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Religion is missing something?

Started by Aldwoni, March 21, 2011, 12:00:40 PM

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Quote from: Telrunya on May 27, 2011, 11:52:13 AM
That sounds highly unlikely and I believe there may have been other factors that caused something to fail. Was the region starving after the RTO (Happened to me once)? Did you get a Knight? Did you set your Estate to Authority? Did you hold the right Courts?

I'm asking, because my experiences are vastly different (Note that all these accounts are from my foggy memory, so reader beware). I personally prepared Aix, a rogue City at that time, for a Colony Takeover using only Priest options (No Diplomat back then) with around 10%-15% followers, starting from next to nothing. It took some time, surely, but we got Sympathy up enough and did the CTO. Keep up loyalty and the rest will follow from my experiences. That was of course with Army Support once the CTO was started and it became the Capital soon after, with Pontifex in the region bonus.

I have RTO'd Az Zarqua and Bisciye on my own, which were highly depopulated with high followers and Worshipful and Indifferent sympathy respectively, but the latter was with Ambassador support of myself. Bisciye was starving right that day so got a huge hit to Loyalty etc. but thanks to my Ambassador options, I barely still managed to get it back on track after some time. If I had properly prepared Food in time, I think I would have made it without the Ambassador aid.

I have also been part of a recent RTO of Bursa, a region of 600 population, done by two Priests. It was already fully converted due previous preachings and sympathy was at the high end of Indifferent. The region was at good stats with low control and still holding fairly stable after 3-4 days, albeit Control is slipping now. This is with the Lord Estate on Authority and no Knights after 1-2 days (He came with the region, then returned to Caligus). There are no Nobles working on repairing the region, nor is the Lord holding Court. If we had done so, I would expect Bursa to be in pretty good shape now.

What I suspect is that something in the preparations or after the RTO caused it to fail, because it's certainly doable from my experiences.

We RTO'd a townsland with the assistance of two priest and a single knight doing police work. So like Telrunya I seriously doubt the orginal statement. But then it is quickly getting to the point were I simply ignore DC's statements due to the unreasonable levels of hyperbole.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 27, 2011, 10:17:54 AMNoooooh! It's not a bug, it's a feature!

No, it's a bug. Or at least I would consider it a bug.

QuoteSeriously, I think it's great. The result is not as dramatic as what a priest can do, there is no "Diplomatic Take Over" for example, but it has the advantage of being covert.

It is realist too, talking to the right people without anyone noticing is what spies do.

So, there's a region with 10,000 people in it. And you're going to spend enough time in the region, talking to enough people, and spreading around enough gold, that you're going to convince enough them that Keplerstan isn't really so bad as all that, and the other nobles in the region that run with the same crowd are not going to notice this? But a priest can meet with 30 local peasants, convince maybe two of them to join Keplerism, and everyone in the region, and surrounding regions, notices?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Jens Namtrah on May 27, 2011, 12:28:05 AMyes, but the whole point of this thread is how that really isn't working most of the time, and religion needs some help to spruce it up a bit. Obviously Rulers have something founders don't, cause look at all the Realms we have.
And look at all the religions we have, too. Yes, some religions are crap. But so are some realms, too.

Quote6) yes, for now it would have to be a single realm army. I would like to see "army diplomacy", where armies match against armies first, then align by realm, but that's another thread and a complex idea
And thus further erode the power and authority of the ruler, removing one of the few powers that is reserved solely for the ruler. And further obscuring the "team" aspect of the game.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


You should at least be able to try to do it covertly. You are after all meeting with minor nobility and wealthy merchants, in their private houses.

The text says:  "You spend your bribe money, and are admitted to the mansion of a wealthy merchant and his family and business partners. You sit down in an elegant parlor with your host and his friends, and talk with them for 6 hours."

If you manage to convince these people of the justness of your cause, and they accept your bribe, then does it not make sense that they would not want this fact known by the authorities? Few politicians publically admit that they are influenced by a free-spending lobbyist; rather they all claim to have come indepentantly to the conclusion that Keplerstan is really a great friend.

I could see the case that it should not always succeed at being covert. The game already has various levels of success ("Your tongue is silver tonight", "Most of your audience is unimpressed", etc). When the action fails, then it could become public, but the successful ones should not.

To compare to the action of a priest is unfair. Priests, by definition, preach in public. That's also why it is free: believers don't ask for bribes!
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 27, 2011, 11:17:05 AM
Ah, yes, but paganism in BM relates to unorganized religious beliefs.

In that sense, the domestic roman worship could be seen as paganism, but the organized temples and imperial worship is definitely an organized religion. If you want to act as a religious body, then you need to form yourself into one.

but what about the we don't care what they believe as long as it ain't X. isn't it a bit artificial to have to set up Y to get rid of X?


Quote from: fodder on May 27, 2011, 04:04:29 PM
but what about the we don't care what they believe as long as it ain't X. isn't it a bit artificial to have to set up Y to get rid of X?

You still have to set up Y to define "we".

Unless you do it at the level of the realm; but in that case you do it with the secular tools at your disposal. You don't need to found a religion to arrest and ban priests.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Stue (DC) on May 27, 2011, 10:25:25 AMThe main point is in balance, and such scenario you mention is unrealistic. If, say, religion, with 10-15 temples would provide income equal to some small-sized cities, how could any ruler ever bother to found religion, "recruit" enough priests and followers, just to ensure some modest funding? I cannot imagine that. It is intended for those who have no other mans except such one, and no-one who has much more efficient way to earn money would ever bother. Moreover, so much effort is needed  that I truly don't believe anybody would found religion and do so much religious job just to take some moderate funds. Net income would be side-effect for those who are fully in religion anyhow, giving them some small power.

Not unrealistic at all. I've seen it. Religions are often founded for the sole purpose of supporting realms. And if that's not the original purpose, they often end up that way, too. And how do they recruit priests? It is quite often those doubled-up characters you mentioned earlier. Could religion be as efficient as realm taxes? Maybe not. But when your realm is already producing as much gold as it can, and you still need more, would you turn down an extra 1,000 gold a week, just because it's not as "efficient" as going out and conquering another city?

QuoteCurrent financial dependency simply renders religions unattractive.
To some people, yes, I agree. But then perhaps these people aren't cut out to play the religion game the way it is done in BattleMaster.

QuoteHowever, one of your quotes describes much: )...)that would let you move in, so long as you didn't cause trouble(...).
That is the point! If you are so sure that someone will not cause trouble, ever, because he is so weak and will never be able to become very influential, you are taking care to make eternal stall  :-[
So, wait, you think that religions should be given so much power over the state that any newbie religion should be able to move into a realm against that realm's will, cause as much trouble as they want, and have the realm unable to kick them out without it causing major problems? That's simply ridiculous, and the argument holds absolutely no weight at all.

QuoteAgain, i don't see it in practice after many, many months of silent checking. you either have net negative income because of too many buildings, or permanent loss of followers because of too little buildings. maybe there is some difference to that when some religion totally prevails in wide area, which is the case only with some large theocracies, so you have your balance when you actually don't needed as everything is in your hands anyhow :-X
How many times do I have to say it? It is intentional that religions are not self-sustaining in gold flow without noble sponsors.

QuoteRTO's does not work without large addition support of courtiers, police-work etc.. which you will not get if you are not tool of mundane powers.
This is not correct. I have seen RTOs done by lone priests, or priests with little support.

But even with that ignored, you are again contradicting yourself. You've already complained that priests are relegated to auxiliary attachments to the army. So, you're an attachment to the army. That means you have the support you're just complaining that you can't work without.

Quotein general that is ok that region needs different kinds of work to be maintained, but than it should be distributed fairly. with all priest powers i had, i tried to prepare region with about 600 population and lowest stats, to raise morale and loyalty before rto, to have it stable after rto, but did not manage it with rl 6 months of attempts, region that is outside of any route.

if you cannot use your highest power for even such insignificant region, than you really cannot create alternative way.
Then maybe something was working against you, and you should have given up long before that. These results are so far outside of any that I've seen or heard of that I can't credit it as typical, or even a bit out of the ordinary, without thinking there has to be some serious things working against you.

Quoteon the other hand, if we would want fair balance, than pagan peasants should make more troubles.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. Pagan does not mean "atheist without religion". It means they don't follow an official game-mechanics-sanctioned organized religion. There is no way that I would ever support a change.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. Pagan does not mean "atheist without religion". It means they don't follow an official game-mechanics-sanctioned organized religion. There is no way that I would ever support a change.

