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A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.

Started by Allomere, June 29, 2012, 06:19:43 PM

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The earth embankments and woodworks that formed the defensive curtain to the city seemed to blend with the forest that lay to all sides.

To live in such woodland squalor was the height of depravity. Even the conscripted street children of The Imperial City formerly lived like nobility by comparison.

"The nobles live in the woodland too. To say living in a woodland is depraved... Is quite insulting and uncalled for."

Oh be serious. It's meant to show the derision Allomere holds for woodlands and jungles, the kind he's had to deal with in Madina and now with Barca trekking through 2 days of forest, and therein regardless of how offensive you may perceive it to be it is Allomere's perception, not yours, which matters. If my character thinks its depraved then he thinks it is, it's a private thought. Even if it was a public comment he spoke,  OOC you still have no business contesting it under objections to "rudeness" and "offense". That's sort of the point of roleplay, displaying things you can't say out loud to give angles and dimensions to characters and events. You really can't be OOC offended about an indirect IC event.

"But to truly see it in some of the ways as described, as his character truly does, that is just wrong in my opinion."

Nice, but he's a snob. That's his view, so as far as IC is concerned it can't be "wrong".

Actually yes, I did use the wiki page when consulting the layout of the city, hence I said it was tiered as it shown to be. But Rettleville was only conquered a short time before Aurvandil and I know the fortifications were only level two when I first saw them so I assume they were rebuilt from nothing. Unless you're saying the walls fell down and were rebuilt identically as the picture it's a moot point since what is shown is technically a former fortification. Semblance seems more convincing than absolutes, it's meant to convey the idea of the city than say "Forever this is what it shall be!"

"Earth and wood was a by gone age... This is a game mirroring the time of the Middle Ages. Earth and wood as a fortress would not have lasted long. No doubt they have wooden buildings, but I doubt a fortress, as described by the game, would be wood and earth. Also, they can always import stone."

Incorrect, seriously incorrect. Wood and Earth a by-gone in the Medieval times? BM has to be between the years 1000-1300, early and mid medieval. Plenty of wooden castles, extensive wooden castles as well. Some of the South Downs Hill Forts in Southern England are 2500 years old and they were made from banked earth and wood. By-gone? Not by a long shot. They last. Castles are not just identical stone monoliths. Even more to the point this is a walled city, and the vast vast vast majority of cities with defences had wooden walls during this period, or outer wooden palisades with stoneworks inside. The idea you could just erect 50foot high stone block walls around every settlement is entirely unrealistic, it didn't happen. Neither the resources nor the wealth do to it.

History and fact aside, the definition of walls and fortifications really are a transient matter. Did at any point I actually say the walls themselves were made of wood? I said to the effect that there was a wood palisade curtain around the city at the forest's edge and earthworks, either remnants of old former fortifications or exactly the kind of defences which surrounded even walled castles when in forests. I don't know if any of you have ever visited a real actual castle or know much about various examples or the evidence we have of those that were, but you don't just have a forest, then a bit of open ground, then castle walls. Palisades ring plenty of castles as livestock buffers, cheap outer defences, and just as a general cordon to define where the woodland is to be held back from the castle. Then you have the proper walls afterwards.

Peckforton Castle, Beeston Castle, Raby Castle, Nottingham Castle, I could keep naming examples.

So yes, if you were entering a castle compound within a  wooden enclosure the palisade if it existed, would be all around you and enclosing the castle as an outer barrier. Rettleville may or may not be like that. Historical accuracy suggests it would be and nothing actually in the description nor the wiki says otherwise. Maybe Allomere was only imagining it or mistook the treeline to be palisade defenses. It really doesn't matter either way. You might note I tried very little to describe the innards of the city since to that extent I can only be generic and speculate so I made a point of leaving it grey. The fact I said it was on a rocky outcrop as shown pretty much guarantees it has stone walls when it comes to the actual city boundary.

I took the liberty of assuming the Senate had marble steps which considering Barca's Carthaginian-esque culture seems very likely. I can only prostrate myself for forgiveness if they are actually granite.

And it's a Level 4 Stronghold, and for a city that can mean annnyyything. If a Fortress is all stone then a Stronghold is somewhere between a mostly wood Fort and a Fortress. Otherwise Citadel's must simply be mountains of fantasy-style Minas Tirith's.

"Amusingly, the people are also described as displaying "some trappings of civilization but also a tinge of savage passion for the environment as one would expect from those who not only live within nature but are at one with the spirits of the woods.""

Yes thank you for that, that's why I tried to hint at a bit of ruralism and had Allomere respond with the kind of snobbishness he did. As I said, he didn't know if the peasants wore leaves or simply covered themselves in mud. He didn't care to look at them to see either way he just made a judgement. Civilisation is something you observe and judge for yourself, and it is making clear that Aurvandil has a sort of xenophobic contempt for almost any other culture. Every Barcan peasant could be laced in gold and Allomere could go Inca and say "Gold? How worthless. They might as well wear mud" Nothing would be good enough.

As usual the pedantic will have their way anyway. I dare not roleplay entering through a gate next time, else the lord might confront me and say "We don't have gates! We have Arches!" "Our peasants aren't free to line the streets, they're all in cages!" If you play that game no one wins. Probably why BM has no roleplay. You enjoy your bland and sensitive roleplays, if you even do them, and I'll continue to embellish mine as reasonably as I can for the point of doing them ; flavour and entertainment.
Aurvandil - Knight Hausos At Arms Allomere de' Striguile
Vive le Souverain!!!
Ave Auziwandilaz!!!


