that's just me wanting something more than I'm accustomed to.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.

Glaumring the Fox

Yeah I know I suck..  Anyways not going to argue about this anymore.

All I know is that every side will say whatever, everyones perception is different.

Our issue wasnt to destroy Kabrinskia or go total war against Astroism, they turned it into that issue. Our reasons for war were to depose Allison, stop the Zuma from attacking Terran. Please stop exaggerating what we wanted to do or why, you dont know you stated before you dont know so saying anything about Asylon is clearly speaking out ones ass, your senate is inept thats not my fault.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


My Senate is not inept. You are neither a member of my Senate nor involved in the Senate's discussions so it is entirely impossible for you to comment on the state of an organization you have absolutely no contact with.

Please, do provide reasoning and details to uphold your claim of my Senate's incompetence.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


@Ehndras: you misunderstood what Geronus said. Lysander (ruler of Kabrinskia) did not propose that Asylon turn on Terran. Glaumring proposed to Kabrinskia that Asylon would turn on Terran, allying with Kabrinskia to launch a joint attack on Terran. Lysander declined the offer because, quite simply, no one outside Kabrinskia trusts Glaumring even the slightest bit.

@Glaumring: I don't even know what to say anymore. Your paranoia is completely out of control. The only thing I can say is that I honestly hope this war does last a long time. The whole north needs a good war.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Wait, wait, wait. He's bitching about treachery and HE offered to betray us?

Discussion over. Goodbye.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Wait wait wait, FOOD.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Gustav Kuriga


+25% increase in food production <3
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


my region now produces a max of 14 bushels, oh yeah what a bounty.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.