Quick question: does the "The peasants are unhappy that the local Lord does not follow the majority religion" appear if the majority religion is paganism? I think it would make sense that it does, even when the Lord is also pagan: after all, if it's not organized, it's probably not the same brand of paganism.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 27, 2011, 04:22:31 PMQuick question: does the "The peasants are unhappy that the local Lord does not follow the majority religion" appear if the majority religion is paganism? I think it would make sense that it does, even when the Lord is also pagan: after all, if it's not organized, it's probably not the same brand of paganism.
I do not believe it does. As I said in a previous post, that would be a possibility. But it should probably not be as strong as the current effect. If the local lord is a pagan, it's completely possible that he follows some of the local beliefs.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 27, 2011, 04:22:31 PM
Quick question: does the "The peasants are unhappy that the local Lord does not follow the majority religion" appear if the majority religion is paganism? I think it would make sense that it does, even when the Lord is also pagan: after all, if it's not organized, it's probably not the same brand of paganism.

When the majority of peasants in a region are pagans, there is no majority belief

"Paganism" in BM is not a single religion: it simply means the hodgepodge of local superstitions and beliefs that exist outside of organized religions.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on May 27, 2011, 05:49:43 PM
When the majority of peasants in a region are pagans, there is no majority belief

"Paganism" in BM is not a single religion: it simply means the hodgepodge of local superstitions and beliefs that exist outside of organized religions.

Yes, I know. The point is the current system encourages pagan Lords to simply forbid all preaching and temple building, and this gives them all the same advantages as joining a religion and working on preaching their region to majority belief would. It's a minor point, but it is a factor.

Since there is no majority belief, wouldn't it make sense to say that a majority of the people have a faith different than that of the Lord, whatever it is?

Then aligning the Lords and the peasant's faith would be a bonus, rather than misalignment being a malus that can be negated by not having religions at all.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 27, 2011, 04:07:03 PM
You still have to set up Y to define "we".

Unless you do it at the level of the realm; but in that case you do it with the secular tools at your disposal. You don't need to found a religion to arrest and ban priests.

but the thing is.. you can't round up peasants who believe in evil things and kill the lot of them. you can't even get the priests unless you are a follower.

the "we" would be anything but X.. but most typically a religion so minor that it doesn't get founded officially in the game.. i guess part of the pagan stuff.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 27, 2011, 06:32:56 PMYes, I know. The point is the current system encourages pagan Lords to simply forbid all preaching and temple building, and this gives them all the same advantages as joining a religion and working on preaching their region to majority belief would. It's a minor point, but it is a factor.

Then aligning the Lords and the peasant's faith would be a bonus, rather than misalignment being a malus that can be negated by not having religions at all.

Religions can offer other benefits to their members than just "not causing trouble". Religions can actively aid in maintaining a region, defend against hostile faiths, provide important diplomatic and social connections, provide help in attaining all kinds of political goals, etc. If your religion can't do any of those things, and can't convince the average pagan lord to join your faith, then, frankly, your religion sucks.

Now, I'm not saying that you should be able to convince every lord to join your faith. Or even every *pagan* lord. But you have to be willing to be creative about how you recruit people to your cause. Your religion has to offer them *something* they want.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: fodder on May 27, 2011, 07:21:02 PMbut the thing is.. you can't round up peasants who believe in evil things and kill the lot of them. you can't even get the priests unless you are a follower.
This is not correct. Arresting a priest is a diplomatic action available to anyone with a police unit. All it takes is a war declaration against the priest's realm. And a lord can tear down any temple in his region.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Stue (DC)

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
Not unrealistic at all. I've seen it. Religions are often founded for the sole purpose of supporting realms. And if that's not the original purpose, they often end up that way, too. And how do they recruit priests? It is quite often those doubled-up characters you mentioned earlier. Could religion be as efficient as realm taxes? Maybe not. But when your realm is already producing as much gold as it can, and you still need more, would you turn down an extra 1,000 gold a week, just because it's not as "efficient" as going out and conquering another city?

Again, that is issue of balance. If it is not 1000 gold a week, but, say, 200-250 gold of week, noone would make effort to bring 4-5 active priests to run around for sole purpose of collecting money.

Times you were referring about were other opposite of the extreme, which I did not like, and at that time I had only positive feelings about religious upkeep implementation. Now the balance is tilted too much to the other side in my opinion.

When I compare those two circumstances - I was a ruler of the realm where overly rich religion was threatening to bring realm to collapse in some situations; yet, that was incomparably more interesting than now, when religions are so sterilized that they are actually dying.
At that time, even if some religions were indeed interested in money only (while it is not unrealistic, actually), elders were serious political players, did not need clone-relatives to bolster that.

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
To some people, yes, I agree. But then perhaps these people aren't cut out to play the religion game the way it is done in BattleMaster.

In this discussion, I think we can come to similar conclusion often, even if not agreeing completely. What I am saying most of time is that it is pity if we are forced to play in one way only. Why we are so limited in ways to play in game world that looks so wide and deep? I think it is pity. Earlier, BM was described as a game when you learning as you are playing, and surprises are possible even after long-time play. Now we could make manual "play this way and you will achieve something, other ways do not work, be sure, don't waste time on it" Is it good for the game? I believe no.

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
So, wait, you think that religions should be given so much power over the state that any newbie religion should be able to move into a realm against that realm's will, cause as much trouble as they want, and have the realm unable to kick them out without it causing major problems? That's simply ridiculous, and the argument holds absolutely no weight at all.
How many times do I have to say it? It is intentional that religions are not self-sustaining in gold flow without noble sponsors.

Here you figure out some extreme scenario which I do not see how it could be realized. New religions take long time to establish themselves in some regions/realms, so by the time they are very influential, they are no newbies at all.

If they hide their true intention for long time - is it not kind of game that could draw interest? If you believe them initially that they are peaceful, but lose your trust after a while, you will try to find new religion to neutralize them, or even form state religion to neutralize such threats forever.
Such activities require some in-game effort, some play and that is what i am advocating.
You dislike new religions and do not trust them? ok:  1. form state religion, 2. disallow any new religions 3. secretly support religion you trust to neutralize them 4. declare war to realm that mostly supports hostile religions and destroy all their temples 5. ban all nobles in your realm found to support hostile religions ... etc, etc. all that option providing some in-game fun and drama

making religions completely powerless deprives us from all of that, why something that can be dealt with in multitude of in-game ways should be blocked by design? i believe that proves how some tweaks degrade gameplay, but that is only my own opinion, of course.

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
This is not correct. I have seen RTOs done by lone priests, or priests with little support.

One of my chars had at least six or seven successful rto's over two rl years time, and while that experience is not absolute, it is also not to be underestimated. i hold region in the middle of enemy theocracy for more than rl month, completely surrounded by enemy regions. that regions had much of our followers, and we preached around so they were afraid to arrest us fearing of major revolt. even large army could not do anything useful, and they finally recruited bunch of priests to oppose two of us.

that was possible only because religion was established, with ample of religious building still around. that would not be possible any more, because all that buildings would require additional funding and only duke's brother would be interested to do that all, while lot of rp-s, and political negotiations was caused by such situation at those times.

the sole action of rto works best without any help, but i am talking about actually gaining regions for materialistic purpose of religion funding, is that what you proposed as scenario of how to make religion more powerful? it will not work these days. rto's are futile without much of mentioned support. the only regions which could be self-sustainable after rto are the same ones who have too high control level for rto to be possible at all. where will you find region with high stats, province level, major number of your followers to even attempt it? nowhere, though taking regions in good shape would be only thing to create some drama. i am not saying that should be too easy, i am only saying that should be possible, currently it is near to impossible.

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
But even with that ignored, you are again contradicting yourself. You've already complained that priests are relegated to auxiliary attachments to the army. So, you're an attachment to the army. That means you have the support you're just complaining that you can't work without.

what is contradiction? all the time i am saying some action and life of religions should be possible without so much additional support being necessary.

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
Then maybe something was working against you, and you should have given up long before that. These results are so far outside of any that I've seen or heard of that I can't credit it as typical, or even a bit out of the ordinary, without thinking there has to be some serious things working against you.

you are completely right, but i am not giving up, because one of main, if not the only interest in BM is finding different ways, and creating interesting interaction and drama. if i give up of it, i am actually giving up of bm. tell the truth, do you think i am the only one who thinks bm needs more competition, more interesting events, more diversity in way how to play and still be around instead of being smashed for most of unusual attempts? all what it takes is some more tweaks, not revoluition

Quote from: Indirik on May 27, 2011, 04:16:05 PM
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. Pagan does not mean "atheist without religion". It means they don't follow an official game-mechanics-sanctioned organized religion. There is no way that I would ever support a change.
i think medieval times work similarly to game mechanics, and someone mentioned it on posts - if you have no temples of your beliefs, you are pagan whatever you believe in privately. moreover, peasants donations to religions are as mandatory as all their other taxes, and they go to faith directly, and if we would aim for accuracy, faiths would receive tax shares the same way as realm taxes. and in many countries that made religions richer than landed lords, as they had double income - income from realm-wide taxing plus income from their own estates! at least that is how things work in medieval countries i know about.