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A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.

Started by Allomere, June 29, 2012, 06:19:43 PM

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Quote from: Galvez on June 30, 2012, 10:01:55 PM
The description on the wiki indeed dates back to the time Ordenstaat ruled over the city of Rettleville.

But about the role-play of Allomere. I applaud his writing style and his efforts to write a role-play before declaring war, however many details about how my city should look like or how my peasants are dressed and whatever are imposed on me. And I am not the one to write a role-play back to correct everything mentioned in the role-play and make it look like Allomere was drunk or on drugs when he said it. Besides that, I can hardly confront Allomere as my character would have little in-game knowledge about what has been said by Allomere before he entered the city, because most likely Julius was sitting on his ass in his ducal palace during that time.

That I haven't wrote a region description myself is because I have just been appointed as Governor of Rettleville. That doesn't mean that I haven't thought about it, and I certainly have a Carthaginian-esque culture in mind.

What I do, just ignore the role-play and write my own description when I have time for it.

QuoteDon't RP other peoples' characters for them. This is a form of "powerplaying" and happens when, for example, you RP something with a serious effect on another character without their permission.

If you want, you can bring a Magistrate case against Allomere. Otherwise, stop complaining about it.


Quote from: egamma on June 30, 2012, 11:35:36 PM
If you want, you can bring a Magistrate case against Allomere. Otherwise, stop complaining about it.

For what its worth, I think that was Galvez' first comment.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Then direct it at whoever raised the complaint first.


Quote from: Galvez on June 30, 2012, 10:01:55 PM
The description on the wiki indeed dates back to the time Ordenstaat ruled over the city of Rettleville.

But about the role-play of Allomere. I applaud his writing style and his efforts to write a role-play before declaring war, however many details about how my city should look like or how my peasants are dressed and whatever are imposed on me. And I am not the one to write a role-play back to correct everything mentioned in the role-play and make it look like Allomere was drunk or on drugs when he said it. Besides that, I can hardly confront Allomere as my character would have little in-game knowledge about what has been said by Allomere before he entered the city, because most likely Julius was sitting on his ass in his ducal palace during that time.

That I haven't wrote a region description myself is because I have just been appointed as Governor of Rettleville. That doesn't mean that I haven't thought about it, and I certainly have a Carthaginian-esque culture in mind.

What I do, just ignore the role-play and write my own description when I have time for it.

Don't worry soon you wont have a city or peasants to be offended about :)


Quote from: Velax on June 29, 2012, 11:34:58 PM
So, getting rid of all the superfluous crap, Aurvandil tool three regions from Barca that didn't belong to them, and the Aurvandil response to Barca's failed negotiations is to...take more regions?

Because our Ambassador insulted them apparently, after they've done nothing but insult Barcan leadership, Barca as a whole, Barca's choice in Government, and the Veinsormoot. Up until this point, we'd been nothing but friendly.

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So about that battle? 3000 men is a little excessive lol. The poor moot got roflstomped.


Quote from: Lanyon on July 22, 2012, 06:53:25 AM
So about that battle? 3000 men is a little excessive lol. The poor moot got roflstomped.

Yes indeed. Half the 'Moot's troops were defensive, half were aggressive--so half our forces charged forward, and Aurvandil got to eat us in bite-sized pieces, which made it even worse.


Yea i saw that in the AAR. That's unfortunate for yall.


Yeah... didn't help that we had an archer-heavy force on a windy day, Barca's military leadership is in disarray (general paused or something), and Aurvandil had 60 banners.

Not terribly shocking. We'll just have to get better next time.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


So, did the poop I took in Mendicant's bed have anything to do with this war? Oh, I hope so.


D'Hara & Terran: We will help you by attacking Aurvandil

Barca: Thanks, but we don't need your help. We almost have peace.

D'Hara & Terran: Well, thats too bad, we're gonna do it anyway. We need the food from the regions that you lost.


Well, now they should have a whole lot of dead horses to eat around the 'Moot realms!


Quote from: Vellos on July 22, 2012, 07:05:41 AM
Yeah... didn't help that we had an archer-heavy force on a windy day, Barca's military leadership is in disarray (general paused or something), and Aurvandil had 60 banners.

Not terribly shocking. We'll just have to get better next time.

That relies heavily upon the assumption that Aurvandil will let you rally a joint army again, which is rather contraindicated by our usual quick and decisive military strategy of going for the jugular right of the bat, and since Barca rallied to fight us whilst in peace talks, we aren't inclined to be merciful this time around.

Quote from: Bael on July 22, 2012, 10:24:20 AM
D'Hara & Terran: We will help you by attacking Aurvandil

Barca: Thanks, but we don't need your help. We almost have peace.

D'Hara & Terran: Well, thats too bad, we're gonna do it anyway. We need the food from the regions that you lost.

Which is amusing because all D'Hara had to do was ask for trade, as they did in the past many times and we could have sold them thousands of bushels in a week, even during the war with Barca we would have sold them food if they asked. Now the Veinsormoot will find a lot more on the line for them than just food.


Quote from: Bael on July 22, 2012, 10:24:20 AM
D'Hara & Terran: We will help you by attacking Aurvandil

Barca: Thanks, but we don't need your help. We almost have peace.

D'Hara & Terran: Well, thats too bad, we're gonna do it anyway. We need the food from the regions that you lost.


D'Hara and Terran: Repeated reasonable queries about war, its possibility, etc

Barca: Yes, rally your armies.

D'Hara and Terran: Okay. We'll commit to this if you need us to.

Barca: Cool deal bro.

(two weeks later)

D'Hara and Terran: Okay, we're ready for war.

Barca: Oh sorry lol jk. We were just !@#$ing with you.

D'Hara and Terran: Oh, so you horribly botched your foreign affairs and managed to be a cluster!@#$? Again?

Barca: Well sure if you wanna attack Aurvandil we'll support you.

D'Hara and Terran: Yeah, we're kinda starving here.

Barca: Oh by the way we're going to have the wrong marshal settings, our general abandon us, and our nobles marching in the wrong direction. Is that okay?

D'Hara and Terran: ....

(possible future)

Terran: Wanna kill Barca?

D'Hara: Hell to the yes.

"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I think we have already done a pretty good job of killing barca so far. Y'all sure you don't wanna just be friends  :P .