Quote from: Penchant on June 29, 2012, 08:50:40 PM
I believe he would like to discuss the matter of Barca's war though I think it would be great to have this copied to the roleplay section.  I also think this could be a counter to the thread titled "this is how not to declare war" so he is saying he declared war in a very good way, which I must admit the roleplay to be great though I am not sure about if I agree with how he declared war.

That was much the idea ;)
Aurvandil - Knight Hausos At Arms Allomere de' Striguile
Vive le Souverain!!!
Ave Auziwandilaz!!!

Glaumring the Fox

Here here Allomere! I support you. This argument is pathetic. You guys cant be serious. They are doing the same thing to you guys that they do to me. Gang up and circle like sharks because we make BM good and they are jealous of who we are and how we play. They cant beat us IG so they try any way to tear us down into mediocrity. I say no way!!!!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on June 30, 2012, 12:11:56 AM
My god you guys are so sensitive. Anytime anyone does anything Outside of your tight little roleplay scripts its freak out time. Asylon is a complete medieval !@#$ hole, an Aucandiilian would vomit their guts out if they hung around us for 5 minutes.

You mean... like how you rage and piss and moan when realms gang up on you because you did absolutely everything possible to gain the dislike of everyone? My god, they're declaring war because you insulted them and proved yourself to be the most unreliable ruler in Dwilight. The audacity!

Glaumring the Fox

No Halleria you proved yourself to be the most unreliable noble in Dwilight. My rule when its done will be recognized as sublime and strange, you are a footnote, I am a king. You are just a traitor, I am a man who leads gods into war against all odds.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Personally I thought the RP was pretty awesome! I get that some people are annoyed the depiction of their city, but I thought it was pretty clear from the way the rp was phrased that the whole thing wasn't supposed to be an objective description of the city but rather an insight into how it seems from an Aurvandilian perspective. I mean for example "uncivilized" is not an objective word, it's entirely based on the cultural expectations of the one who is saying it, so I think it's saying a lot more about Allomere than it is about Barca.

In any case obviously in future I think it's clear that people want more care taken when describing their cities, and at the end of the day there's no point in causing unecassery controversy by persisting in things other players find offensive. However I do hope this doesn't discourage people like Allomere from posting rps- it was a very enjoyable rp to read and gives those of us not in Aurvandil an insight into their motivations (other than "they are evil Saxons" which ofc is what my character believes IG)


Quote from: Allomere on June 30, 2012, 02:30:42 AM
I took the liberty of assuming the Senate had marble steps which considering Barca's Carthaginian-esque culture seems very likely. I can only prostrate myself for forgiveness if they are actually granite.
This really made me laugh out loud (in a good way).

Quote from: Allomere on June 30, 2012, 02:30:42 AM
"Amusingly, the people are also described as displaying "some trappings of civilization but also a tinge of savage passion for the environment as one would expect from those who not only live within nature but are at one with the spirits of the woods.""
Was this quote from the region description by Arden Fury? It sounds so familiar. I can't check. If so, that would be mine. First time ever my description was quoted if so. It was during Ordenstaat's time and that was how I pictured Ordenstaat living in the forest - loosely based on elves' affinity for the forest. That beautiful picture of Rettleville was done by the player of Milmice.

Glaumring the Fox

Some people here think they own BM.

I thought his Rp was beautiful. His writing very interesting. Bravo.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Well, the Rp is wonderful, but a bit 'offensive'... although, they are a bunch of Saxons! You really expect from them, to be pleasant people?  8)

I better have an 'biased' Rp, than have no Rp.  ;D

Glaumring the Fox

We live lives in beautiful lies...


It was Offensive!... in a 'in-game' meaning, of course!

They can be stupid peasants, but they are MY stupid peasants!  ;D

Glaumring the Fox

We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Fury on June 30, 2012, 11:31:27 AM
This really made me laugh out loud (in a good way).
Was this quote from the region description by Arden Fury? It sounds so familiar. I can't check. If so, that would be mine. First time ever my description was quoted if so. It was during Ordenstaat's time and that was how I pictured Ordenstaat living in the forest - loosely based on elves' affinity for the forest. That beautiful picture of Rettleville was done by the player of Milmice.

It's from the region description on the Wiki.


Quote from: Velax on June 30, 2012, 06:47:45 PM
It's from the region description on the Wiki.
Ah, yes - in reading the whole description I remember now. Not sure if the original region description IG is still there but I copied it to the wiki 3 years ago. I only made one entry on Rettleville on the Wiki and this was it:

19:25, 25 March 2009‎ Fury (Talk | contribs)‎ . . (+739)‎ . .


The description on the wiki indeed dates back to the time Ordenstaat ruled over the city of Rettleville.

But about the role-play of Allomere. I applaud his writing style and his efforts to write a role-play before declaring war, however many details about how my city should look like or how my peasants are dressed and whatever are imposed on me. And I am not the one to write a role-play back to correct everything mentioned in the role-play and make it look like Allomere was drunk or on drugs when he said it. Besides that, I can hardly confront Allomere as my character would have little in-game knowledge about what has been said by Allomere before he entered the city, because most likely Julius was sitting on his ass in his ducal palace during that time.

That I haven't wrote a region description myself is because I have just been appointed as Governor of Rettleville. That doesn't mean that I haven't thought about it, and I certainly have a Carthaginian-esque culture in mind.

What I do, just ignore the role-play and write my own description when I have time for it.
"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar