Author Topic: Where to Go ;)  (Read 28149 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Where to Go ;)
« Reply #45: June 26, 2012, 10:01:17 PM »
No, pretty much the other way around.

Name change requests are for changing from bad names to good names. They are not for changing names for your own convenience, because you no longer like the old name, or because you want to change the name for your character's RP.

Until and unless Tom changes the policy, they are solely for ensuring that people have an option for getting rid of stupid names like "DragonRider xXxNinjaKillerzxXx". (Or, y'know, less extremely stupid, but still stupid ;D )

Er, doesn't emigrating basically force you to change your character's name if someone on the destination island is already using it? Or does it just block you from emigrating altogether? I thought it just made you change the character name. Then again, this could just be one of those times where I got some idea in my head about how things work that isn't accurate...

Seems kind of harsh to completely block a character from going somewhere... He could delete the character, but then he has to wait two weeks before he can go to BT. IMO you should be able to change your character's name during emigration if someone at the destination is already using it...