Author Topic: War please.  (Read 91686 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: War please.
« Reply #180: July 01, 2012, 09:02:06 PM »
The "change you think is best"  presupposes that Barca actually *wants* to change. Apparently, though, they don't, so therefore "no change" is best for Barca. So the true question really is "What can we do to appease Mendicant?"

Well, if Barca don't want to change. Fine, they don't have to, but if they want Mendicant to hand them their lands, they will. Of course, Mendicant was lead to believe they were discussing possible change, and wasn't informed of any reticence to enacting policy reforms.

Not from the way I read NoblesseChevaleresque's posts. Begging for vassalage indicates cowardice and weakness, and would provoke an attack. In fact, I can't really see anything Barca could have done to stop the attack. Which is fine, really. Aurvandil wanted a war, so they picked a decent provocation (insults from the Barcan ambassador) and went in with guns blazing. +1 for Aurvandil.

Naturally, why would Aurvandil seek a weak and cowardly vassal? One that would debase itself so thoroughly as to beg? We would only defame ourselves by association.

Barca could have avoided the war, there are other realms we could have fought, since it's not really a fair war, Aurvandil vs Barca (which is also why we aren't taking regions, that would just be boring for everyone and ruin the possibility of future conflicts)...  But yes, Aurvandil wanted war and Barca handed us one when their Ambassador invested so much into insulting the High Sovereign; we can't just sit around doing nothing but collecting tax gold, that is just... complacent mediocrity, something I/we (Same thing when your a King using the royal we) have to do something unless we want Aurvandil to become a realm that just exists because they exist, not because they do anything or have any worth or impact to the entertainment of the game. With any luck Barca and Aurvandil will agree to peace so we can find something even funner to do.

That's my perception too. And I'm fine with that; clever aggression is neat.

I'm just OOCly confused about why the players in Aurvandil are OOCly insisting otherwise.

I'm arguing our IC reasons, which wasn't just "We want a war", but OOC we did want a war, and Barca basically obligated us through our own Roleplayed culture and honour to fight a war.

So there is some big problem you are saying that you want fixed but can be fixed many ways, what is that?

That is correct, there are many ways to fix it, we'll let them pick which way they want, and which way they think is best for Barca.