Author Topic: War please.  (Read 87020 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: War please.
« Reply #255: July 04, 2012, 02:52:48 AM »
I think the worst thing about dwilight is that Aurvandil and SA can't realisticly fight, the distance is too great.

OOC is irrelevant utterly to our options of making vassel states, we arn't game masters so we do what our realms and characters would do IC which most certainly isn't putting our enemies on the naughty step for a while for the sake of OOC amusement. And anyway, apparently we're evil saxons even if we did start doing OOC things for other peoples amusement someone would complain.

You can do things consistent with both principles you know. Noblesse-whatever has already outlined perfectly good IC reasons for not doing what you suggested, which also happen to jibe well with OOC considerations about making sure you still have enemies left to fight after the dust settles.

And that's my point. If you make your victories too complete you'll run out of things to fight, and then the game lapses into complete boredom.