Author Topic: Clan from Fontan/Aurvandil now in Armonia  (Read 19212 times)


  • Knight
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Usually I dont get involved in ooc stuff, but this seems serious.

Armonia has always had about +5 active characters over Eponllyn; it was not even to begin with. Before the war started it was 26-21.

Most of the characters you mention here have been in Armonia since long before the war (40 days or more), and all joined at different times. We have received 6 new chars (not 10) in the last 2 weeks, but with the exception of the Nightshrouds, none of the newer characters have anything to do with Aurvandil or Fontan:

Able- 8 days
Julianne(me)- 8 days
Ramsey- 7 days
Roberd- 8 days

There may or may not be clan activity (I've seen nothing to indicate it other than the info you've provided here), but it is not related to the influx of new characters in Armonia.